SATURDAY! Yea! Woke this mornign with God in my heart , again! How did you wake up this morning, and with what did your mind give you a picture of your day? Just don't forget to take the one who made it,,, with you! You all have a great God's day!
Just from an old "Thoughts",,,,, as I prayed today for the words to write for "Thoughts",,
this just kept coming to me, so you should know , that when "that time" comes, gravity will not play any part in this heading,,, for it will cease to exist! Gravity will be replaced with the other gravity ,, call "Judgment Day",, and folks , if you don't have your "Jesus Safety Belt" on, then your drop is going to be quick, very painful, and a lot of hurt,,,for an eternity! Now, make your plans for that day, NOW,,,,and stay afloat in Heaven , for an eternity,, accept Jesus today, this very second, if you have not, and if you have , make another commitment to Him, be sure,have the faith that you will surely go...
UP,, not down!
Lord,. I ask that You put your message in the minds of all who reads this, and all they talk to in testimony of your saving grace.. have mercy on this world.. we need it! amen
John HIcks
Faith,, rides my heart today,, what rides with-in yours, on this Saturday? Again, have a great day!
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