Thursday, October 10, 2013


Thursday! Getting up and out of that bed,,, sometimes is hard, and then I think of those who can't get up, for what ever reason, and would love to get their feet back on this ground, I am thankful to my God,, that I still can! Now cherish those legs, and those feet and that body that still works,, and thank your God, for someday,,,, we all will be where we can't! Have you thanked Him for anything , lately? Let's all stop just long enough to thank Him for something ,, today! Prayer Request: For Jimmy, Perry, and all the Livingston Family,, for they lost their Mother last night. I ask prayers for the family,,,,,,,,and I thank God for each of them today... please be with them is your prayers.. JESUS,, WHERE DID YOU GO? A question from billions and billions of people,,, even Peter asked Jesus,, "Lord where are you going?" (John 13: 36)NIV. I will not answer this question,, but I will write what Jesus answered Peter,, and it also answers the question above.. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you . I am going there to prepare a place for you. John 14:1-2 NIV So, the answer is,,Jesus died on the Cross, for all of us, for our sins,, He was buried,, and in three days ,, He arose ,, walked this earth,,, then rose on to the the Father in Heaven... which God had already made for you and me,,, now He is there,, yet He walks this earth still today ,,,in spirit , just as God the Father does. He is there,, and He is here, for us at all times,,, yes He can be in many ,, many places at once for He is the spirit, just as The Father, our God.. He has really and truly GONE NO-WHERE! God, thank You for Your Son, and for You,, being alive, preparing us a place, and walking with us throughout this life, and giving us eternal life of our souls for an eternity. amen John HIcks I believe that Jesus is always standing by us, night and day.. if allowed or asked, He intertwinds with us,,, and if we do not ask ,, he patiently stands by, in case we do,,, for God gave us that one thing, and charged us ,,, alone to make,, and that is to accept Jesus or not,, so it is your choice, and you must make it alone!

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