Friday, November 30, 2012
FRIDAY! TGED- Good morning Lord! And good morning to all of you reading this , this great day of His , given to us with much, much love! Now , this is the way to start the day, putting the Lord ahead of all else, and then enjoying your favorite early morning ritual!!! Oh! No one knows what mine is,, oh well, it is a well kept secret, Ha!!! May all of you have a great day, and a great week-end & may God bless each of you!!!!!!
Prayer Request: Please pray for those in need ,,, and pray for our churches, pastors, and our Nation.
Come on Washington elected officials, set down together in a room , put party aside, talk, like real people elected to run this Nation, cut out the pork, and that alone will clear the deficit.. put the freebies , that are able to work , to work, cleaning up America(a broom a shovel, weeding and grass cutting, painting, mopping government bldgs.) ... and take care of those who really need help, by taking groceries, and meds to them...making sure they get medical help...give not just money... look after them, not at them , give where needed, and take away where not! Take the pork , your free health insurance, your "work-out", (that no one can even get in to see..) the free stuff for you, the life time retirement, you, live like the ones who voted for you, not like the ones who put up the big bucks for you to get elected, and then you give back contracts, and all the "bull" they ask for, cut out the much drank booze, & big dinners!!! Get on your knees, talk to God and get your instructions from Him and
Lord ,,have mercy upon our Nation, and guide our elected officials. Let them open their greedy eyes, and see You, and kneel before You, then rise and lead,,, amen
John HIcks
Today is my opinion, and I know , not all of our elected officials are greedy lying hogs, and for the "good guys",,, go loud and louder, we are behind you all the way,, for the "hogs" , we are tired of your grunting , waiting on the "free slop dollar".. get a real life "hogs"!
Now, after reading all this, digesting it, pray, and may all of you have a great blessed, Gods' day!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Thursday-11/29/12
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THURSDAY- Waking up slow, slept late, for another time,, even after making a promise to have these out early, but when you are retired,,, time is not the same! I will not try to explain that, but just let you wait , if you are not retired,,, until you do, and then, well,,, you will understand,,,Ha!! But, the Lord and I are having coffee and writing these thoughts,in this early morning, and I invite all to read with me this day!!
Prayer Request: Betty May, who is on dialysis, and has been for 16 years. She has a heart fibrillatior. but the dialysis is effecting her heart,, causing seizures, and passing out for 2 to 3 seconds at a time.. Betty is 78 yrs old, and needs your prayers,, for she must have both.. dialysis, and a good heart, so let's all get on our knees , bow our heads and let's pray that God' will first be done, and that He will touch this lady and heal this problem,, for I believe He can surpass all doctors... so pray please.
Note: Sometimes "mistakes" turn out to be a great blessing, for as I cleared my cell phone this morning, I accidentally hit dial on my daughters phone, well,, I at once hit cancel. then in a flash the phone rang, and my daughter said "hey did you call". then I told her what had happened ,then I told her " a good mistake this morning , for I got to talk to my daughter",, now ain't God wonderful!!!!
Before It's Too Late—Turn to God! by Billy Graham
What would happen today if the Bible were the supreme authority in the United States? If every individual in America would accept Christ as Savior and begin to live up to the terms of the Sermon on the Mount? Jesus Christ could solve the problems that the nation faces—the race problem, the crime problem, the home problem, the international problems. He can also lift the burdens that we have as individuals; He can reach the problems down in the innermost recesses of our own souls. …
Many of you have frustrations and difficulties on a personal level. You have a civil war raging inside of you. I want to tell you that Jesus Christ can solve that problem and lift that heavy burden. He can bring peace to your soul.
A member of the British Parliament once said, “Let’s try God and see if He won’t solve our problems.”
My message today to the nations of the world is this—turn to God before it is too late! And that is my message to you as an individual as well. Turn to God before it is too late.
"To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the devious you show yourself shrewd. You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low" (2 Samuel 22:26-28).
God , thank You for all of Your blessing, and I pray that You will forgive us, as a nation, and individuals.. amen
John HIcks
Have a great day with our God, and may He bless you richly,,,, and that you take Him with you, in all you do..
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Tuesday-11/27/11
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TUESDAY- Good morning to you all... I hope all are up and are in good health, and for those who are not, I pray for you to be blessed by the greatest , and the only God ! I have been, and I give praises and sing songs of Him, and carry Him with me to everywhere I go, and in all I do.. So , you have a great day, and you take God with you to all of your places too, and you also will be singing!!! Yes ,you will! Try Him, you will like Him!!!
Prayers Requests: For JoAnn Samples mother, who has fell, & in hospital,, CT came back O.K. ,. but her memory is still bad, pray for her healing.
April Stevens Husbands cousin and his cousins wife.They lost their baby Jonah, yesterday, and you and I know they need lots of prayers for God to hold the both of them, and let them know why,,for only He knows, we don't , but we can pray for them both, and the rest of the family.
Brenda J. for peace and full-fill-meant of her life, and more and more love, and understanding .
You have heard this one , probably many times, that of "you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip!",, and this one, "no we can't, but we are coming for the turnip!"..
Well , folks , they ,(Washington) are making us the turnips! They bleed us on taxes so they can spend on their personal quirks,, their carousing around with whoever will have them, and most of the time they have a following , for you and I are paying the tab!!! Yes , we are! Before all these income taxes, fuel taxes, and taxes on taxes,,,we were a debt free nation, and on top of the world! What happened? Our elected officials got greedy,, and now we have the most greedy bunch up there, for now there is the disgusting of more added taxes,, when they, the Republicans , all campaigned against taxes.... now the old President , and now the "new " president,, who led us downward , is in, they all want to jump on the band wagon! I call them "turncoats",,and if they don't like that term, let them change their coats,, back to the ones they use to wear, the one with the Stars and Stripes, Red, White , and Blue!!!
We , the "TURNIPS", need to pray, and start looking and getting ready to vote some of these liars out of office, starting with a new God fearing President that believes in God, I mean , really believes,,
I am fed up, and I don't intend to be on their turnip truck , to fall off,,, how about you? If you want to avoid this truck , then you need to get on your knees and start praying, and I don't mean later, I mean right now, this minute, for you have lost your heath-care, next your freedom, I am for God, first, and foremost, but I do not see it right now on the "Hill" ,nor in the "congress"! Now , pray, or
God, I pray, for your re-turn to this nation, this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,,, for I pray, and I ask you to in-still all others heart, and mind, a picture of this world , without You, and I ask forgiveness of those who have sinned against us, and for you to forgive us of ours. amen
John HIcks
Mad? Yes, with our leaders who have two tongues, and now talk lies out of both side of their mouth, with both tongues, ,,, ugh!!
Now, , have a great day, and think of all the above, for it is my opinion, and I get stirred up with liars..and I hope you do too!
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Monday-11/26/12
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MONDAY!!!! Good morning to all! Yes, I have my Lord with me, and my cup in my hand, heat turned up, (just a little,) and ready for the day,, just to see what my Lord has in store for me this , another day of His! Most people believe they make their days, their years. but God has made them , before we were ever born! Big subject to digest?... Well,, He made this world, and everything in it, ,and when He made Man, He put a stem cell in us all, and it is called "Laminin", and under the microscope,, it is shaped like a cross...
