Monday, October 22, 2012


MONDAY! Wake you sleepy heads,,, it's time to go back to work for you workers, with a job, and for those with-out one,,, it's time to get up and go looking, and for those retired, it's time to do what ever it is you want to do, and can afford...All others just do what ever it is you do,,, or want to do,,,, BUT LET'S ALL DO IT WITH JESUS BY OUR SIDE! Now isn't this the way to start and do our days? I say a big YES! Prayer Request: Faye Chambers, who has pneumonia, pray that she recovers quickly and completely..she is a real worker for her God....and we know He has His hand on her. IN GOD WE TRUST! This statement seems to be on the slide downhill.. You say, oh no! I have God with me more and more. You may be carrying Him in your pocket or in your purse, for this nation is going quickly to the side of satan.. How can I be so sure? Few things that are right in front of your nose, and mine. The churches, some are to the "don't get too involved" , more people are "don't say anything,, it is politically incorrect,, and no it might hurt ones feelings, or their heritage! Well,, you say I don't support all of these radical things,, you must, for the non-believers are gaining, and let me tell you ,, gaining FAST!.. First of all ,, I am an AMERICAN, AN NOT ANY PRE-WORDS IN FRONT OF IT,AND I AM TIRED OF HEARING IT,, LET'S HEAR WHEN ASKED,, I AM AN AMERICAN! PERIOD! Not hard to say, if you are one! In my day, yes my day, the 50's , have been sighted as the most tranquil of all times of all existence. Hard to believe? Yes it is, for the atomic age had come about.. but controlled for peace, to stop imperialism.. and it did.. for it had been made, and used, and others knew we would do it again for peace,,, but now the other anti American countries look at us, and our leaders, and do one of two things, wait for an apology, or laugh at us, to our face, and dare us... ,yes do you like that "AMERICAN"? BUT, as I went to school, we opened with two things, and we did it with pride.. the pledge of allegiance,, and a prayer. NO ONE COMPLAINED,, we had put God in charge of all.. we were a full pledged Christian Nation..and this was protected by our armed forces with orders to keep the enemy at bay, not teach them how to kill us.... and doors were left open,, kids played in open yards, little girls could play outside,,, big girls could walk to town or to their neighbors, yes all this and no guards,, just the local peace officers, riding around after the real criminals.. not the citizen who was working hard to pay the way.. yes the common people were the nation,, then,, not the thief, the murder, not the sex offender not the atheists, JUST the BELIEVERS,,, WERE IN CHARGE AND RAN OUR NATION,, AND IF YOU WERE GAY, YOU WERE HAPPY!!! What about now? First,, no prayer in schools, no form of religion in schools or government building, no prayer at local school events,, children murdering parents,, parents murdering children,, Yes banned are our most important treasures,, banned on public land,, BUT NOT ON OUR OWN LAND! WAKE UP AMERICA! First prayer publicly, then the Bible readings publicly, no religion in state building, no crosses' on the side of the roads, no Christian Flags at memorials of the Military that gave their lives for our country.. what is wrong with the people of this nation? Have they forgotten? That they were built by and will only survive by the one and the only one that matters, our God and we need to revive this message to the head of our homes, and our nation.....WE, and I say WE must put this back in our country, NOW,, GOD BACK, AND CRY OUT THIS MESSAGE,,,"IN GOD WE TRUST" and no one else!!!! Lord, I cry out today in my prayers, please forgive this nation, and give us the leaders tht will turn to You, and not the almighty dollar, and put you FIRST, amen John HIcks I am an American, and there is no pre-fix on this name 'AMERICAN"... SO IF YOU USE IT, TAKE IT OFF..FOR YOU are EITHER A 100% AMERICAN OR YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN, AND ANY ONE WHO TAKES OFFENSE OF THIS STATEMENT, IS NOT A 100% AMERICAN, this is my opinion and I stand behind it... Now, I am sure I will receive some opinions from this one!

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