Wednesday, October 31, 2012


WEDNESDAY! Wow! Even as I awake this morning and off to make my coffee, I am still in mind of how powerful our Lord is , and can be, and we may never know why, but we do know who! Lots of destruction,,,lots of hurt, so as we stop and do whatever it is we do first in the morning, let's stop, and say another big prayer for those in need ,much, much more than us, those in Sandy's path!!! Prayer Request : For those in Sandy's path...that God will now revamp them all, warm them, dry them, shelter them, give them renewed hope, for we all know ,HE WILL NOT LET THEM LIE, HE WILL COME AND GIVE HELP, AND HOPE, even as we doubt of the why, let us lean on Him, He will take of that "why".... I went to the Orthopedic yesterday, I have a bad back, why I am just walking and working , is by Gods' help, but with Him I will continue to go... I am starting a new drug this morning,,and it can be a dangerous one for me, but I must try it, and I have been benched from all work for at least a week... so I ask that all will just say a small wee little prayer for me,, for that is all I need, for a little with God,,, goes along way,,, thank you all in advance! FAITH! I watched one of the movies I love so very much last night, "KING OF KINGS",, and if we will just close our eyes, and thank off the life of our Savior from conception,,, birth, becoming of an adult , then the journey of the teaching us of the new way(by the Son being our redemption) those things that happened,,, not in the movie, but in the real journey, for if you will read the Bible and then close your eyes also, you will have almost the same concept,,and that is a Journey of Perfection, not ever done before or after that One,, our Jesus our Savior,, our all,, yes, PERFECT IN ALL AREAS...!!! Can you even come close to thinking of anyone who might be close to this, no, not even Billy Graham,,, whom I think is the mightiest Christian alive today... for even he cannot come even close to this "SON", THIS JESUS, THIS ,,, SAVIOR OF MINE, AND YOURS,,, I HOPE! TO HAVE FAITH AND TO BELIEVE NOT ONE SIN, EVER... IS TO BELIEVE ............ IN HIM, AND IN THIS STORY OF HIS PERFECTION, NOT ONE SIN!! EVER! God, I thank You for Jesus, Your forgiveness and Your way for us to You,,, amen John HIcks Working, for Him,,,, and I,,, and my house,,, will continue to serve the Lord ,,for as long I am allowed to be here,,, and I ask , "If you have not made that decision, and accepted Him as your Savior, please do so now, and if you have already accepted ,,, share your experience of Him with others,, and help them to Jesus.. Please make a choice, and make it for Him, for with that choice,,, you choose to live!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


TUESDAY! Waking up with the Lord, and a good heater, a cup of coffee is great,,,and we are so thankful... , For those in harms way, in that big storm... are not all so fortunate..we need to pray for those people.. homes wrecked, no power , no heat,,, no hot food,, lost all,, those people of Hyndman, Pa.where a damn broke ,,due to rain ad snow,,, and the complete town had to be evacuated in large trucks to higher ground, leaving all behind, personal goods, animals , etc, their all.. so please,,, let's stop and pray for these people and all those others ,,as they pull through this great ordeal... BE US,,, THANKFUL!!! You know we look around and we see little things, a broken limb, a hurt back, a broken down car, a leak in the roof, a lawnmower, just will no start... and then we turn on the news, and we see something like Sandy, the late hurricane, ranging 1000 miles wide, going in at a Cat 2.. tearing sown complete beaches, days before,,, a ramp for young ones to run and play, white and beautiful sand, now,,, no sand to be seen, just waves of great height,,wharfs,,, torn to splinters, like a toothpick, water 20 feet in height , roaring in over homes , businesses,,, roads washed out,, lives being taken, washed away,, no power, no switch,, to flip,, to see, just the clothes on their back, THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN,,, our bumps in the road are not so big anymore,,, we are very blessed all of a sudden,, well,,,,let's just turn that T.V., that radio, that computer off, for just a small minute,, not so big of time, just a minute , unless you are one of the above,,, and a minute is a life time, but we have all that they don't at this time..,, WE must take this minute of solitude,,, to pray for these people in harms way,, this morning,,, this very minute, and ask God's help for them, and then WE MUST PRAY OUR THANKS FOR OUR GOOD FORTUNE FROM HIM!!!! for next , it could be us!! Thank about it, and pray , and pray, for He listens, even when we think He is not, He is all please try... He waits to hear!!! Lord, I pray for all those in harms way, Lord, hold them, make them safe, warm those cold, dry those wet, shelter those without, make them all safe, keep those flooded, on high ground, and most of all my Lord, let Your will be done, in what ever is to be done, and what we don't know, give us the knowledge.. amen John HIcks Concerned, and also I am praying, and I believe ,no matter what we think, YES HE IS CHARGE,,,

