WEDNESDAY! The ole "Hump Day"! Eyelids open this great day, with anticipation of making your plans for the W/E,, for only two days left, and isn't that what Wednesdays are for, having made it to the middle of the week,and now on the slide down-hill? Just make sure when you make that slide, it is down to the week-end, and not down further, like you know were it gets real, real hot! Get it? So plan your slide with the one who gave it to you to slide!! Keep it safe , and "cool" !
Do you bless your food at each meal? We should, and there is no excuse not to! If you are with someone,, and they start to eat, just bow your head , say your blessing, and if they want to stop and join in, o.k, but if not, don't stop, don't make excuses, just pray your thanks, smile your satisfaction of doing it, and a little smile to your God, and then enjoy our meal.
I, in my younger days , and some of my older days,, in the pass, would not to do this, when at work, or out with the guys from work when we would jump in the old company station wagon(which got stolen during Katrina as I was on watch at work,Ha), and I missed a great chance to be a testimonial to all with me. and to let God know I was thankful, which is the purpose in this "asking the blessings" at meals...
Never let "public" stop you, nor embarrass you, for when you get to Heaven, stand before God at the Throne of Judgment, there will be multiple souls around you, and Jesus to stand by your side, and I know you don't want anyone there , especially Jesus to be embarrassed as to walking up and standing next to you..right? Well, you do the same , when you set down to eat, at Mac's ,Hardy's, or wherever, the greatest restaurants of the world, be a spectacle, be seen , be humble, and when you set down to eat,,
Lord, I give you thanks for all my meals, and all the things I have on this earth, and most of all, Your son, and the path to You, by and through Him, aman
John HIcks
Now, your choice as to bow your head at the table, is also just one of your choices to acknowledge God, and Jesus Christ, the others are multiple, , when you awake, when you start to work, when you arrive at work or any destination, the ability and freedom to pray,,, in public, etc. , and most of all the choice to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, and this choice is yours,, and yours alone, do it now, don't wait,, o.k.?
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