Now on this great morning, just say, yes God, I know who is in charge, and only my actions,, and prayer will change anything, and that , if only You deem it,,not I, nor man,,,,,,so after you have said this, do as I,,, take a sip of coffee, or whatever it is you drink on a morning of awakening,, and just marvel and believe, and say, "Thanks God", again, & again!!!
PRAY FOR: Those , in need of God, and that is,,,, our Nation!
God listens to us when we pray,, and also when we don't talk directly to Him.. so you need to watch what you say when you talk idly. He sees all we do,, and, it is all recorded in the book of life..
But ,, let me get to what I want to share today,, that GOD IS IN CONTROL!I am going to share some ex-certs from an e-mail that I got and I believe hits the nail on the head... here goes..
The children of Israel who turned from God time and time again,, only to realize their mistake, and then pray for forgiveness. Each time,, God would forgive them and they wold walk with Him for a time.. I am going to ask you all to join me in praying for our nation,, EVERY DAY,, not once,, but EVERY DAY!
2 Chronicles 7:14 In God's word, He states, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
If we will pray for our nation,, it will change; and God will re-store us back to a Christian Nation. Our nation is on a slippery slope now.. and sliding down a bank of sin,, right to hell,, if we don't pray to God for help and forgiveness... it wil continue to slid ,, right into hell and destruction.. if you don't pray for God to forgive us, then get off your soapbox yelling for relief. Let's reset the "backbone of our country", and let us not walk away once it is re-set , but support this "backbone" ,, which is our LORD GOD!
I challenge each of you to pray ,, each day,, and to ask others to pray with you ,,, and if we will do this,, we can turn this nation,, back to God, then He will pave the way we go from then on...Are you up to it,, are you "Christian" enough to do it,, are you a doer or a just a talker,, Will you pray and be not embarrassed to be a Christian,, in public??
Yes, today, tough,, to the point,, stand on solid ground,,, or slide on down...
Closing with just a few numbers,,, 25 to the 5th power is 9,765,625,, wow,, if we all contacted 25,, we would sure send a lot of prayers to our Father, so what are you waiting on? He is
Lord, I start today,, please forgive this nation,, instill in its' leaders to turn to you,, also all of your subjects who are here enjoys your gifts of plenty,, and as we pray,, let us always do so with humility and gratitude to You,, amen
John HIcks
The challenge is out,, want to join, or do you just want to sit in your bar,, your great boat,, your big car, your big house, in your big chair on your big *** , and let this nation fall? I say,, get up,, stand tall to our God,, and plead that He will forgive us,,,yes PLEAD,, for we are sinners.. How about it???
All of you have at least 25 people on your e-mail list, so I ask and challenge, each of you to send this to those 25 of your choice, will you? It's your world and your nation !!!!
"These "Thoughts " were inspired back in 2009, by Meagan Gaff, and is never even more true this day,,, than then!!!!
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Sunday, November 25, 2012
SUNDAY- Waking to a great day, for I have awoken with my Lord at my side, and all my wants' have been granted ,,just for that awaking with Him,,, how about your wants this day,, did you get yours, for all you have to do is ask Him as you lay your head down, for a nights sleep, and that he will be with you through the night, and the next morning, and also for life, and He will be at your side,, so , if you have not,, go ahead and ask.......
Feeling gratitude, and not expressing it,,,, is just like wrapping a present and not giving it!
Yes, my job is great,,,the pay is tremulously big,,, I am retired from my worldly job, so now you know that I have a Godly job, and so do you!!!! I had it all the time, but it seems that I had always put the other one first,, when I and we should have been putting the one with God first...and for those not retired , re-read this line!
I have to work harder on this one, for it seems I have more "other input " from my associates of non-workers.... These days, it seems there are more of them. How does it feel to all of you , who are on this same work-force that I am on? Do you feel the more of ,, "it is all about myself ", than,, I want to share my life with God?
He gave it to you to share, and have fun with you,, He did not give it to you to go out and walk over His name with your feet... He wants you to Love Him back and work for Him in testimony, and faith!
Working harder at this job, is not tire-some, for there is no fatigue, only joy, at the end of the day, and you wake up ready, to go out and talk the talk, walk the walk,, of Him and not just yourself.. I don't mean, all you do is go out and talk , God this, God that,, but just include Him with you when you go about your daily chores, that of God go with me, not God wait here, I will be right back! Just a little come on with me and a thank You ,, that is all... is that too much weight for you?
It is the bundle of goodness that you carry in your heart as you roam this old world each waking minute of your day... and that"goodness bundle" is God Almighty! The biggest bundle you will ever carry, yet the lightest bundle in weight, for faith is so light,, for it only takes a little .. but still the most importand bundle you will ever lift up and carry.... so now I ask you ,,
I hope you all answered the above with a big , YES. YES!!!!!!
Lord, I accept my job working for You first, world second, and I pray that all who reads this will do the same, amen.
John HIcks
Working as His servant ,has been good to me, for He watches over all I do..and when I slip, He just picks me back up, pats off the dust and dirt, and gives me His helping hand on the climb up,, and He will do the same for you, if you will just extend it out,,His is already extending towards you, don't you see it ,, sometimes you have to close your eyes to see that hand,, then grab hold of it, for the ride of life!! Your choice, please make it now!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
SATURDAY! Woke up with stopped up sinus', coughing, same as yesterday, but some better, now for a hot, hot cup of java,,and on through another of God's day... and I so grateful for His being by my side, and I ask ,just who, now that that one day f Thanksgiving is over, , who and what are still thankful for, or are you? Or just waiting until next year to re-thank Him again,,, come on all,, let's get this thanks down to perfect, and do it everyday!!! Will you? O.K.
Prayer Request: For the family of Jancice Chatfield Cook,, whose Aunt Sara died yesterday, in Hollywood , Fl. Please pray for this family.
No ,,, not the stomach,, but the heart,, overfilled with a blast and diet of God,, and His Son, Jesus Christ!!
Have you partaken of your food of life today? Have you stopped to see the message,, the love,, the concern, the saving power that has been placed on your plate? Now ,, do you stop to set down at the table of God,, and eat of His favor,, or do you just hit the pavement, with you know who,, and stop for a quick "sin-burger" and call it success, ,,, if you do,, a Tums or Rolaids will not give you relief,, Please stop and eat from the spirit,, and be filled to overflowing with His joy, and forgiveness.. Did you "digest" the "filled to overfilling",,, you see ,, with Jesus,, you just keep on filling, and filling, of joy and love, so you cannot be
Lord,, fill me up,, and I pray that I take that overfill, and I give it to others, by way of speech of Your love, and forgiveness.. and be a testimonial to You. amen
John HIcks
When is the last time you stuffed ,,,, had your fill? Do it daily,, for you will never get overweight, with the ingestion of the Lord,, so go for the full plate of the gospel... how about it? Your choice, Jesus, or sin burger satan?