Monday, October 29, 2012


MONDAY! Woke up,,, cool down here in Middle Georgia, so this morning , won't be any Java and carport meetings .... all inside, around the ole heater , Ha!! I know ,,we are all wimps, but if you got a heater, use it,,,Ha! Anyway, I know that when I awoke and went and lite that heater, rather quickly,, that when this task was done, and on to the coffee pot, there leaning beside it,, was my old pal, God, and as HE smiled, He said, "I knew you got up fast,and I knew you were cool, and I also knew just were you would come to... so I just leisurely walked to here and waited,and watched you scramble around,, shivering, and shaking ,, and that you didn't use the brain I gave you, you remember ,,THE AUTOMATIC THERMOSTAT?..Oh well, you just re-acted like so many more,, just the"human inside of you",,, but at least,, you did see me here by the "ole stand by, the coffee pot", and then with humor, a little,,, Ha!" Did you forget some-one when you opened your eyes?" ... Yes I had, for I had thought of me first, and I will have to do some tall talking at that "coffee pot" meeting this morning... and even though He will forgive, I will not forget! How about you, did you wake up , rush into life and leave anyone behind,,, and just where will you be when you will realize a I did,, and have to stop and have your meeting???? Well, now that you are awake and we all realize that God was ALREADY awake and calmly waiting on us to arise, and we struck out on our own, tomorrow, morning ,,let's set the "God Clock" so when our eyes open, we don't hunt for Him we just look , for that is Him right in front of our eyes,,, you'll see, in the morning, just ask now ,, in advance,,O,K,? Prayer Request: For Sandy, Malry's friend, to continue to be strong, and to be held by our Lord,,,, And all those in the path of the great "Nothern" strorm , may You , God wrap Your arms around each of them, and give them Your protection... I think the above opening is enough on our brains this day, for some days I, and we,, tend to put too much on our plates at once , when just a simple ,,, Good Morning to You, and to God, will suffice!!!.. How about that?,,, and again, May all have a great and fruitful day with their Lord, Jesus Chirst!! John HIcks Servant ,, and bragging also, for I am one,,,, who will speak out ,, OF HIM, AND OF HIS GLORY!!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


SUNDAY! Well, good morning, and I pray that your morning starts like mine, a great day with the Lord at my side, do I need to say more? You got it!! No!!!!! LAST MINUTE TRAIN! Yes, if you can remember the many train tracks, and the many trains that left those stations back in those days, full of passengers..each day, headed to a day of excitement, a day of exploration, a day to see a love one, or just a trip,,, to have a trip, and some,,,,,,,well maybe this ride, is the train to where they thought they were going... but turned out to be different ,, all together!!! To a place not expected , nor really wanted, for their train just took a switch, that lead them away from our train..., as they turned on a trip to none,,,,, of the above! I guess you are saying now,,, "dang him!!! a good sentence , that he has to go and put that end to it!" ... NO, not me , HIM! end to them, yes, the other train, no!!! Just read on...... My message to anyone who will listen today is, if you have your tickets in advance for "THIS" train,, called "The Gospel Train" , the "JESUS TICKETS".. the one switched in the other direction,,, is not to destructiion ,,,but to life....,, Now, all those who have purchased Jesus Tickets ,,,accepted HIm ,in advance, given their all to Him,, may step on those steps, and walk right on in,,, take that seat the conductor shows you, for your name is already on one of those seats,, and on the front of that train, where the "where to slot" is ,,, reads... HEAVEN BOUND EXPRESS, NO STOPS" ... CHIEF ENGINEER , JESUS CHRIST! and then you hear that conductor in a loud voice holler out..... "ALL ABOARD FOR THOSE WITH JESUS TICKETS,,, TRAIN PULLING OUT FOR THE PROMISE LAND"! Lord, my prayer is that the Gospel Train is full, the other one is empty! amen John HIcks Still trying,,, to tell that old, old, story of MY JESUS,, AND YOURS TOO, IF YOU WILL INVITE HIM IN!!!! Choices, choices!!!! and all yours!!!! Want a ride? Meals served on my train!!!! GET YOUR TICKET IN ADVANCE!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


SATURDAY! Good morning my friends,,,, well today in this little town of Yatesville , Georgia, is the "Biggest Day of the Year" here!!!!, It is "The Chittling Hoedown",, and people from all over the USA, come to our little town to eat these things! Now me, no, but they sell boiled or fried, , about 4000 lbs each year,,,, cars, trucks tractors , horses, SUV, four wheelers,, they are parked all over, bocks and blocks of cars....and we also have crafts, and a lot of home cooked soul food, home-made ice cream, fired apple, & potato pies....hmmmn,,, they also have B B Que chicken,,, if you don't like chittlings.... come see us today,, only one day this year, and guess what, I am on the "north side of the tracks", and the wind is blowing north to south, now ain't God good?? Yes He is!!!! THE TWO FACES! I ask you this question, when you are out in public, do you wear and use the same face as you do in your private re-treat,,, of home? Think about it, and if you say Yes, DEFINITELY!!!!,,,, to this answer!!!!! then folks , as Jeff Fowworthy would say,, "You just might be a Christian!!!!"..... but I would like to know the real truth,,, and as I will be observing these faces as I walk through the crowds today, and I can guarantee, as nervous as it makes my help-mate, I will be wearing just what you see each day, and any where you might see it.... and saying just what I will say anywhere!!!! now yu might just call me a Christian, I would be honored for you to do so.... Now you have a great day,,, in all you do, and even with WHICH EVER FACE ,,,YOU DECIDE ON!!!! lord, Give us a great day today, and as always, I invite You an Your son to accompany me,, to where ever I walk, sit, and in all I do and say... amen John HIcks Off to a good start,,sitting with coffee in hand , & smiling under the carport,,,as the breeze blows to the south... Now again, HAVE A GREAT GODS DAY, THEY ARE ALL HIS, JUST ON LOAN TO YOU, AND I,,,, FOR A SHORT WHILE!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012


