SUNDAY! This great morning , we were awaken , with no water, and a small town, we are dependent on other cities to help, so we will be probably be the whole day, or longer,,but, we have so much more, to be thankful for,, I lower my head, humble,, I just say, "My Lord, thank You for all I do have, for I know You are by my side, "..
and folks , that is what we all need to do, DAILY,,and that is pray with gratitude, rather than some many requests!
I am running late this morning, and I will make this short,,, we in these United States of America, are blessed,,why?,, We were founded , A Nation, Under God, and IF, we will pray to Him , who gave it to us, He will prevail over all else,, but without Faith in that prayer, it will be like blowing into a hurricane! Get the meaning, Pray, but
nor all requests!
John HIcks
Yes, I am thankful to my Lord, and I ask Him today , to listen to all the praise across this great nation, and from all of you! Will you praise Him today, and not ask for one thing? Days like this, and it is a shame , that makes us really appreciate our God, and all He does for us,when we lose just a little inconvenience,,,right?
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