Friday, November 23, 2012
FRIDAY! Yes, it is still red, and not black! I do not plan on being in that mad rush, so I will not change the color... I just slept till 6:00 this morning,, no camping out, jsut warm and snugly,,,, then my regular cup of coffee,,, nice and hot! Wow, am I glad of my "red" Friday,, , how are you spending yours? I am still reeling of a great meal,, with our daughter, Terri and her family, the others of the family on the phone, and still thanking my God for my all... God bless all on this great Friday!!!! Oh, yes, it is now time to start Christmas ,, one season at a time, right?
Prayer Report: Gerald Turner , a very good friend of mine, has been through surgery, and all is well with him , and I am glad , for the Lord has blessed him, many,, many times...
Please pray for those in our jails, whether they are in for great crimes, or just simple ones. ,,pray that God will choose to prevail over them , and let's don't judge what we don't know... for only He can really judge,,
Black Friday Shopping is for those who want a bargain,, and I cannot blame anyone who wants a good bargain ..but to curse, stomp, push , fight, carry guns, die, yes some was stomped to death, others threatened with guns,,, not a bargain in my eyes! But all to their choice,,, but I will do mine in the "JOY" of the "REASON"... and give according to the Wise Men,, with LOVE ,and RESPECT to whom I choose to give to,,, and I ask one other question, if these stores can afford to sell at this price at one to two days ,,,, and the economy is in the toilet, why not do it every day,and then maybe make more by moving volume?
Does it not bother you to see a T.V. at sale price of 150 dollars, on sale, when you bought one there and the day before at 300 dollars.....feel like you have been robbed, folks it is called greed! We need to really , re-examine our values, and
SHOP FOR THE JOY OF THE REASON OF THIS COMING DAY!,, and not the savings , for our Father in Heaven did not discount anything on the Cross of His Son, so why should we discount on the birth,,, for it also was the start of the biggest Miracle of all times, the BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOR!!
Lord, I pray , all will start this day off with the celebration of You, and not the present they seek, man-made! amen
John HIcks
Very opinionated ,,,and still asking about the economy,, for before the election, all I heard from both was economy,,, and now all I hear is to try to take away our first amendment.... oh well ,here I go again, opinionated , right?
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today, we need to stop,,, for not only a short time,, but for the day, and
Yes this is first , and then thanks for our family, our friends , and their love to us, and ours to them, and your comfort of food, and warmth, and a place to lay your head at night!
As you thank Him, promise , that you will put Him first in all you do.. will you do this , please!! For you know , even God can run out of patience... and if I had to overlook all that goes on in this Nation, this world,,, I would have already lost mine! Now,, today
Thank you God for my all,, amen
John HIcks
May all of you have a great Thanksgiving, and may God bless each of you with all the riches you want ,,,,and deserve!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
WEDNESDAY! The day before the big eat in!!! For lots, and for lots, nothing, but hope,, and that does not fill your stomach ,nor keep you warm, so today , I say this, do you know of anyone who needs food, clothing? If you do , reach deep down into your heart, your money heart, and give, and make sure they are taken care of..if it is just to give to a charity, do your thing also, for we can not afford to just do nothing! If you think you can, then close your eyes, and think of your children, your mom or dad, your brother ,sister, or best friend, and most of all, a little baby cuddling in their mothers arms, cold , and hungry! Now , be a real Christian, and do your part, and let your heart be fuller than your stomach , for this ,
God, I ask two things this morning,, feed all , and cloth them all , who need you this day, and every day, and second, Lord, I ask that you put a cloak of protection on all our uniformed men and women, and that is the Marines, Army , Navy, Air Force, The Coast Guard, Our Border Guards, and all those brave ones that put their lives in harms way daily and travel our highways, our streets, to protect us here , our Policemen, Sheriff Deputies, and our State Patrol!,, and with that cloak, give them your blessings ... amen
John HIcks
I think this is enough on the day before,, for our day is tomorrow ,not to get excited about shopping, but excited of a reality,, of
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
TUESDAY!!!! I awoke early, slipped and made my good ole coffee,, laid-ed back down, and then at 4:30, I heard this tapping on the head of the bed,, it was the angel I married, she was tapping to see if I was awake, so I tapped back, and then said "Yes , Lord thank You" and then a good morning to my partner and wife! The smell of coffee filled the house, and you all know ,, I was blessed and my day was made, for the Lord really loves us, and I know, for He and I spend the day, together and then I sleep with Him nested next to me.... how about you and your day, ? How is it starting, and ending,,with Him or without Him? Make a choice ,, for the real answer to this question is strictly up to you, and yours alone!! Have a great day with Your lord!
I must put this on today, from my Nephew Paul Hicks, who is a pastor.. While preaching , his youngest son , Luke was crying, so Paul just went and got him, cradled him in his arms , and then preached his sermon with his son cradled in his arms, which I know Paul, was the real word from God to all listening,, and little Luke,,well he remained quiet, happy, and sleepy,, God is wonderful !!!Thank you my ,nephew for sharing this great moment of life!
we need to be like the camels when they stop,, Lots of you may have heard this one before, I had not ,until Monday, and from my son , John, and it went like this, I felt like it was right for this Tuesday morning also.....I'll try to get it right John,,,
What happens to a Camel when he stops? He gets on his knees, first,, then his master lifts his heavy load from his back,,,, then
His master loads him back , with only the load he knows he can carry, never over-loading him, he then arises and is off to serve his master....
NOW, how about us, could we not take a lesson for this humble camel, and do as he does ,,
God, I pray that all bow down to You, and pray to You for their burdens of sin to be lifted, and ask for the load You want them to carry,, and give You all the praises of life. Also, I ask Your blessing on this young preacher , that lets nothing stand in his way of a sermon , from You to all,, and plese protect Israel from all harm..amen
John HIcks
Today, I thank God for all my lessons of serving Him even more were granted to me yesterday,, I have made my choice, and I ask for you, if you have not,, to do so now, and to please make it asap, for no one can make it for you...... yes,, it is yours!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Thoughts For Today- Monday-11/19/12
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MONDAY! Good late morning to all... slept late ,,, wow, feels good!!! The Lord works when you need Him,,, and I guess I needed some extra rest !!! May all have as great a day as mine has started,,, for we had a Sunday morning surprise, as my son, John walked in for a two day visit, we were completely surprised,, and glad to see him!!! Great days!!!
There are all kinds of blessings,,,from God,, and others giving out their blessings , such as a parent, giving one of their children in marriage.. the blessing of our troops when going to battle,, etc.. There is one that I feel is forgotten, all to many times,,, and it should be in our foremost thoughts and prayers of thanksgiving. It is the blessing of our food,, before we eat.. just as many times of a day as you do this function,, I believe this should be done.. in my house , in my car, or truck,, or in a fast food,, or a real big fancy place.. I believe that we should thank God for the bounty we are about to eat.
