Thursday, November 29, 2012


Thoughts For Today-Thursday-11/29/12 Show Details THURSDAY- Waking up slow, slept late, for another time,, even after making a promise to have these out early, but when you are retired,,, time is not the same! I will not try to explain that, but just let you wait , if you are not retired,,, until you do, and then, well,,, you will understand,,,Ha!! But, the Lord and I are having coffee and writing these thoughts,in this early morning, and I invite all to read with me this day!! Prayer Request: Betty May, who is on dialysis, and has been for 16 years. She has a heart fibrillatior. but the dialysis is effecting her heart,, causing seizures, and passing out for 2 to 3 seconds at a time.. Betty is 78 yrs old, and needs your prayers,, for she must have both.. dialysis, and a good heart, so let's all get on our knees , bow our heads and let's pray that God' will first be done, and that He will touch this lady and heal this problem,, for I believe He can surpass all doctors... so pray please. Note: Sometimes "mistakes" turn out to be a great blessing, for as I cleared my cell phone this morning, I accidentally hit dial on my daughters phone, well,, I at once hit cancel. then in a flash the phone rang, and my daughter said "hey did you call". then I told her what had happened ,then I told her " a good mistake this morning , for I got to talk to my daughter",, now ain't God wonderful!!!! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Before It's Too Late—Turn to God! by Billy Graham What would happen today if the Bible were the supreme authority in the United States? If every individual in America would accept Christ as Savior and begin to live up to the terms of the Sermon on the Mount? Jesus Christ could solve the problems that the nation faces—the race problem, the crime problem, the home problem, the international problems. He can also lift the burdens that we have as individuals; He can reach the problems down in the innermost recesses of our own souls. … Many of you have frustrations and difficulties on a personal level. You have a civil war raging inside of you. I want to tell you that Jesus Christ can solve that problem and lift that heavy burden. He can bring peace to your soul. A member of the British Parliament once said, “Let’s try God and see if He won’t solve our problems.” My message today to the nations of the world is this—turn to God before it is too late! And that is my message to you as an individual as well. Turn to God before it is too late. "To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the devious you show yourself shrewd. You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low" (2 Samuel 22:26-28). God , thank You for all of Your blessing, and I pray that You will forgive us, as a nation, and individuals.. amen John HIcks Have a great day with our God, and may He bless you richly,,,, and that you take Him with you, in all you do.. Reply to: Reply to john hicks Send

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