Wednesday, October 30, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Rejoice, for you woke up in the land of choice today,, accept the Lord and carry Him with you in all you do,,,or keep on the road to hell... which one is it for you today,, "choice"! BACK IN THE FIFTY'S TODAY! As I start to write this, I think of Ronnie Milsap singing this very song.."Back In The Fifty's Today". My days in the fifty's was an experience. It is now considered by lots of people , a classic of time, back in the real olden times... and it is.. as bad as I want to admit it.. 58 years ago to 1955.. the year it all got kicked started to the "rock n roll" era. The times when Moms and Dads started dragging some kids to the barber shop! Hair combed back,, with enough grease to grease an 18 wheeler.. and then some... What did you ask? What is a barber shop? Well , now it is getting on up there in years,, but you know, I don't see very many barber poles in the towns of today, oh yes , explain two things now? Barber shop and barber poles? I guess you want to know about the fall-out shelters,, the soda fountains.. and many,, many more things that went on , "back in the fifty's! We were a family driven nation, with God at the helm.. then. Our mothers and fathers,, got a reply of "yes mam" or "yes sir".. and if one spoke to us, we did the command, for all that came out of their mouths were a hard history that they had to tread on , to get to where we were,, but it came as the Bible teaches,,, not a mandate of law, as to how to discipline the child.. yes ,, I can remember those days, of leaving the door open, keys in the car, plenty of family love,, and plenty of family eating,, around a table, and having the blessing,, first.. yes, as I do remember,,, I ask you to also put on your memory hat if you are as old as I ,, if not, turn in to Happy Days.. and see God in plenty,, more than it seem to go around, He was in school, court, Presidents office, senate, house, ballgames,, everywhere,, yes God was plentiful BACK IN THE FIFTY'S ,,, THEN,, WHAT ABOUT NOW? God, thank You for the memories,, and I ask , God, please let us all today show You as we did back then.. amen John HIcks I had God as a baby, a child, a teenager, a young adult, in the Military Service, in my life from then, to now.. we need to as a group , or individual ,, set out to renew the God we know .. to the youth of this day,, for if we don't ,, we will loose it.. will you pray,,and then testify, of your belief that God is alive and real,, to the Young! Restore, for He never left!,,,, ONLY WE LEFT!!!!! !!!!

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