You may say,, I agree, and we do have a blessing in our home, each and every time we eat.. that is great,,, but how many actually ,, stop when they are out of their home and eating a meal... stop, bow their heads and thank God for what they are about to consume? Some may say,, well I am embarrassed,, everyone else is eating without doing it(that is them, not you), or no I just don't,, for maybe it is not allowed here.. Well ,, God does not get embarrassed,, cares not what others are thinking of you,( for you are his anyway),,, and He made it all, so I think He is allowed anywhere, don't you? There are a few places that will or can ask you to leave if you pray out loud,, but I have never been , but , I will,, no matter what they say, even if I get kicked out.. would you? God has given us this bounty in this great country , and we throw away enough to feed this world,, so the lest we can do is say to God,, thanks for what we are about to eat,, and thank Him for the abundance we have.. what do you think,, Will you stop,, when in McDonald's,, Burger King,, or the Country Club,, when you sit down at the table, will you bow your head,, be not ashamed of our Lord,, and say with pride and love to our Master ,,,
Almighty God, I thank You for all of my blessing from which I know that they come,,, and most of all I thank You for Jesus and His Saving Grace.. amen
John HIcks
Head bowed,,, when ,and where-ever, the opportunities are for my God.. never in doubt,, never ashamed,, How about you?
Originally posted 11/19/09
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Sunday-11/18/12
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SUNDAY! Good morning to all, I hope all are having a great start of a great day! It is good to have a day to celebrate our God! He gave us six to do as we wish, the next one ,He rested and call it a rest day and for this , let us rest ans worship Him,, and thank Hi for all we have , for we know from which it all comes from! Right?
While we are teaching our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about! We should at times listen, to them.
What is a foot-hold? It is something that a person canstand on and be secure,,it can be climbing a mountain, a tree, a rope, or in the water...something you can comfortably stand on and know you are safe.
Have you ever been swimming, and get in the deep part, get a little tired,,, feet are far from the bottom,, If you touch it , your head will be under water, you will not be able to breath. You quickly swim to the side, grab hold with your arms or you swim to shallow water, put your feet down for that " foothold"...If you are in a lake or a stream, and this happens you look for that "foothold",,,quickly,,,so you don't drown....this "foot-hold" becomes the most important thing,,, the center of your life, for without it, you are lost,,dead!
How about when we are walking in the deep sea of sin? We walk, and we are constantly going into deeper,,deeper sin,,,we are going over our head and it spells sure death,,,,we are looking feverishly for that "foot-hold" of salvation and life!!! Reach your foot out ,, you just can't find a foot-hold, it seems as if it is close , but just out of reach,,, then you raise your head toward the heavens, cry out with a scream,Lord, Lord, help, me, forgive me of my sins,,, I want you and I accept you as my Lord of Redemption and Salvation,,I give you my all,,,please accept me into your fold,,, save me,,,save me,,,,all of a sudden,,you feel the solid pressure on your foot as you become stable , no more sinking,,,but the feeling of rising above this sea of sin and satan....yes,,,He answers just that quick, for He is watching and waiting to pull you to safety.....yes,, you have just found the
Praise Him from where it all comes!!!!
Lord , thank You for hold us all in the palm of your hand, and keeping us out of the sea of sin,,,with a foothold that is eternal of You. amen
John HIcks
Holding to my "foothold" of the "Cross",, my Jesus, where do you have your "foothold" placed,, a solid hold, or just sinking, grab His hand, Jesus wants you now, don't drown in sin, you don't have to, He wants you,, call out now!!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
SATURDAY! First day of the W/E! I have awoken, have my cup of coffee in hand, and umn , good! I am warmed by it as I stand next to the fire ,for just a minute or two, and smile,, for I know who was by my side when I awoke and stands here now,beside me. , and it is He who warms , inside, for it is the heat of Him that goes deep , deep within a persons soul! If you have not felt this warmth of Him, (that is Jesus ,) then you need to ask Him to come on in, and then you too will feel that same wonderful, wonderful warmth, and it stays , even as you leave the fire, and go out into the cold, nothing can take back that inner warmth! Try it today, just ask Him ,, Jesus come on in,,, and then have a great start,,, of a wonderful week-end!!!
Prayer Request: For all those who are in great pain, may God show them mercy, and give them relief.
Prayer Report: On me,, I have finished the time with my orthopedic doctor for the next four weeks, I have had therapy, on stretching, and it is working, I am in a little pain, but 90% better, thank my God, and I am doing great, all because of His Mercy,, thank you all for your prayers, now you can pray for someone who is more worthy than me, and in more need than I....
The current oath is as follows:
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.
If you have never read this or seen an official swearing in, from start to finish, you should read this and try to see one,, I did on T.V. on the Today show, and it was so moving, tears in my eyes. The look in these peoples eyes, on their faces,the smiles,,was that look , I remember as a child in every ones eyes, and I could see it in others as I looked. All of them taking the oath,, had that look of thanks on their faces...freedom from oppression, and harm...yes FREE! I noticed that it ended in "so help me God".
That made me have more faith, that our nation, even under an ongoing trying of a siege by satan, IS UNDER GOD, and God is bigger than satan can ever even imagine to be, so I put my faith of this great Nation, this United States of American,, in God Almighty. I have re-read , and I re-pledge my allegiance to the USA,, how about you? will you do the same, and read out loud , and have that precious "faith", that God will prevail? so will you say it again?
Lord, I put this Nation in Your hands, and with that faith , I go on with my testimonies of You, and Your love of us. amen
John HIcks
Enough said,,,,, this day!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Friday-11/16/12
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FRIDAY! TGED! Wake up to a great day!! I hope all have a great Friday today, and the one you ask to share it with,, is the one who will and can get you throught it with flying know who!!!!
Prayer Request: Frank Herron, who is having problems with his breathing, and is real weak... please pray for this 89 year old veteran!
What is treading water? This is an act of suspending ones' self in water to stay afloat. It can be something all needs to know , for it can save your life. The Armed Forces teach it to their people for survival and to help someone who cannot stay afloat.
I have a question ,, how many people are "treading water" on God?Just staying afloat?, not swimming,, or even trying to "dog-paddle"?, just in one place ,, afloat,, but going no where? Not trying to save anyone,, just keeping ourselves safe here,, not worrying what is out across the water? How long can you keep treading,,, for what will you do when you are tired and give out? I will add a little joke in on this for we all need some laughter.. When God had told Noah to build the ark, and that a flood was coming to cover the earth,, Noah told God,, me build that big ole ark? No , I will not do it,, and God said,, Noah,, how long can you tread water?,,, Yes a joke, but it gives a really big message,,right? We all need to be working for God,, testifying about Him,, and living His Word. Being the example,, not the "stuck in the mud Christian",, quite and only treading water, but we all need to start swimming like an Olympian. I challenge each now,, to start swimming for God and stop just
Lord, I ask for all to stop just being idle, and start not only giving out Your word, but be a swimmer for You, not a treader,, amen
John HIcks
I try to be like God would want us to be, never pass up a chance to testify of HIm,, so is your inner tube flat? are you a treadder,, need a patch, or direction,,, try Jesus,, He can fix a flat, and give direction, and even a helping hand...both, so make a choice, will you?
