Saturday, November 17, 2012


SATURDAY! First day of the W/E! I have awoken, have my cup of coffee in hand, and umn , good! I am warmed by it as I stand next to the fire ,for just a minute or two, and smile,, for I know who was by my side when I awoke and stands here now,beside me. , and it is He who warms , inside, for it is the heat of Him that goes deep , deep within a persons soul! If you have not felt this warmth of Him, (that is Jesus ,) then you need to ask Him to come on in, and then you too will feel that same wonderful, wonderful warmth, and it stays , even as you leave the fire, and go out into the cold, nothing can take back that inner warmth! Try it today, just ask Him ,, Jesus come on in,,, and then have a great start,,, of a wonderful week-end!!! Prayer Request: For all those who are in great pain, may God show them mercy, and give them relief. Prayer Report: On me,, I have finished the time with my orthopedic doctor for the next four weeks, I have had therapy, on stretching, and it is working, I am in a little pain, but 90% better, thank my God, and I am doing great, all because of His Mercy,, thank you all for your prayers, now you can pray for someone who is more worthy than me, and in more need than I.... THE OATH OF BECOMING A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! The current oath is as follows: I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God. If you have never read this or seen an official swearing in, from start to finish, you should read this and try to see one,, I did on T.V. on the Today show, and it was so moving, tears in my eyes. The look in these peoples eyes, on their faces,the smiles,,was that look , I remember as a child in every ones eyes, and I could see it in others as I looked. All of them taking the oath,, had that look of thanks on their faces...freedom from oppression, and harm...yes FREE! I noticed that it ended in "so help me God". That made me have more faith, that our nation, even under an ongoing trying of a siege by satan, IS UNDER GOD, and God is bigger than satan can ever even imagine to be, so I put my faith of this great Nation, this United States of American,, in God Almighty. I have re-read , and I re-pledge my allegiance to the USA,, how about you? will you do the same, and read out loud , and have that precious "faith", that God will prevail? so will you say it again? THE OATH OF BECOMING A RE-CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? It feels good, and does not hurt! Lord, I put this Nation in Your hands, and with that faith , I go on with my testimonies of You, and Your love of us. amen John HIcks Enough said,,,,, this day!

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