Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Fw: Thoughts For Today-Wednesday-10/10/12 Show Details WEDNESDAY! Good morning, and welcome to the middle day of God's week! Yes, waking up is hard to do, UNLESS, you wake up with Him by your side, by invitation, and ready to escort you through your day. Now, do you know of a better escort, or bodyguard , than God Almighty? I don't, and I just say,, thank You, God for being there at my beside through the night, and ready to escort me through this day! Prayer Report: Sue Sanders, operation, went real good... doctors to check her out today, and hopefully, she will be out and on her way home Thursday, or Friday! God, is given all the credit, and the glory of this operation! ELEVATOR Have you ever been on an elevator? Most of us, in this day and age have. It is still a ride , that is more intense than one at the fair, or any amusement park.. As you enter, this little small cubicle,,sometimes alone, or a few, or maybe even full , almost packed... the door closes tight,,and someone pushes the up button, and there goes your stomach , almost left on the floor, especially with these new "speed" elevators! Now the same goes with hitting the down button, only change is ,your stomach is at the top of the elevator! NOW, for the stop as you reach your destination... that slow down, then the actual stop! Ha! Your stomach does not know whether to stay on the floor or the top, then it just settles right back into place, and you smile and step off.. what a ride,,, and in a small closed in cubicle... and for me, that is somewhat of a problem, but I make it through the ride,,,and have you ever rode the none stop from first floor to the 24 th in Atlanta? Now that is a ride of rides... It starts off with your stomach on the floor, and it stays there for the trip, then it flies to the top at the stop... then after a few rides, the thrill is over!!!.. and when you get on all elevators this is what happens, sub-consciously,,, IS THIS THING GOING TO DROP, OR IS IT GOING TO MAKE IT? but we all live with it, for we don't want to walk up 24 floors, or even just one floor, yes we are getting that lazy!!!! So, we all ride that ride, the "elevator".. for a quick trip up or down,,, and folks,,,,how about that elevator of life at the end? I am not trying to be morbid, but prepared, and I want you to be you must make the decision,,, that when this life ends,,, and you step on your elevator...will your button(for there will only be one button on this one, no choice of one or the other, it will be pre-lite),,, with one olf two choices..... UP ,,,,OR,,,, DOWN? your choice to make now,, for then, if no choice , it is too late to make one, for the button is already on , and pushed... so , STOP NOW,and make your choice of Jesus, now, and forever, and have a nice ride when God chooses that time! Lord, thank You for giving us the CHOICE,, and I pray , that all will pick YOU TODAY,,THIS SECOND! and thank You for answering all of our prayers... amen John HIcks I thought I had retired, but now, as much as I loved the work I use to do in Textiles, and it was hard, the one I have now is so great, and so satisfying.... my job now,, working for the Lord God Almighty, and my Foreman, is Jesus Christ, and wow, is He good to work for, and just to be with. So, come join me ,,, in this "work-place of wonderful" ... make a choice for Jesus! Yours and yours alone, UP or DOWN?

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