Thursday, November 15, 2012
THURSDAY! Oh yes, woke this morning, ready for the day! Thankful for my God, and His giving me His Son to protect me and walk through this day with me! Now I ask ,,who is it you have waking with you? I pray, it is the same as I!!!! Well If not, STOP, and ask Jesus to came along, He will, yes , it is just that easy, & I wonder,, why does not all,, ask Him in and give Him their soul... it is amazingg of how we play the lottery each day, billion to one of winning,,, and miss the best , & for sure bet in all or our lifetime,, eternal life ! Once you place this request to HIm,,, with your soul...there is no losing!!! Agree?
Prayer Report: Amanda Newby, had heart surgery yesterday,, operation was success, and she should be coming home today, for rest of recovery, please keep her in your prayers.
Do you remember the T.V. series, "In The Heat of The Night"? It meant , that at night time, most crimes are committe,. did you know that is a myth,, crimes are committed at all times of the day, not just at night... The ones at night , are for the more cowardly criminal.. if there is any other kind, for a thief in my book is a lazy , loafing, coward...of course that is my opinion... but the title means, that the Police, Sheriff, State Patrol , have more pressure on them for they are approaching with no light, and they do get more calls.... people are more easier stirred, and frightful of the night...the dark!
Now to my title,, in the heat of ? and if more people are frightful of the night, then why are they not more frightful of satan, for he is the dark angel.. appointed procurer and head of Hell? There is no light ,nor water, cool of night, nor any thing but hurt there, yet , we are blinded by the lights of the night, his play houses, and , I am sorry to say, he draws more people to these playhouse than goes to church,, and these that choose these playhouses of satan, play now,,,, burn later! Yes , awful to put, but burn, they will, unless, you and I do more witnessing, and praying for them....yes, we can, if we will and have enough faith, do what I always say I do, NEVER PASS UP A CHANCE TO TESTIFY OF OUR JESUS! lets. do more of this, and keep our friends out of the
Lord, I pray for the words to say to those who play in sin, that will turn them to You, for I know with our faith , You will send us to them..and let our choice be to serve one Master,, and that is You. please watch over this nation, and also protect Israel from all harm. amen
John HIcks
Serving One, how about you, who do you REALLY serve. for you cannot serve two masters,, for one you will love, and the other you will hate,,,make a choice of which one you want to spend eternity with, and MAKE IT NOW! DON'T WAIT, FOR IT IS YOUR CHOICE, AND YOURS ALONE!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
WEDNESDAY! The ole "hump" day! For the workers, another climb to the top of the week, and ready for the slide,, down to the week-end! All others, just trod-ding on, day by day! Those sliding , watch for splinters as you slide, those walking on, watch for stones..pot holes,,but both keep a keen eye out for satan, for he lures ones planning, each day, their next day, & their week-ends, and he wants to be included, but make sure you push him aside, and take the one who wakes up with you each morning, and stands guard through the night while you sleep, for Jesus is the choice,and I recommend, you ask Him along, now, not later, but now, and not for just this day, this week, but for life, then ole satan won't be able to get to you, for you will have that "Jesus Fence" around you,,, o.k.,,have a great day,, you and HIM, Jesus that is!!!
This is a choice that is yours, and yours alone! You can try to keep your soul safe, by many ,,many means, but there is only one, and only one!!!!! Accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, there is no other way, for Jesus said, the Cross is the only way, and He is the Cross.. so folks, it is up to you this day,, and my advice is not to wait, to stop, repent your sins to Jesus Christ, accept Him as your Savior, and
Lord, I pray for those who have not accepted,,, to come forward now, before it is too late, and for those who have already came to Jesus,, to pray for those others, and all pray for our country.. amen
John HIcks
Thankful for what God has given me, and I praise Him for it all, for what I have is enough,, how about you, do you continue to reach out for worldly goods,, why not,, reach out for Godly things, the others will follow...for love of money, gold, silver, lust, is death, love of Jesus is eternal,, make that choice if you have not. for this choice is up to you,,,, and only you!!!!!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Monday-11/12/12
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MONDAY! Good morning world! Starting a day off right,,, is the most important part of your day,, for if started good, cheerfully, looking forward to life, THEN,, you can face just about anything else that might pop up! Now the way to start this great morning, like you know "breakfast is the most important meal?",, well really first , and most important, is to thank that "Guy" who was sleeping next to you all night ,and got up just before you to accompany you,, through your day,,, that is if invited,, so if you didn't ,or you look down and say ,"oh , I forgot".. well,, don't dismay, for you can still smile, and gain this day, for you may turn around and now ask, for He is forgiving ,,, but for just how long, well don't mess with that , just make sure of the invitation, to JESUS, now!! Have a great day, you, and the Lord, together ,,,O.K.?
Prayer Report: For all those lost to the Lord, please pray THEIR EYES BE OPENED AND THEY ACCEPT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, for prayer, faith , and belief in Him, and all will rush back to Him,, is the only sure way our Nation will continue to be free and great, so pray for God to still stay, and forgive us and grant us ,, A FREE NATION ,,UNDER HIM!
You would think I would be talking about Thanksgiving, since it is not hear yet,,, but I am talking about the "commercial christmas".. if you notice , I did not capitalize "Christmas", because to me when used as a "commercial", you are buying and selling the first six letters of this holiday. I ride down the roads of cities, towns, walk into large stores,, even some grocery stores, and I see Christmas items , already decorating the roads, the isles, and items on sale now, and Thanksgiving is not even here! The season use to start , after Thanksgiving,, this what everyone geared up for , the spirit started,, all went shopping for gifts of grandeur,, ones that meant , well, meant they were bought , "just for you"..with spirit of love, not to out-do, take notice, yes, just a little drop of love,, you know for the season.. the "SEASON", that started it all.. the birth,, remember what is coming,, what celebration,, the real "GIFT", we receive each year,, ? The real celebration, the singing of angels in the Heavens, in the clouds of the sky,,, the coming of the Son,, the Son of God! The trumpets sound each year,, celebrating the birth,,,
Yes, that is the season I am looking for, and am getting excited about,, and yes, I will get real excited about it, just after Thanksgiving, for I have so much to be thankful about,,(don't you?) I must stop and give my Thanks to my Savior, my God,,, first, then,,, I will not only get down on my knees and thank Him again at Christmas, but I will shout and sing with the Heavens , celebrating at the right and correct time of
end to commercialism!!!!
God, I give thanks to You each day, and I celebrate you each day, and my prayer is, that all will fall to their knees and give you the glory of all,, for You are the all. amen
John HIcks
On my knees, and knowing from which my all comes from.. have you prayed, accepted your all,, as above at the start, be a scout and be prepared, celebrate the season of being saved ,,, now, not later!
Make the Heavens shout and sing with your acceptance of Him! Go ahead! Ask! He's listening!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
SUNDAY! VETERANS DAY! This morning as we all woke up , we had two things ,,, first and foremost was , our God was at our bedside,,,the other one, was we had a "vet",, standing guard , somewhere ,,, our nations borders, a foreign country, yes standing between tyranny, and freedom,, so to my God, I give great thanks and to my brother and sister G.I.'s, I give my thanks also,, be safe,and may God guard you as He guards this Nation, these United States of America... amen!!!!
