SATURDAY! As you go about your business on this day,, look at the color to start your day,, "green", the signal for the American people to "go" ! Yes, you can start to where-ever you decide to go,, there are no boundary lines here in the USA, and for that , we can all be thankful, for other countries, you need papers just to go out of town! While you live here in the land of the free, you only have to stop for one thing, if you have not already, and that is to stop, bow your head, ask Jesus to come into your heart, and then YOU give HIM your soul,,, and I guarantee acceptance, and I can guarantee it, for His word says He will, and that folks is a guarantee of guarantees! Now once you have made that stop, you are clear , green-lighted to continue on through your quest of this life,, this one, and yes,,, on right into His!
Yes we live in the greatest country in this world,, so look around , enjoy it, feel blessed, and then thank your God for it, and His love to let us all keep it, for now!
May all have a great Saturday,, and go with God, and not just the flow, just to to be, part of that flow!
John HIcks
Started,, on my way,,, me and my Jesus,, see you out there,, with Him by your side also? I pray that you do!
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