Saturday, October 6, 2012


Thoughts For Today-Saturday-10/06/12 Show Details T.G.E.D. SATURDAY! Well, as usual , I started my morning off with that cup of wonder nectar, "coffee",, and as I looked into the morning night,, I could see the light mist, and I thought of the world without rain, and God, watering the plants with this mist, each night,,,, it must have been magnificent , for it still is to this day,,some may call it science, I call it God, for science would not be, if not for God,, right? So , as always, God wakes with us in good ways, some bad ways, but the one thing we can be sure of is that He is there with us as we wake,,, and what ever the situation we wake up in, it is His situation, and He has a reason for accept it , then talk, to Him about it,,for He is watching, and He is listening,, His replies may not be what you want, but believe me , He has a purpose, and it is His, and it will work ,,, in the end!!!! Prayer Request: Rhonda, not doing good, even though her brain quit bleeding, it is now taking on a fluid, and that fluid is also around her heart, about to cause heart failure,,, she was really in bad pain last night, and with all that is wrong with her, only God can intervene, if it is in His wishes, and we need to pray for her sufferings, and that HIS WILL be done, and pray that!!! , for He is in charge!!!! THAT LITTLE OLE MICRO CHIP! I read about one of the "energy " companies placing this little micro chip on the electric meters, so they can read your and my meters.. saves time, gas, and a person coming by,, right? Sure it does! Well Georgia Power has already done this.. so,,, no more meter man! Now , let me give you a 'FOR INSTANCE" on this little "micro chip".... All houses has electric wiring, a flowing current,,, even cables carry from this land to across the oceans, and we relish in having this "electricity", or at least I do love having it. You do too, when you are without it... NOW, STOP, and think ,, about the fiber optic lines added now.. and what you get through these lines now, electricity, you can get phone service, Internet, t.v. radio.. etc..... and I have also added to my A.C. a device that , at peak intervals, it will turn off my air for about three minutes, at intervalsl that I will not notice, and that is to save energy, help bring down the load on the grid,, and that is good,,, or is it? If this works, can this chip not just turn off, and then on your electricity, even and individually your a.c.? Now on to other things, by the heat in the building radiated back to the thermostat, can it not detected the temperature, and then how many people are in the hoouse , the breathing of those , to tell who is resting, sleeping, working,, etc..... is your t.v. on, or working, or not,, phone in use, or not, cell or other wise , listen to your conversations, not only on our phone, but within your house.... even to the point of inter-facing, like with your phones, see you as well, just sitting their in your chair, cooking, etc.... WELL, ,it could be, couldn't it? How will the 'anti-christ' see with the one big eye, and see all? Has it started? Could be, but only God knows... but maybe He gave us enough of a brain, to be able to see with this brain, something as simple and put a contol on it, yes it,, that LITTLE OLE MICRO CHIP!!!! Lord, give us the insight, that what we call "science fiction" is , as history shows us, usually turns into reality, the brain enough to put a control on this,,and I pray that with Your love, You will continue to be with us, and care for us through these times coming, for I, and lots, realize , they are on the way, may You, bless this Nation, and this world,, amen John HIcks Now, I will be called a "science fiction freak", but this morning ,, as usual,, my mind is working for my God, and He is in charge of what I say, for I have given my all to Him, and He is is control....LISTEN PLEASE! , and do the same, give Him your all, and put Him in charge of your life!!! Choices, choices! and yours, and yours alone!!!! Make one today, find out what life is really all about!!!!

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