PRAYER REQUEST: For all those serving in our Army, Navy, Marine Corps. Air Force, may God protect them, an bring them home,and those he has spared, and brought home, let Him be at their side at all times, holding their hands as they re-adjust to home life,, and for those wounded, we will never know that sacrifice ,, so I give my thanks, and I ask for all to pray for all the G.I's , present and past, for I was one, and still am, in heart,, so let's all pray for these brave men and women as they stand in harms way, just for you,, and I! Thank You God for them, and please protect them...
Short this morning. How do you keep satan away from you ,, and with-stand temptation? You accept Jesus as your personal Savior, give Him your heart and your soul,,, and put all your faith in Him...and then you pray daily , or more, to Him, and to our God.... now, you have built that
and as long as you live, and have faith , Jesus will never let satan come across that fence.... believe me , for I guarantee it!!!!!
God, I pray to You today, the thanks for Your Son, and for Your sacrifice in giving Him to us for our path to You, amen
John HIcks
CHOICE: Select or choose..... and that is a word that applies to all of us, as for the path of our life here, and our souls life in the here-after,, heaven or hell,, make a choice, for only we as individuals can make it, and I pray,, it is for Jesus, and ever-lasting life.. make it today, don't wait, for wait can be death!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Saturday-11/10/12
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SATURDAY! Yes, awake , the Lord with me, and my cup in hand, I feel like I have the world!!! Wow! When God is with you, and by request,,, and Jesus accepted, by request, the world ,even thought it is in a spin , in our nation , for now, we have our God, and if we will just have the faith that all the decisions are His, and stay faithful,,, our world will always be great, even during "hard times",, so join me this great Gods day,, and have a cup of java, or what ever you are drinking, and lets take God with us to where-ever our travels may take us this day,,,,,of His!!!!
Prayer Report: Amanda,, well ,,no go,, again yesterday... hospital to go to,,,forgot to schedule we hope , next Wednesday, but prayer can still be on-going for,, when ever!!!
We , today, think we are carrying a heavy load.. bills, hurts, of the soul, of the body, un-befriended ones, back-biting ones, sick, hungry, thirsty,, ,cold, lots and lots of hard heavy loads on our back , and on our minds...heavy, heavy! Now, stop and think ,, just how heavy was that Cross,,, after being beaten,, kicked, nothing but a girth about our body,, no water,,, up stone steps, then up the path to Calvary!! Finally a man steps out of the crowd, grabs the Cross, carries it on to the top. a woman out of the crowd ,,manages to rub a little moisture upon His lips,, as He went forward to hang on that Cross..
and NEVER ONCE, on that trip to death,,, did he cry out for help, nor curse the ones who sentenced Him to death and to carry that Cross on His back,, nor did He cry out hatred, nor lack of faith to His Father , our God, ..but carried THE LOAD OF THAT CROSS, and our sins,, knowingly , He was going to His death, so cruel of a death... Now, could anyone of us, carry that load? I think , we would say,, yes, but I know we would not, nor could not, we would fall, and we would cry out,, we would not make it..for our faith is not enough,,, so I say now , take your load,, and ask for help , and share it with Jesus, for He has carried the weight ,, He knows who is in charge, and He will help you to carry this load you have on your back, the load of life, the sins, you carry,,He will lift them from you, and give you relief, and a reservation for an eternity of rest! You, who are heavy laden, He will carry your burdens.... for only with Him can you make the climb, as He did!!!! Do you have the faith, to turn all of your problems, your load, to Him, accept Jesus Christ as your one and your only one, putting Him first in all you do,,and then
Lord, I pray, that all will run, not walk to You, by way of Your Son, Jesus, and accept Him,and give their burdens to Him for removal, and seek Your Heaven,,, amen
John HIcks
Just a servant, and trying to influence all who I meet , to join me in my journey to testify of my Jesus, my God , in all I do, and I pray for His helping hand, and ask ,,all to join me in the spreading of His Glory, and His word....Have a great day, to all...
Make a choice today, for it is YOUR choice, ,and YOURS alone!
Friday, November 9, 2012
FRIDAY!!!! Good morning!!! You , who are working and have jobs, M - F,, your day of waiting is here, and you will be starting your w/e soon!!!! For those who have to work today, it is still your day,,,for those who do not have a job, I pray you find one, & it is still your day also,,, and for those who are retired, , it is your day ,, for it is a day given by the LORD GOD, and folks , that make it a day for us all, for He is the Supreme Leader! He is the real president of all, HE IS GOD, AND THERE IS NO OTHER, WOW!!!! Have a great "YOUR" day!!!
Prayer Request: Amanda Newby , who will have that heart repair today,, the hospitals got mixed up as to which one she was to be at and had to re-schedule,, so please say another prayer today, two won't hurt!
Lord, I ask that this Nation come to You, and ask the question, "Will You Forgive Us of The Sins We Have Committed Over Time,, and Continue To Bless Us ?" I know , God, this is so selfish of a prayer ,but I believe in You, and I believe in this Nation, ,and that is why I ask, for the people ,, who does stand for You, and will die for you, just a I will.. amen
John HIcks
Today, a feeling of saying just a little is soooo big,, for He made this day, and He will make all days for you and for me as He sees them,, and by our actions....for He loves us, and longs for that return,, that He does not get enough of,, will you join me in sending love "upwards",, instead of inside of each of us? Have a great day with the Lord!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Thursday-11/08/12
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THURSDAY- Waking up to, and with three of my favorites, God, my wife, and of course,, my coffee, and they are in that order also,, now how about that!!! I awoke with a tale to follow as I write this morning and please read it and read it slowly, and understand that I feel it, no matter what.....this nation is beginning to be in a siege.. if we all don't throw away our worldly wants, and get on our knees, and ask for our sanction now, not tomorrow, but now... please read,and think very carefully....
Prayer Request : For a good friend of mind who is having heart surgery today,,, hopefully a two day in and out, Amanda Newby, going to have two arteries cauterized. please pray for Amanda.
Kristian,, who is being persecuted, and also her neighbors by portraying a tiny white wooden cross in their yards.. where , I do not know, but pray, for they will, win, but need your support on this.
Thanks to the good "Samaritan" at the Macon Hospital ,with the wheel chair, much needed, and was listening, and reacted with no hesitation... thank you "Good Samaritan".