FRIDAY! TGIF! Good morning to the world!!! As I rose out of bed at 4:00 a.m. this morning, my first thought was of the Lord, and how He was here by my side, and how wonderful that He can be in more than one place at a time...and my other thought, was that He was either sitting, lying, walking, or hungered down with-not one , but all or our guardians of our free world ,,, this very second,, our armed forces who stand, ready to give their all ,,,for their country... so ,, I stopped , before another step to take, (even with coffee off my brain), and lowered my head, and said , "thank You my Lord God, for holding their hand, and carrying them through this ordeal , that they are on!"...... do you ever really give them a real sanctioned moment of your time, you should , more than one time... yes, for without them,you would have no free time.. better thank about it....Hey guys and girls of our uniformed ones,,,,a great bit hearty "THANK YOU, AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU WITH ALL HIS LOVE!" CHRISTIANS? PROFESSED? OR REAL? This , today is going to hurt,,,, but needs to be said, and I include myself.... where are the REAL Christians? I see some, and I see some, who are speaking out, offering Gods' word, but I don't see it in daily lives,,,,why? Yes,, why??? It is as if, "please don't start that up .. not again".. and then they,, they avoid you, yes avoid you!!!! Is it "being afraid?,,,is it not politically correct?,,, is it just don't care,, or is it , oh He built it, He will take care of it , and us? Well,He built it, we are killing it, and He is here , but not many are calling Him today...and I have been told ,,"it is none of my business",,, so whose business is it? I feel like I have not done enough,,, I see people at church, I see people lying on the by-ways,,, without , food, some with children , in rags, and I see no one pulled over helping them, (even me), but I hear comments on them as I enter businesses, "oh why don;'t they go get a job, and at least , they can clean up their children,, while their own children are in new clothes,, meth or other "odd" things in thier pockets!!!! Yes they are clean behing their ears, but how about their hearts??? (finger pointing is a bad habbit) Christians, real Christians , it is time to take back the world, given to us by Him, and how,,,, I do not exactly know,,, but I do know that if you have something to offer, do it, and do it in person... I had a man stop by yesterday, got two crosses, and told me, this one, in his right hand, is going in my yard, but the none in my left hand is going on a grave,, a grave that lots of peole know who is buried there, but not one will reconized him, I will for I am going to write his name on this little cross, and for a while this man willl be known to other men,,for the Lord knows HIm inspite of man........another man standing by, sounded a lougly ? AMEN"... Now , folks tht is taking charge.. I ask , waht are we doing to preseve our Lord and Savior,,besides just claiming we are????. Wait and scream when He comes to reap His harvest,, will yu be His Harvest or fodder on the grond(if You don't know what fooder is, look it up) I cry out, with real tears.... WHERE,,, OH WHERE ARE ALL THE REAL ONES? Lord, I know that many Christians are out there in Your world, and I pray that you give them and me the way, and the brains of how to communicate You,,, to others..amen John HIcks Trying, are


THURSDAY! Well, I am waking today, thankful after a great "get to gather" of my two girls, their husbands and grandchildren, sure missed the other four of my children,,,,but they could not be here,,, but talked anyway....The house was filled with little screams of joy, little feet running from one room to the other, sooo happy,,,,and making their "p-papa", aka- "paw,paw",,, so very happy, and to top that off , a big ole chocolate cake, my favorite,,, and with all the cake,and all that sugar from all those grands, and my kids, and my wife,,, I was almost afraid to check the sugar meter this morning, but that kind of sugar just does not bother the meter,,,praise God for that, ,, as you can tell , I had a great Birthday,and thanks to all of you for the well wishes also....... Prayer Requests: For the family of Mantie Byrd Hill,, who passed away Monday, and will be buried today.. Pray for her family, and their understanding,and God , please touch their shoulder , so they know... For a friend of my Niece Debbie,who worked this friend , with for 25 years, had ovarian cancer,and they thought it was in remission, and now has brain cancer, she was operated on Tuesday, and are still waiting on the outcome, and from Debbie. but please continue to pray for this lady. AS I LOOKED UP , I COULD SEE HIM, COMING Yes , coming in a cloud , riding on white horse, so magnificent, I have never seen one like it,,, and behind him was a host of angels ,,, riding with the making of a bigger dust cloud,, a cloud of millions of angels,, and there was the leader right in front carrying the sword of justice and truth... Yes, there He was,, My Jesus, my Savior,, my King,, His RETURN, at hand , the now, at this moment!!! This very second!!! AND I WAS GLAD, THAT , YES, I COULD BOW AND CALL HIM MY SAVIOR, MY JESUS!!!!! A dream, a reality,, it does not matter, only the part of "My Savior"... Have you accepted Him yet? When this ride from the sky of Jesus,,, will you bow,run, hide,,, for my friends ,please accept Him right now , if you have not, for there will be no place to run,, to not to hide, for He will see all,,, so be prepared to drop to your knees, and bow to Him and say "Welcome Master, welcome!" Lord, I pray for those who do not know You, will join You this very instance, and will be prepared for that day...amen John HIcks Prepared, and still serving, will you join me, it is sooo great.,... best job I have ever had,,but I do need help!!! How about it? HAVE A GREAT GODS DAY, GIVEN AS A GIFT ,,,AND PLEASE TREAT IT AS SUCH!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


