Saturday, November 24, 2012


SATURDAY! Woke up with stopped up sinus', coughing, same as yesterday, but some better, now for a hot, hot cup of java,,and on through another of God's day... and I so grateful for His being by my side, and I ask ,just who, now that that one day f Thanksgiving is over, , who and what are still thankful for, or are you? Or just waiting until next year to re-thank Him again,,, come on all,, let's get this thanks down to perfect, and do it everyday!!! Will you? O.K. Prayer Request: For the family of Jancice Chatfield Cook,, whose Aunt Sara died yesterday, in Hollywood , Fl. Please pray for this family. OVERFILLED? No ,,, not the stomach,, but the heart,, overfilled with a blast and diet of God,, and His Son, Jesus Christ!! Have you partaken of your food of life today? Have you stopped to see the message,, the love,, the concern, the saving power that has been placed on your plate? Now ,, do you stop to set down at the table of God,, and eat of His favor,, or do you just hit the pavement, with you know who,, and stop for a quick "sin-burger" and call it success, ,,, if you do,, a Tums or Rolaids will not give you relief,, Please stop and eat from the spirit,, and be filled to overflowing with His joy, and forgiveness.. Did you "digest" the "filled to overfilling",,, you see ,, with Jesus,, you just keep on filling, and filling, of joy and love, so you cannot be OVERFILLED! Lord,, fill me up,, and I pray that I take that overfill, and I give it to others, by way of speech of Your love, and forgiveness.. and be a testimonial to You. amen John HIcks When is the last time you stuffed ,,,, had your fill? Do it daily,, for you will never get overweight, with the ingestion of the Lord,, so go for the full plate of the gospel... how about it? Your choice, Jesus, or sin burger satan? .

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