I received a call yesterday from a young lady, almost in tears ,but glad , she had found me on the phone, for she needed to talk , if only for a short moment... She had moved somewhere around here,,, and her new yard at her new house,, had a tiny white cross in it. She explained she was so proud of that cross in her yard, for she had some difficulty before she had moved, and then also noticed more little crosses, down through her neighborhood, not a lot, but some...and she said she marveled, she had found the right place,,,,THEN , her cross got up-rooted and was thrown across her yard,,she found it, put it back,,,then again and again, it was up-rooted, and she would find it in the yard , but thrown,, and no animal had gotten hold of it, for it was still intact , and in good shape. She said , this worried her, and she again, and again re-hammered it in the ground. She came home and it was found to be gone , but this time, broken, she said, she felt like her old world was trying to follow her.. she was so afraid, but that cross had brought her back to Jesus, and so she placed her faith in Him, and then went and asked one of the neighbors , where did this cross come from, they told her of "The Cross" Ministry here, and she found us, but we were not at home , for she came after two things, a cross, and to ask for prayer ,,, to with-stand these intruders, and for God to contiue to give her strength... and she noticed my phone #, so we got to talk, she will be coming back soon to talk in person. She talked to her neighbors with the crosses, and theyhad the same problem, but no crosses broken, but pulled up and thrown, here and there,, now this is where it starts, IF WE DON'T STAND UP... for our beliefs, just as this young girl is doing.. for she moved, and saw the cross and I believe that when she said , that is where I need to be, back to and with Jesus, I believesatan went wild, going into a throwing rage,, as he had done to the neighbors , with no success, and now with another ,young but determined, so I told her , to have faith, and we had plenty of crosses, and we would continue to keep one in her yard, but we must,, as above,,,
Lord,. I ask You to protect this young girl, and all who stand up for You, and to give us the strength to stand for You, no matter the odds against us, even if it is our lives,,,
John HIcks
Servant , who will stand, and not back down.... and we must all do this before we lose this Nation... pray, come back to Him, and then stand our grounds,, plant our cross of faith, the cross that dwells with-in us, and is as pure as He!! So make your choice today, TO STAND!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
the day after
This video continues to circumnavigate the globe. The Progressive Democrats just can not rid the realism of the video. This was done 47 years ago and look what we have now. Paul Harvey was a very perceptive person and one who seemed to have a handle on how things were progressing in a very non-productive and negative way. If you don't "see" this message, then you are part of the problem we have today...........
This video ..... should certainly be seen by everyone.
This was 47 years ago. April 3, 1965. An amazing prediction.
Do you remember the famous radio commentator, Paul Harvey, back when ABC was one of the respected media?
Millions of Americans listened to his programs which were broadcast over 1,200 radio stations nationwide.
When you listen to this, remember the commentary was broadcast 47 years ago on April 3, 1965.
It's short...less than three minutes. You will be amazed.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
TUESDAY! BIG DAY FOR THE USA... IT IS ELECTION DAY! Yes, today, WE, all get to elect a president, of the peoples choice,,,and I think by the past "thoughts" ,, all know my vote, but it is a freedom, so go do yours.. as you wish, I just ask that you pray to God Almighty, before you mark your ballots.. then we will have put out our trust and our faith in Him... but first things first this morning!!! I ask you to not vote for a Savior, I ask you to "ASK FOR YOUR SAVIOR" JESUS CHRIST,,,, to walk with, and to participate with you in all you do this day, and all the days of your life! If you will invite Him in,, He will never turn His back on you, nor let you ever fall to sin again,, so I have asked, will you? I did this earlier than now, and every morning, for when my eyes open , I know they will open to a fine day of His, or they will open right in front of His throne,, so it is a win, win,, situation, when you accept Him, as your one and only!!!
Now, I am stopping to take a sip of my favorite drink, my cup of hot morning coffee, and to say, once again, I toast YOU, MY GOD! THE ONE THE ONLY GOD! AMEN! Have a great day with the Lord, that is ,,if you have asked Him along, and if you have not, then I ask Him to give you one any way!!!
Prayer request: Jason Rippy , who is recovering from the West Nile Virus, please pray for complete recovery..
Just short today, ,as above , today you have a great opportunity to do two things in your life,,,and that is , accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and put God first, and foremost in your life, if you have not already ask HIm in,,,, and the second thing is to Vote, and vote with your own heart,,, your own personal beliefs, even after all the commercials, the mud slinging, the lies ,piled high upon piles of lies, you get to make your mind, your heart, filter all this garbage out,and vote your consciences today...
soooooo,,, on both counts, make them count , for the first is for life, and the second,,, could cost us our lives , as we know them today....
Lord, thank YOU, for the two choices, and that the first choice may always be you to all who reads this,, amen
John HIcks
Off to the doctor today, after my seven day "pack",, with its' "ups and downs", I pray it will be a better report, all is close to well, but not there,,, maybe He will turn me loose, and I can get back to doing!!! Then after the visit , we will tackle the polls, and cast our choice!! Again ,have a nice day, and don't forget to ask Him along, He wants to go!!!
Monday, November 5, 2012
MONDAY! With a cup of Java in one hand ,my God at my side, for as I raised my head this morning ,He was already there waiting,,, (quite a big deal for me), I drink a little coffee, and I pray a lot,, for today, is a great day, for He has given it to me, with no strings attached , except love to be returned... and that is not hard at all... , and worry for nothing else, but I do ask God for one thing, as a human,, that tomorrow is His, and He has it planned, and only He can make it happen, so I tell Him, I don't worry, but, I sure hope He has some good news for us by the end of this election, so get out there and vote, America, for you are of a Nation at this time, still a nation under God's good nature, and we need to show Him we are appreciative!!!
Did you know that a palm tree is the tree with the most ability to with-stand high winds of a storm... It can bend almost to the ground, and most of the time, it will be back tall and straight in a few days of sunshine, with the palm leaves waving victory in the wind.
We should all be like the "palm tree", stand tall in the storm of sin and corruptness,,,believe in God and Jesus,,, accept them as your only God, and a living God,,, when you do,, the sun will shine in you,,, you then can wave your arms in victory,,,stand tall with head high,,,be a living testimonial to Him .Go ahead , and plant your feet in solid ground of the Lord and be like a
Lord, may we continue to stand tall, and deep rooted for You, and no matter the wind that satan may send, we will stand as yours , ever waving our love of You, thought we face death, we will not let anyone up-root our belief in You. amen
John HIcks
This is a "Thought For Today",,,that I put out on the day after the election of 08,, and it shows,, that yes , we stayed rooted, and now we have another chance to with-stand the wind of evil, and show God we still love Him, and we will,, no matter his choice, stand with Him again, & again, forever!!!! For His choice, will be His ,and I am for Him , no matter the cost... where and who do you stand with, ,,,your politician or YOUR GOD? Your choice,,,, and yours alone....
May God bless you in which ever one you make!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
SUNDAY! Wake up, Wake up,,, it is His day,, THE DAY OF REST! , When He had made it all.. then he just set back,,, looked all about, saw the beauty, was pleased, and then He rested! Let's do the same!!! Let's kick back, look around and enjoy His world , for once, and don't try to destroy it with all of our wants and whining!!! Will you try this , for at least one day?,,,, Just look at what He gave us??? Oh my, what a spectacular feat this was!!!! Thank You God, for our all.
Yes with all the elections on hand, and one of the almost biggest times of voting one will do, there it is, the Presidency!!!,,& that is all you hear these last few days, and only two more days after today to vote America,, back to America.
Oh you did notice, I said the almost biggest times of voting one will do... but there is one other voting you must do, and you don't have to be registered for this one, in fact , it is to vote for registration for life ,,, eternal life,, and you must vote, no absentees either, this one must be in person, and it must be done before you die, and it must be done in faith,and in sincerity,,, A "just say it and don't mean it "?,, well it just won't get you will only cost your death,, a dreaful death,,, and without your name in the registration book of life, you will lose your own personal election,,, of life , with God, for an eternity,, now, isn't this the biggest incentive for you to lay down your sins, bend your knees, bow your head, and then cry out....
it is your vote, your choice, the most , the biggest vote you will ever cast, in this life.. so make it, don't wait,, for wait is surely death!
