Wednesday, October 9, 2013

On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 6:22 AM, john hicks wrote: WEDNESDAY- Good morning on this middle day of our week! May God be in front of you, and foremost in your travels of this day,,,, known as "the hump day" of your week and plans to start for your w.e. Now if you really want a great W.E. ,,, then start with God today, and ask Him to be with you for the rest of your life, and mean it,, ,then travel on, with a smile and a skip in your step! PRAYER REQUEST: For Mr. Elmer Kent, who is very, very sick, and for his wife , Joy, who stands by his side, caring for him , and as bad as he is, she still smiles the smile of love to him every-time she looks at him or speaks of him... please pray that God will continue to touch these two and then keep his hand on them both! CHRISTIANS,,, TEAR DOWN THAT WALL! President Reagan, told the Russian top man, Gorbachev,,, tear down that wall!,,, and he did, and East and West Germany,, were united again... no check points, no border crossing, it was again one Germany. Now , I ask all of the Christians, to do the same thing. Don''t think you are the only ones who can worship God, and that you and your sanctuaries are for Christians only,, for he , satan, has the bars,, the houses of ill repute,, the drugs,,the gangs, the thieves, the murders, the politicians(well most of them)... and we need to be beating the bushes for these people and yes we need them setting in our pews each Sunday.. listening to that great music of "The Old Time Religion", "Amazing Grace" & other music that people know how to sing,,, and listening to the messages from God,, and all of this in person,,, and of how God saves,,, first,,, and not of how much money the church is making, for without God,,,their would be not churches, no worlds! So , Christians , talk the talk, walk the walk, and reach out.. put up more tents, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, come down out of your towers of greed , wealth, and your near-sighted of only of ones-self,,, and yes, this day,,, I cry out,, I holler as loud as I can,,,, come, join in, and let's take the word of ,, come to Him ,,, come our churches, come to our tents, and listen to Him, and join in our fight agaist satan, and let's all , quit setting on our backsides, talking the talk, but not doing it... come on,,,, CHRISTIANS, LETS' TEAR THAT WALL DOWN,,, AND LET'S GO AFTER SINNERS,, AND INVITE THEM IN, NOT LEAVE THEM OUT! WILL YOU? OR WILL YOU STILL SIT ON THAT BACKSIDE? Lord , I pray for all walls to fall, and all Your people cry out Your name, and testify of You, and tell of that offer of Your saving Grace,, and that choice you give all,,, and let all know that they are not just a Christian ,, but a practicing one... amen John HIcks Too hot today? ,, then tear down your wall and then climb over the debris, and start a new trip of a working Christian,,, well? right or wrong... again , there it is,,,,, choice!

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