Thursday, June 7, 2012


THURSDAY! Wake up you sleepy heads! It's a great day, and as you start off to the day of adventures of a hundred things, please take Jesus with you, He loves to travel and , well just be with you! Believe this? Then you do know Him also! Have a great day!

Thinking of Something, Learned,, of a yesterdy, & so much,, in need of , Today!

For some reason, this morning , I was praying as to what God wanted me to write this morning, and this is what came out. When I took typing in high school, as a class just to get by, I have realized that this one class has effected me as much,,if not more,, than all the others. It helped me in the service, and in my work career , and now writing on the computer, so yes, typing helped me... and now for the thing that popped in to my head that came from that class also..and is so ,so real this day of our times,,, it was a practice that the teacher had us do to learn the keys, for it used so many of them,, you should try it this morning..and I did not really think about it until now, after prayer, and here it is,,

"Now is the time, for all good men, to come to the aid of their country!"

This is so true of the need of our country this day, do you agree?

Lord, I ask for You to come and help this country, and re-bless her , for she is is such need of You today. amen

John HIcks
I believe that through prayer, we can preserve this wonderful land of the brave and the free,, and live and breath this statement : UNDER GOD!

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