WEDNESDAY! Hump Day! All rush to the top of this day, plans made , or,, are still in the making , for the great slide to the W.E.,,yes,, you have made it half way,went through two days to get here,,, now for the other half,, but STOP....YES RIGHT THERE ON THE TOP OF THE HUMP!!! and quit going so fast , wasting away the "in-be-ween days" on the upcoming "days", and let God set your coarse,,for with Him at the helm, your trip cannot be anything but good, and for a real reason!!! You should never waste a day,, for they are a gift, from your God, to you special,,, , so enjoy each ad every one of them !!! Prayer Request: For those in need of You , God. You know who they are, and their needs, and mine are so minor to theirs.. so I ask that you attend to them ,,, and me when you get caught up,, and may You bless them all , with just a touch of Your mighty hand, and especially touch those who make the rules, and let them get a few right! Thank You again God , for my all!!!!!! HOW TO ENJOY A DAY IN YOUR LIFE? SMILE, AND SMILE A LOT! I can guarantee , you will enjoy it, in spite of your own self, Ha! Now folks this is as true as it gets... if you don't believe it, just go around today with your lips turned up with a big smile, teeth showing,,(and it will drive all the ones looking at you wild)..then tomorrow, try it with the both turned down, and pouted out like you just sucked a lemon,,, sounds like something silly,, but you do this, and then report back to me, and tell me which one is the best! Hey , I have mind on, the smile,,, and of course,with a cup of coffee in my hand,,now , surely you did not think I was without it,,come on now,,,just what did you think, Ha!! Now off to your SMILE, AND GREAT DAY!!! John HIcks His and I don't mind telling anyone who will listen.... and I never tire of telling it!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Waking up!!!!

TUESDAY! Well, this morning , I had to awake,, and go make my coffee,, and as I rushed down the hallway, the first thing, to get this "making" on the way,, I had the time to open my eyes as I walked, and realize even more, WOW! What a great Nation, being able to get up , walk through my house, without bullets flying through my windows, or someone beating down my door, bars on my windows to keep hurt, and rape & killing outside, away from me,,,outside raising*@#* very loudly.. yes here in Yatesville, USA, I have this great freedom,,, so quite, and walking down the hall way with my God, and freedom from all the above.... I would hate to have to live in Chicago,, and live like the little boy I saw on T.V. , Yes, right here in America folks, where are those so call protectors that have been voted in to stop this??? This poor, little boy, who could not go outside to even walk, much less to play..right here in America, in one of our big cities,,, only in America? He had already lost his grandmother out there,, so the terror was really great for him! It is hard to believe, and the "hometown" of who,, & if I was "him" I would not claim it..( for it is really not "his" , come to think about it,,is it?) I know this is crazy to think about while walking down ones hallway, after just opening my eyes from a nights sleep,without loud sounds, and my hallway is very short..but this little boy moved my heart! Doesn't losing these kids move your heart also? God please be with these children, and as I drink my coffee in peace, protect those like him. to have the peace, he deserves also.. and a big amen,,, to this great day You have given to me.... You know , as I finished the above, I thought ,,, what more can we start our day with, than God, and the thoughts of others who are less fortunate than us,and usually we are sending missionaries to other lands, when we actually have more right here, and we do need them , and much, much more,, We need "leaders ",, who will accept their responsibility to clean up our towns that have this "gang" goings on stopped,, and let the little ones out to enjoy what our forefathers ,and our "right now fathers" have fought for, and lots have given their lives for....!!! I will always love America,, and I will continue to say what I feel is worth saying with Gods direction!!! So, this day,, have a great one.. and folks , I ask one other thing, keep praying for my back, it sure do hurt so very much!!!! Thank you in advance, and thank God for all I have!!! Now for that second cup of Java,, have a great God's day!!!! John HIcks Just a servant to my God, and with Him on my all times, what is on yours?

