Tuesday, October 29, 2013

TUESDAY!!!!! Well,. I got up this morning, and I realized just how big this world is! How many millions of people live in it, and then I said to myself,, "God ,,, just how may I help?,, and He answered,, thank you,, just one day at a time,, keep on testifying,,and having the faith...and I will continue to take care of this sinful world,, and of you!" What! YOu don't talk to God, and you don't get answers? Better pray with intent, and faith! Pray! He hears! Prayer Request: For a friend and fellow Christian brother of mine,, Perry, who is sick, and I ask all to pray so that He can get back on His feet, and continue the great work of sharing Christ with all he meets! He is needed in the field,,, and is missed by all the others that are their in the field looking over their shoulders for him to lead them,, so pray for him with gusto, that God will put His hand on him and heal completely. AS I WALKED IN THE YARD! As I walked around in my yard, my feet rustled in the fall leaves, making a crisp crackling noise,, and then I shuffled them, and to my delight, they were even a better sound,,, and I noticed ,, they were still falling, just floating to the ground,, like dancers,, or a sky diver doing twists, just before the chute is popped... and looking up , seeing the branches going bare,, and some holding on for life.. I could tell , God had sent another season... right on time.... and then the clouds floating in, and out of the limbs, for with the green cover gone, you could see almost clear through what was left...then I caught a glimpse of the sun,, shinning more to the South,, and a little feeling of warmth coming with the flowing breeze,, and as I turned, I could see the remnants of the three quarter Moon, high in the West... barely making it out...and I thought,, Wow! that Moon was just over here,, about six hours ago,,,, and now it is shinning on others who are waiting for the Sun to rise above them,and then they also can take a walk,, just like me, and as I lay my head down, this coming night,,, I will realize, that tomorrow, God willing,, I will be able to repeat this act... just as they will do theirs... and all of this is a Gift From our God! and if you have not taken a walk on a sunny day, in the leaves , under a tree, then do as my Grandson, Noah does. run into them ,, fast and headlong,, with laughter, looking all around as your rustle your feet,, and show as he does. the gift of life,, that a true and loving God has given us all,, and realize ,,,,, maybe, just maybe,,, more of the American people should take a walk in their yard, or a yard, and realize just how God is for real,,, AS THEY WALK IN HIS YARD, WITH HIM, AND FEEL HIS WARMTH, AND SEE HIS WONDERS! God , thank You, for these wonders of Your world, and lending them to me ,, for awhile...amen John HIcks Really stuck on my God,, how about you? For I look ,, and I see, HIM IN ALL THE PLACES I GO!! Do you see??

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