Monday, October 14, 2013


Today at 7:34 AM MONDAY! Good morning! I wake up to still a free Nation,, for now...and I still wake up with God at my side by request... and I am proud to say,, that I do know that every day of my life, I will be able to wake up with God at my side, by request,,but any other that I wake up to is not guaranteed! Maybe ,, we , the people of this Nation ,,, need to wake up,,,period,, and pray out those tongues of poison we have in higher places!!! Off the soapbox, and ready to see if any other has the back-bone to get up on it and say,,, Washington ,,, release our country, put God back into it! Prayer Thanks: To God, for the 2000 who attended the Hope Tent Crusade, in Corinth Georgia last week,, for four days. Sixty Five walked the aisle to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.. Wow! God was sure working there.. and prayers are answered, and all the glory, and all the credit goes to our living and only God! SUPER HERO'S! Who is yours? Batman & Robin, Superman, Spider-man, for the cowboys of the world, The Lone Ranger? I have one,,, and He wears no mask,, He does not have to find a pone booth to change(even though their is non of those left).. nor does He have a bat cave,, nor an apartment of existence.. He stands out in the open, ready to assist all, upon request.. and no one can knock Him down, nor destruct Him,, it has already been tired, and He overcame death, and rose to walk this world,, ascend into the skies to Heaven,, and then back here to walk among us.. Yes, He is my "super Hero",, and that is JESUS CHRIST,, WHO IS YOURS? Lord, I ask this day, for all to choose Jesus as their one , their only Hero, and that they let it be known publicly,,,, and stand up for You, and for Him, and call on Jesus for their all.. amen John HIcks Let freedom ring in our Nation,, and let that freedom ring out A NATION UNDER GOD.. LED BY GODLY MEN AND WOMEN!!!.... Are we being led up on a path to a Nation under God ,, or down the path to a Nation of hell? I have my opinion, what is yours?

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