Monday, October 22, 2012


MONDAY! Wake you sleepy heads,,, it's time to go back to work for you workers, with a job, and for those with-out one,,, it's time to get up and go looking, and for those retired, it's time to do what ever it is you want to do, and can afford...All others just do what ever it is you do,,, or want to do,,,, BUT LET'S ALL DO IT WITH JESUS BY OUR SIDE! Now isn't this the way to start and do our days? I say a big YES! Prayer Request: Faye Chambers, who has pneumonia, pray that she recovers quickly and completely..she is a real worker for her God....and we know He has His hand on her. IN GOD WE TRUST! This statement seems to be on the slide downhill.. You say, oh no! I have God with me more and more. You may be carrying Him in your pocket or in your purse, for this nation is going quickly to the side of satan.. How can I be so sure? Few things that are right in front of your nose, and mine. The churches, some are to the "don't get too involved" , more people are "don't say anything,, it is politically incorrect,, and no it might hurt ones feelings, or their heritage! Well,, you say I don't support all of these radical things,, you must, for the non-believers are gaining, and let me tell you ,, gaining FAST!.. First of all ,, I am an AMERICAN, AN NOT ANY PRE-WORDS IN FRONT OF IT,AND I AM TIRED OF HEARING IT,, LET'S HEAR WHEN ASKED,, I AM AN AMERICAN! PERIOD! Not hard to say, if you are one! In my day, yes my day, the 50's , have been sighted as the most tranquil of all times of all existence. Hard to believe? Yes it is, for the atomic age had come about.. but controlled for peace, to stop imperialism.. and it did.. for it had been made, and used, and others knew we would do it again for peace,,, but now the other anti American countries look at us, and our leaders, and do one of two things, wait for an apology, or laugh at us, to our face, and dare us... ,yes do you like that "AMERICAN"? BUT, as I went to school, we opened with two things, and we did it with pride.. the pledge of allegiance,, and a prayer. NO ONE COMPLAINED,, we had put God in charge of all.. we were a full pledged Christian Nation..and this was protected by our armed forces with orders to keep the enemy at bay, not teach them how to kill us.... and doors were left open,, kids played in open yards, little girls could play outside,,, big girls could walk to town or to their neighbors, yes all this and no guards,, just the local peace officers, riding around after the real criminals.. not the citizen who was working hard to pay the way.. yes the common people were the nation,, then,, not the thief, the murder, not the sex offender not the atheists, JUST the BELIEVERS,,, WERE IN CHARGE AND RAN OUR NATION,, AND IF YOU WERE GAY, YOU WERE HAPPY!!! What about now? First,, no prayer in schools, no form of religion in schools or government building, no prayer at local school events,, children murdering parents,, parents murdering children,, Yes banned are our most important treasures,, banned on public land,, BUT NOT ON OUR OWN LAND! WAKE UP AMERICA! First prayer publicly, then the Bible readings publicly, no religion in state building, no crosses' on the side of the roads, no Christian Flags at memorials of the Military that gave their lives for our country.. what is wrong with the people of this nation? Have they forgotten? That they were built by and will only survive by the one and the only one that matters, our God and we need to revive this message to the head of our homes, and our nation.....WE, and I say WE must put this back in our country, NOW,, GOD BACK, AND CRY OUT THIS MESSAGE,,,"IN GOD WE TRUST" and no one else!!!! Lord, I cry out today in my prayers, please forgive this nation, and give us the leaders tht will turn to You, and not the almighty dollar, and put you FIRST, amen John HIcks I am an American, and there is no pre-fix on this name 'AMERICAN"... SO IF YOU USE IT, TAKE IT OFF..FOR YOU are EITHER A 100% AMERICAN OR YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN, AND ANY ONE WHO TAKES OFFENSE OF THIS STATEMENT, IS NOT A 100% AMERICAN, this is my opinion and I stand behind it... Now, I am sure I will receive some opinions from this one!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


SUNDAY! I awoke today , late, must be getting old! Ha....But , as you awake , no matter the time, is it not good to roll over, open your eyes slowly, look at he clock, gasp! Gosh it's past the time I usually get up,, but then you go ahead and slide out of bed,,, knowing, with faith,, that God has been standing by,, early or late, never faltering, never leaving your side, until you do wake up, and are O.K. to start your day, you and Him,,for He stands by, and He stands ready, just for you, as He does for all those believers,, and remember, he stands by those others too, the ones who say they don't believe,, just in case ,,,one wants to change their minds ,and come on over to His side!! Now,,, that is great ,huh? REMEMBER, THE FUTURE SARTS TODAY,,, NOT TOMORROW! TODAY,, Let's just stop ... and let's not pray for ourselves, but let's just say a prayer of thanks,,, to God Almighty,,for our all, Without Him we would not be anything, we would still be in the void, for we came for His making, His love,,, and more love to us, than anything else He made, for He made us the keeper of all He had made, even upon giving the things made,,, our names given to those things He had already made, and they still stand today,, some of the meaning have changed, for "GAY" in my language means Happy,,,,,not homosexual...for why did they ever re-name something He made for us all.. so let's pray that God brings back that love for us, when He made us,,,, not as a monkey, an ape, or an ass,(well maybe in some cases, of the later),, but in an image of Him, now folks that is an honor , no one can contest!!!! So, now with words put to rest, let's all just sometime today, or more than once today ,,, stop, bow our heads, AND PRAY OUR THANKS TO GOD,ALMIGHTY , MY LIVING GOD! YOUR LIVING GOD! HOW ABOUT IT, WILL YOU JOIN ME,, ON THIS DAY,, IN EVERY PULPIT, ON EVER ROAD, IN EVERY HOUSE, OR WHERE-EVER YOU MAY BE, ..... BOW DOWN AND LET IT BE FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!! God, thank You for our all..amen John HIcks Servant! YOU?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

do you believe?

