WEDNESDAY- Early riser today! Getting ready for a long day in the shop, but looking forward to it! I thank the Lord, for just having the freedom to go do what I want to do... and folks, we are very fortunate to be able to do that. Our blessing are large here in this nation, and I have hopes of keeping them after last nights convention. for I believe ,and it is my opinion only, of after studying the facts of the economy, and the beliefs stated from both sides, we may have a ray of light,about to shine down on us, please pray for this "ray"!!! As for today, have a great day, and keep faith, for God will prevail, on all things!!!
We all have a place we can "kinda" go to and ponder things of our minds' troubles, or entanglements..... not a hiding place ,but a place to just , well talk to ones' self, and their God.
I have more than one place, so I consider myself lucky. My favorite is in my shop, where as I work, I day-dream,, yes , we all do at times. I think about things of God, and what it must have looked like after the Creation, in the Garden, looking around to see, the animals, side by side , with no bitterness, man & woman waling, with no knowledge of sin, no aggression, total peace... wow, and then the serpent, and ...then "today" comes back into focus, the "now", and I wonder , what "bad" is going on, and what "good" is going on? I think "man" has sure made this world,,, almost impossible to live in! Are we still listening to that serpent,,, the one Eve listened too?
We have torn so much of God's works down, put up so many barriers between Him and us, barriers between us and us,, too much greed, hatred, backbiting, lust. just more and more sin!
Then I say to "myself", why do we do this? Why don't we put this much energy into doing good? If only we would!!!!!... then we could go back to this early "garden", for God forgives, and you know we have that ability to live the way God intended for us to live, we just need to use that faith, that love, that commitment,,, use it and then keep it , and out in the open! Really, we have that ability,, to pull this faith out of each of us, for we all have it
Lord, let us realize , before it is too late, that YOU COME FIRST, and we come after, and give us the strength to tell this story,, of You and Your Love of us, before all the other stories of this world.. let it always be You first, amen
John HIcks
Love from with-in is sometimes hard to dig up, but not impossible, to love and have faith, is not easy, but with the Lord, it is like "not falling off the log", for with Him, it is one step at a time,,and He will guide you, keep your journey from "one side to the other steady, and you will never slip off that log",,,, you just have to have that faith,, deep,, deep with-in.. ask Him into your heart, and feel Him, yes feel Him as He enters, ... your choice , to ask for that helping hand.. GOD! o.k.?
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