TUESDAY- Today, as you go out to your day,, remember, you are not the only person walking around in this big ole world... so, no mater how you are received, just be sure you receive with "courteousness", and "sincere-ness",,, (are these really words?), but you get my drift? You be the one to set the example,,, just as Jesus did,,, He set the example for us all to follow, but I am afraid, more follow that other guys example,,, than our Jesus, so, you be the one,,, stand out, be an example for Him, and to show who to really follow! O.K.? Have a great Tuesday, and may God bless you in all you do...that is for Him!
I have had more to ask me , just what does this cross in the yard mean,,, and I tell them, it sends " A quiet, yet powerful message" .. Then they ask me , what is this message? I cannot comprehend how many actually asks this question. I have asked , have you read our pamphlet? They have, and they say, they are asked this also,, and are hit with response,,, " that little white cross, cannot save you!"... and I tell them, "No, it cannot!".. But the message can!
Of course it is just two pieces of wood stapled together,, painted, given out, driven into the ground of a yard for all to see..... I know this, we know this, but it is the "symbol"... the message of what Jesus did for us, the two freedoms this little cross represents, 1. the freedom to display it,,, 2. the right to show the world, you do believe in Jesus Christ, and you are not afraid to show it.... also one other, the BIGGEST message of all,( the message of it being there)just might be the one thing that shows someone who needs Jesus to Jesus!.. so this little cross in your yard is just two pieces of painted wood, stapled together, but WOW! DOES IT EVER SEND
God, I ask that you allow us, to continue this "Ministry", that is dedicated strictly to Your Son, Jesus, and to You, and Your Word,,, and may you give us the ability to hand these out with You , not us, in the spotlight, amen
John HIcks
Proud to have a cross in my yard, to make them, and to help in passing them out,,
For whom-ever wants one of these crosses, I will see to it that you get one, if you do not have one now, and I ask that you use that cross that you have in your self also, remember , "laminin",, yes, it was put there ,before,,, read up on this word...and have a revival within your heart! Be a worker, not a questioner(doubter!) Your choice, and only yours!
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