T.G.E.D. SATURDAY- A real quick question,, a real answer! Yes A real Answer! But first,,I ask God today to forgive all the people of this world, and that is a big order, but never too big for our Lord, and a lot of Sin, that is in the "unforgive-able " area, but then God is God, and He makes all the decisions on the running of this world, so have a great day, and while He is forgiving, why don't you? Now for the question: DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD,, I MEAN REALLY? Now most of the answers are automatically , YES! Then the next question, REALLY?,, The quick answer is YES!,, Now for the look on the faces, as that last answer is asked and answered.... a look of "yes" but,,,,,, Some answers are yes, as long a it fits my life,,, or yes, but I don't want to just holler about it,,,I kinda like to keep my opinions to my self, or yes, when it fits me! Now, you have to admit these are a lot of answers, and believe me, these are not all of the answers.....OH!! You are surprised? When is the last time you have asked yourself, AND anyone else this question? I would say, quite awhile! and your answers, I am sure you have already said , none of the above.. mine is YES, and YES, I BELIEVE IN GOD,,, REALLY!! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK THAT I DON'T.... Well it does not matter what I think , no, it is what God,, not only thinks but knows, not mine to judge! Yours to ask,,, yourself, and others,,,, and I do, proudly,,and the answer you give needs to be real, and the knowing that it is already known..not even one worry of that answer,,, To the ones who is asking you, remember ,,, they can see it in your eyes as you speak.. and also satan knows, and that is him who is pricking your tongue to say, no.... and most of all, you know the real answer! Now, I ask this question again, WELL,, DO YOU? God, I pray more real yes' than the no's.... and I ask forgiveness of this world.. and of my sins...amen John HIcks Words are played sometimes, but truth is truth, and truth will be judged, and remember one other thing,,,very, very important thing ,,, lies will be judged , when you open your mouth, be careful of the "out-spout"!

Friday, October 19, 2012


FRIDAY! Good morning to you all,, Me and the Lord are enjoying a great cup of java... who are you sharing with the start of your day? I pray that you have a great one! Just remember today's slogan,,,, TGIF,, and Perry's' also...T.G.E.D.! REPORT:..."THE CROSS" MINISTRY returned late yesterday, back from the mission at the Sunbelt Ag Show ,in Moultrie, Ga... and in three days, gave out 4000 crosses... brought back nothing but empty boxes, tired bones,,, and happy hearts! God surely did bless the ministry, and thanks for all of your prayers,,, God made it a success, and now I ask for continued prayers as we continue on our journeys of this, "The Cross" Ministry, and may God continue to bless it!!! For it is His, not ours!!! Prayer Request: For me... that God will continue to heal me, my back is just a little better, but will not be back in the shop to piddle until Monday, if all goes well.. the doctor has also asked me to go to Chiropractic Therapy..and I will... again,,thanks for your prayers, for His wish is my command.. Perry Livingston, that he will continue to get better , and those legs will heal! THE ROAD! There it is, "this road"... to where? Where-ever you want to go.. it has no arrows, just conscience for directions, and it leads to only two places... When you put your foot on "this road", you will feel two things, and that is how you will decide the direction you take,,, and it will be your choice, and no one else... you will feel the tug, you will see the two, the one you pick will be your responsibility... to the end,, for it is your choice, and no one else,,, totally yours, and you will not be able t look back and say , I wish I had went the other way.... well that is not quite true!!!,,,,, for if you see that you want to change, before you get to the end,,, of your choice, then you can, stop,, in the middle of "your road"( notice how it changed to "your road"?),,,,, listen to your conscience, that little voice that is so big,,, , and then make the choice that "it" tells you to do,, for this "conscience" , this time will be an edging from another party... whose name is Jesus,, for even though you might not have picked His way, He still tags along, just in case of a "re-want of direction", from you,,,...and if you decide to listen to Him this time,,,then ,,, YES , you can reverse your direction, but that final decision,, still comes down to your choice, as to "THE ROAD", you take! Lord, thank You for stopping me , just before the cliff fall! and turning me, and letting me serve You, for it is now my pleasure in life, and I only ask this last question to all those reading this,,, who do you serve? Yes it is your choice!!!! amen John HIcks SERVANT!!! AND PROUD OF IT,, COME JOIN ME ON THIS ROAD I AM ON,, IT IS GREAT!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


