SUNDAY! Start your day off with a really great big ole, "Thank You Lord For This World",,for today He rested, after six days of building our world, and when you say this , say it to Him, with pride, of really believing in what you are saying!
I believe that "MAN" was created by God, and only by God,and I need no other to tell me different,, What is your opinion?
Evolve: develop or change gradually, developed by evolutionary process.
I hear this word more and more , the want to teach all our children, tjhat they evolved , and was not made by our creator, our Living God.... and I ask again,, look around all who profess in this kind of thinking,, and make a bird, a tree, grass, green and soft, the air to breath, a cloud floating the sky,,, a sky,,, a flower in full bloom and such beauty,, the forming and birthing of a baby,,, can you or any man do the above, NO, for YES, God created it all,,,made all to have as is today, not evolution , but progress, with God's hand upon the throttle,, for the throttle that man has held without God, has been a disaster... oh yes, for I believe , only what He has planned will eventually come to pass, and pray that all will realize this... and look,, the "false ones" are already appearing, and there are already millions of followers... and right here in this nation,, but I sill believe in these things, and only in these things,,,,,,
MY GOD, JESUS, & THE BIBLE! I need no more!
Lord, I ask that all eyes be opened to You, and what You have built, and created.. and that is ALL! amen
John HIcks
Just a commoner here, but royalty in His eyes, and so are you, so come this day, and accept Jesus, and
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