Lord, I ask for all hearts, all eyes, all ears, to feel , see, and hear You calling out,"oh come sinner,,, oh come,, come to me!" amen
John HIcks
Yes, I voted , I called out early, at 12, if you have not cast your ballot for Jesus, do so now, for HE patiently, and lovingly waits of your call, and His arms are outstretched , just for you, so come, now, don't put it off to the next one, for there may not be a "next" one.. Your Choice, and yours alone..
Saturday, November 3, 2012
SATURDAY!!! Awake, clicked the heat , just a little , just to knock off the chill... pour that cup of , you know what,,, then I lower my head , and say just a small amount of words , for that is all it takes, Lord, as I take this sip, I say thank You, for not only this little sip, but for my all, for without You, I am nothing, and with You, I am everything, thank You my Lord,for being here by my side. Who are you doing your "morning thing" with?
Yes , God, with You around, "Things Are Getting Better".
Prayer Request: Please continue to pray for those in Sandy's path, and for more compassion out of that N.Y. mayor ... than a race...
We do need people raising money for these poor people who are cold, wet, and hungry,,, but why not spend the money,, that is spent on the gas used to just get these high officials to come do a survey, for enough is reported from the news for them to see the destruction, , unless they are blind, give to those who can distrubute,, the gas for generators, & parachute in food, water, coats, pup tents, for we can afford this, for we do it to other countries in bigger style,, Come on, politics,, go away, and common sense come froward, and let's help these people , get off your butts, send in Army tankers of gas, send in truck loads of "K" rations. Think!, Think!,,, for once with your heart and your head, not your "sitting down place",,NOW,, YOU OFFICIALS ,, GET THE LEAD OUT, AND LET'S RESCUE THESE PEOPLE,,, AND GET OFF T.V.,,, AND QUIT JUST
God, put the brains of these who can, into action, turn them on(that is their brain), and please help those in need, and for us on dry land, in a house, warm, clothed, fed,,,, well , we can wait for what ever we need, so please "re-bless" those in need, for You are the ultimate rescuer, & healer of all. . amen
John HIcks
Just wondering with all those "rock stars" , so warm and so well fed,(and I applaud them for wanting to help).. but why not trailer loads of food and clothing from those mansions they live in,,,,instead of a song, and some might just do that,,but .. I know , my opinion, and even if I am out in left field,,,, I have my glove(my heart) on,, in reverence, and not for self gain...
I feel like sometimes,,, it is all about who gets more press, and really gives so little..
Friday, November 2, 2012
FRIDAY-TGED!!! Well, this morning , I slipped out of bed, put on the java, back in the bed, for a quick nap, but back to sleep was,,, off and on, why? I was thinking, I am waking up with the greatest of all things , My God,, at my side, warm, dry, in pretty good health, food, and drink in the kitchen, lights to turn on... and there are those who are waking with God beside them, that was in that path of Sandy,, and they have nothing,, so ,,, I have to say, God,I don't doubt You, and I do pray that Your will be done,, but I also ask that although you continue to take care of me, I pray to You, to take care of those in the path of Sandy,, for my heart is with them, and for now, I can wait, please take care of them as You do for me,, for mine is Yours, to do with as You wish , for we can wait on all your bestowed glory to us...!!
How do you feel this morning, or have you seen the pictures yet,,,, so as I write, and I drink a hot cup of coffee, let's pray all along through our day, for them,, there,,, with nothing!!!!
We , in most of this great country, are fortunate to have plenty of almost everything, some more , some less, but plenty for our daily needs to survive,,, and some give to others, some hoard their everything.
Those who give, have a smile, feel good,, those who don't, have a painted feeling of good on the outside, but not on the inside....
We all have one thing , the one thing,, that is the exact value to any one of us,,, and yes some give, and are happy, some hoard as if it is theirs and theirs alone,, but when hoarded,,,still have that painted outward appearance, that will wash of with water, not even need of a soap...those who give freely of Him,, are already washed, really washed,,, in the blood!!!
That one thing we all have is Jesus,, some of us ask Him in, then share His word, and His glory,,, and give of ourselves daily, and at all times,, and some claim to accept, and claim to share, but only on special days, and then there are some who never accept!
For those who really accept , need to pray for all others, for you are not judging, you are praying for their souls,, and I feel we have a responsibility to spread His word to them..How? By just a little something said, a little something done, it does not have to be a big clap of thunder, but a small word of direction, from you, to them.
Lord, I pray that You give us the words to say, & the actions to do, to give to the ones who have not come to You, yet,, and You use us as Your instruments in doing this.. amen
John HIcks
Servant,, and willing to talk about Him every chance I get, and I do not apologize for that want, and doing just that , testifying.. will you join me, and let's shout out His word , to all we see... or are you too timid? Come, your choice!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
THURSDAY- GOOD BY OCTOBER,, HELLO NOVEMBER!!! Where did this month go? It slid by fast,, so we must live each day, as God intended, not the worry of tomorrows, for He will take care of them, so we need not spend a minute on them ... they are already planned and made.. by him! Now if you do, drink up , that Java, let's praise Him first, then let's start our day, his and ours ,, together,,,,o.k.?
Prayer Request: For all those that were in the path of Sandy,, destruction is unbelievable.... we must spend more time praying and thinking of these people!
Also for our elections, and let's pray a big prayer,,, that God puts His man in office!!
I would bet that we all have heard this statement,,, "sugar-coated".. It is used to explain a statement of fact and when used , it is usually used as a referral of what you are about to hear , is not good... maybe not a complete disaster,,but not good news.. The person speaking will usually tell you,, "what I am about to tell you ,,and I will not sugar-coat it...etc. then you expect the "not so good news"!
I guess the feeling we get from friends or relatives are usually good, but sometimes a little "sugar coated" is good, if used to lighten a big blow to you that is bad... but not, or should not be used regularly! I would say that chocolate with a sugar shell coating is better than plain non-sweet chocolate,,, well ,, again that is my opinion,, where is this going,, on,,, and on... NO,, I just want to say to all who are reading this,, that you have but one choice in your life , that you will have to make,,, and only you can make it,,, it will not come to you "sugar-coated"...
You may say that I am too blunt with the statement,, but either you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior,,, and live by Gods' rules,, or you don't,, no "sugar coating,,, just plain,, then one of two things happens of your choice,, you go to heaven, or hell.... just plain truth,,how else can you put it,,, it is just one of those things that no one,, not even God will not
God, I ask for relief for those in Sandys path, and I ask that all who reads this,, will not only carry this thought on to others,, but will heed it also, and accept you, if not already, and Lord I pray for peace in this world.. amen
John HIcks
"Things Are Getting Better",,, is a new slogan that Libby and I are saying,,, can you guess where we got it from, let me know if you guess !!!,,, but really , folks, "Things Are Getting Better"!.
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