THURSDAY! ALREADY???? Today is the last day of the Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie Ga. and last night this is the report from "The Cross" Ministry: Our missionaries in Moultrie at the Sunbelt Ag Expo report they have given out over 2,400 of the 4,000 crosses they took, and many people have promised to come back tomorrow to get one or more boxes to hand out in their own churches and communities. We pray that they continue to share crosses, as well as sharing Jesus, who took that symbol of shame and death, and made it a symbol of love, grace, and eternal life! The young people have really taken to coming in and asking for these little crosses, and folks , that is the foundation..and we sure need to re-enforce our foundation in our country at this time... HURRAY FOR GOD! Prayer Request: Please pray for Mr Frank Herron, 89, who is at home from a stay in the hosital for a breathing dis-order.. please pray for his continued improvement. THE LOOKING GLASS! That is what they called a mirror in the old times ,, people were astonished to see themselves,, Of course they had seen their reflection in water,but never this clear... what a startled person they were the first time they looked.. usually the question ,, is that me? Now , today , you see that reflection hundreds of times each day, either in the mirrors of home, car, or the windows along a street. I have one favorite in town, just to see my truck,, making sure it till looks good going down the road( ha! ) ,, childish, but I do! and you see that is not what we should be looking at all the time, but we do, and that is us, and what we want to see .... ... but do you stop and look and say with a passion, and truthfulness,,, is that me? Is this what everyone else is seeing,, not the reflection of the picture, but the person, yes the person!!! That is the reflection we need to be pursuing as we look,, what did they think of me,,, no ,,, what does HE, God think of me,,, what did I leave,,, up to right now, and what am I going to leave ..... as a reflection of my life... is it one that I would not mind being "played" in public? Well, one day it is,, so if you are not satisfied with what you see,,,,inside of that reflection,,, then, folks,,,, IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE, real change, and no pun intended,, but not obama change,, I mean REAL CHANGE, FROM SIN,,, TO GOD! Now , what you see is you, and it is your choice to stay with that reflection or change , yes your choice! Choices are hard in this day, but once you decide to come to Jesus, if you have not, or if you have,, and have strayed,, it is easy,,,, for all you have to do,,, is call out to Him,and POW!,,,, He is at your side, no putting you on hold, nor waiting a day or two, but instant,,, BUT, you must make the change, so do it once more, look into your "looking glass" of life,,,,and REALLY LOOK,, AND REALLY SEE YOUR "LEAVING" REFLECTION, now answer , yes I am happy at what I see,,,, or no I am not! God, today, I pray for real "change " within this world, and that "change " is towards You, and those who need to change to You,, will make that choice today,, now... I also ask that you give the Missionaries traveling back today from Moultrie , a safe and great trip, as we all thank You for the sucess in the mission of "The Cross" Ministry... amen

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


WEDNESDAY! Waking up,, yawning, getting up, down to the ole coffee cup,,then BAM! I can not believe me,,,yes,,,, I say, in a voice a little louder than normal, "Good Morning Lord, come on down and join me in a cup of coffee,, and sorry, I woke, with a fog over my eyes and mind,, for even thought I knew you were there, just like man, I started off without you, please forgive me, an join me for coffee, and in all my days ,and life!"....... so, how did you start your day,, want to turn a-round and give a holler,, of invitation also? Even thought it is not like me, it happens!!!! for I am man! Have a great "hump day" of this week, and slide with Him, and not without!!! Prayer report: Visited Robert Reliford yesterday, and he is doing great with the hip replacement.. please keep praying for him, and for God to return him back to lead his flock ,, for Robert is a pastor, and a good one, from what I hear! Courage doesn't always roar...Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day,, that says,,, I 'll try again tomorrow! Have that little courage, constant in your stance for God,, it does not have to be the roar of "King Lion",, even a little kitten "meow" for the Lord, will do, and will be heard! I AM THERE! I want you to close your eyes,,, then pretend that Jesus has come, and is standing in a large green meadow.. He has His hands and arms out, welcoming all of His convicted followers, the ones who have claimed Him , with not exception, but completely above all else.. standing for Him , when no one else would.. yes,,, Jesus giving off that love, that invitation to come , be with Him,, for that complete conviction of faith and testimonies of Him you have shown, during all of your life thus far... I ask of you , that in this beautiful sighting of seeing Jesus in that beautiful green meadow,, did you... by chance,,, see YOURSELF THERE? Lord, thank You for all we have, and may we be able to say with a shout of ,,, YES ,I SEE MYSELF WITH YOU! amen John HIcks Still working for Him, for in this world, I may(and have) retire at my job of working at textiles, but my job for Him, I will never retire! How about you,?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Thoughjts For Today-Tuesday-10/16/12 Show Details TUESDAY! I am late this morning on the thoughts this great morning, and it is on purpose.... for I slept late, until! I have had my first cup of coffee,, and got on the computer, and now for what I feel will be what God has inspired, for my thoughts as I claim, and always will, believe it or not, I feel are God inspired..why do I feel this, for I know this? For I know me, better than any other , that God, and for me to be right where I am today,,, is He,,, for no one else could do for the thoughts, and the first one is, MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS MUCH AS HE HAS BLESSED ME! Prayer Request: Robert Releford, one of our neighbors, who is recovering from hip surgery Eloise Ellington, who is continuing to recovery from heart surgery. Todd/Dana Livingston, for prayer of understanding, and asking God to wrap His arms around the three of them! For the success of "The Cross" Ministry, as the not only giving out those little wooden crosses in Moultrie, but ministering the gospel of our God to each and all they meet! COMPARED TO JOB! How are we , when compared to Job? For all the love of his to God, & God put more on him , that any other person, except His Son, whom He let us crucify ... cruelly than and other, yet Jesus ask for God, to forgive us of all sins, and still stand today as our Master of sin free entry to Heaven. Job, I would believe at times wanted to cry out, but would not let satan beat him, for Job was of God, and when God removed the scales from his eyes, Job still had nothing bad to say about God, but praise of Him,,,,, I complain of hurt, that makes my teeth even hurt, I hear of others who hurt even more, I see of the ones who are suffering in other countries, who have no outlet of doctors ,,, as we do,,, I hear screams of those on the news on T.V. and yet I complain,,, what is wrong with me and us? Do we not have any compassion of others than to cry out to our Lord, HEAL ME, HEAL ME! WHERE IS OUR REAL BELIEF OF ,,, FIRST HEAL ALL OTHERS , THEN,,, IF I DESERVE , THEN ME, LAST,!!! For I believe that surely God gave us Doctors to go to, and we should, and we should put our faith in them, but putting our faith in them second, God first....and I do this today,,,I put my God first on my list...and I think of Job,,,and NO, I cannot and will not even try to compare my faith ,,, to him,,, but I will profess, that I have faith in my Living God, and that He is the Healer of I ask you this same question that I have asked myself, and that I have answered myself.... JUST HOW DO YOU COMPARE TO JOB, on your aches and pains!!!! God, thank You for being our great Healer of all... and I come you with compassion,,and faith... amen John HIcks Servant first,, and foremost... and will be fighting in His army now ,and then...I do believe in this, and I stand tall before this belief,,, do I have any others stand with me, and will I hear from any one of you?

