Saturday, August 18, 2012


SATURDAY! Good Morning to all, on this first day of your W/E! Yes, I awoke to my favorite smell, my coffee, and then I raised up in the bed, slowly got out, and then I stopped, just long enough to say,, "thanks Lord ,,for my all" , and you know, just that little , put a smile on His face, for in this world of today,,,He must get mighty lonely, just waiting on a word from somebody, so why don't you, too, make God a really happy God, and just say,,,"thank You God for my all",, this very morning, or when ever you read this!!!!


One of the biggest inventions is the bar of soap. This has helped man to keep infection, and disease away, better than any other item, or medicine... if you use it as you should.. It also helps us to live closer together ,,,although not all uses it as they should... We, as a free nation,, the most advanced nation in the world,, with more commodities than any other.. and we do not use our simple "bar of soap"as we should. Take it away,,and we would be up in arms,, (if we could raise them) and there would be committees in Congress,,, heads of states,, and our people forming protests as to the smell,,,and then the ones who would form protests to protest the removal of the smell...Ha! ,, yes ,,we are a fun nation.. are we not? Then when we all won the use of that soap back, our new found , again freedom,,,, would we continue to use it?,,, or go back to ,ugh!!!,,, smelling?
Freedom abundant,,, complaints,,, more abundant!!! Be in one of the third world countries,, and you would welcome that bar of soap,,,and you would even welcome more,,, the water to wash in,,,that is clean enough to wash in, and the freedom to use it,, yes,,, freedom to use it.....a commodity you have ,and don't think about...
Another one of your freedoms you have ,,, to do with,,, as your wish,,,,, that is freedom of religion,, to worship as you wish, or not to worship at all,,, your choice,, your freedom... and my friends, not all the world has that freedom!!!!!
Now ,,, think about what I have written,, and remember your cleaning solution,,, now that you have it,,,
A FREEDOM OF THIS NATION,,, what will you do with


May we all be washed clean of our sins,,, by being washed in the blood of Jesus,,, and use this freedom you get... to stand up and testify of this cleansing "bar of soap",, the Son of Man,, Jesus Christ.. amen

John HIcks
Washed,,, and standing up for the freedom given me,, by Him,, and standing for this Nation,,, and letting all know,,, this nation was formed by God and remains One Nation Under God... and I stand for this above all.... are you washed in His blood ?,,and who do you stand for above all?

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