Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Tuesday-11/27/11
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TUESDAY- Good morning to you all... I hope all are up and are in good health, and for those who are not, I pray for you to be blessed by the greatest , and the only God ! I have been, and I give praises and sing songs of Him, and carry Him with me to everywhere I go, and in all I do.. So , you have a great day, and you take God with you to all of your places too, and you also will be singing!!! Yes ,you will! Try Him, you will like Him!!!
Prayers Requests: For JoAnn Samples mother, who has fell, & in hospital,, CT came back O.K. ,. but her memory is still bad, pray for her healing.
April Stevens Husbands cousin and his cousins wife.They lost their baby Jonah, yesterday, and you and I know they need lots of prayers for God to hold the both of them, and let them know why,,for only He knows, we don't , but we can pray for them both, and the rest of the family.
Brenda J. for peace and full-fill-meant of her life, and more and more love, and understanding .
You have heard this one , probably many times, that of "you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip!",, and this one, "no we can't, but we are coming for the turnip!"..
Well , folks , they ,(Washington) are making us the turnips! They bleed us on taxes so they can spend on their personal quirks,, their carousing around with whoever will have them, and most of the time they have a following , for you and I are paying the tab!!! Yes , we are! Before all these income taxes, fuel taxes, and taxes on taxes,,,we were a debt free nation, and on top of the world! What happened? Our elected officials got greedy,, and now we have the most greedy bunch up there, for now there is the disgusting of more added taxes,, when they, the Republicans , all campaigned against taxes.... now the old President , and now the "new " president,, who led us downward , is in, they all want to jump on the band wagon! I call them "turncoats",,and if they don't like that term, let them change their coats,, back to the ones they use to wear, the one with the Stars and Stripes, Red, White , and Blue!!!
We , the "TURNIPS", need to pray, and start looking and getting ready to vote some of these liars out of office, starting with a new God fearing President that believes in God, I mean , really believes,,
I am fed up, and I don't intend to be on their turnip truck , to fall off,,, how about you? If you want to avoid this truck , then you need to get on your knees and start praying, and I don't mean later, I mean right now, this minute, for you have lost your heath-care, next your freedom, I am for God, first, and foremost, but I do not see it right now on the "Hill" ,nor in the "congress"! Now , pray, or
God, I pray, for your re-turn to this nation, this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,,, for I pray, and I ask you to in-still all others heart, and mind, a picture of this world , without You, and I ask forgiveness of those who have sinned against us, and for you to forgive us of ours. amen
John HIcks
Mad? Yes, with our leaders who have two tongues, and now talk lies out of both side of their mouth, with both tongues, ,,, ugh!!
Now, , have a great day, and think of all the above, for it is my opinion, and I get stirred up with liars..and I hope you do too!
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