Wednesday, October 31, 2012


WEDNESDAY! Wow! Even as I awake this morning and off to make my coffee, I am still in mind of how powerful our Lord is , and can be, and we may never know why, but we do know who! Lots of destruction,,,lots of hurt, so as we stop and do whatever it is we do first in the morning, let's stop, and say another big prayer for those in need ,much, much more than us, those in Sandy's path!!! Prayer Request : For those in Sandy's path...that God will now revamp them all, warm them, dry them, shelter them, give them renewed hope, for we all know ,HE WILL NOT LET THEM LIE, HE WILL COME AND GIVE HELP, AND HOPE, even as we doubt of the why, let us lean on Him, He will take of that "why".... I went to the Orthopedic yesterday, I have a bad back, why I am just walking and working , is by Gods' help, but with Him I will continue to go... I am starting a new drug this morning,,and it can be a dangerous one for me, but I must try it, and I have been benched from all work for at least a week... so I ask that all will just say a small wee little prayer for me,, for that is all I need, for a little with God,,, goes along way,,, thank you all in advance! FAITH! I watched one of the movies I love so very much last night, "KING OF KINGS",, and if we will just close our eyes, and thank off the life of our Savior from conception,,, birth, becoming of an adult , then the journey of the teaching us of the new way(by the Son being our redemption) those things that happened,,, not in the movie, but in the real journey, for if you will read the Bible and then close your eyes also, you will have almost the same concept,,and that is a Journey of Perfection, not ever done before or after that One,, our Jesus our Savior,, our all,, yes, PERFECT IN ALL AREAS...!!! Can you even come close to thinking of anyone who might be close to this, no, not even Billy Graham,,, whom I think is the mightiest Christian alive today... for even he cannot come even close to this "SON", THIS JESUS, THIS ,,, SAVIOR OF MINE, AND YOURS,,, I HOPE! TO HAVE FAITH AND TO BELIEVE NOT ONE SIN, EVER... IS TO BELIEVE ............ IN HIM, AND IN THIS STORY OF HIS PERFECTION, NOT ONE SIN!! EVER! God, I thank You for Jesus, Your forgiveness and Your way for us to You,,, amen John HIcks Working, for Him,,,, and I,,, and my house,,, will continue to serve the Lord ,,for as long I am allowed to be here,,, and I ask , "If you have not made that decision, and accepted Him as your Savior, please do so now, and if you have already accepted ,,, share your experience of Him with others,, and help them to Jesus.. Please make a choice, and make it for Him, for with that choice,,, you choose to live!

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