Monday, October 15, 2012


Thoughts for Today-Monday-10/15/12 Show Details MONDAY!!!! Well , as usual , I awoke , smelled the coffee, for my mate had already made it,,, so I lazily walked into the kitchen, then like the flash of a camera, I was pouring two things, one was "coffee", the other was the thank to my God, for just being by my side,, for I realized, as I had walked from bed to the coffee pot,, He had been right there holding my arm, step by step, and you know what, my step got easier,,, after that,, not complete yet, but better, for I know not the reason, but I know that He is in charge, and I know that what ever, it will all be better, it will be for Him! Why, for He never fails, we just need to understand, and have more faith, of Him, and His decisions!! Agree? or not? Prayer Request: For "The Cross" Ministry, who not only gives out crosses daily, but are on a Mission Trip to Moultrie, to the Sunbelt Ag Center kick off..and will be at the Baptist Association Tent, Tuesday through, Thursday, giving away Gross' for placement in yards, and I ask for all to pray that they give out all 4000 they have taken,,, , and are successful , and that they all draw in more and more for Christ!!! I , ask , that you continue to pray for my ole hip, & leg, that may be able to walk better, and the pain will go away,, and that God will go ahead and let me know what my mission is,, for I am anxious to get started, for my work is for Him, and idleness is not good..... thank you all! JUST A LITTLE WHITE WOODEN CROSS! If you have seen one,, it is only made of wood, painted,and driven in the front yard, under a mail box, somewhere that you and I see as we past sown the road,,,, It is a sight that makes my heart jump, skip a beat so to speak... and of course that is my re-action, yours and others have their own reactions. some I have heard, that little ole piece of wood, cannot save you! that cross is out of place, needs to be indoors, out of sight, I don't want to show off my belief, I like my privacy,,, my gardens of prayer Why don't they go away, and quit this "putting out these little white crosses? I tear them down,,, I take one and I either throw it away,, or throw it into the fire, and burn it! I put my out proudly to show that I believe in Jesus, God, and that I have the freedom to do so! These are just a few,, the last one is the one I do , and I promote... but still once I have given out this little white wooden Cross's, that stands only 18 inches high,, but stands for so much more, it is the biggest 18 inches you will ever see!!! I am prejudice of this making and giving out these crosses,, and yes I am proud to say, I am a member of "The Cross" Ministry... and I am dedicated to give my all to it... no apologies... and I will continue to do so... and I leave this morning thoughts with this message that Jimmy has put under the logo,,,,, "A QUIET ,,, YET POWERFUL MESSAGE" Lord, I pray that all will turn to Jesus , who died on this Cross, for us all,, and I say, God, who else would give their only Son, for all others, who are sinners, just to save them, Thank You God for being, MY GOD! amen John HIcks Believer in my Jesus, and my God, and I believe in public, just as I do in private,,, for I am proud to be in Gods arms, how about you, do you go public, or do you go silently, not wanting to be judged by your "peers",, for you will be judged...... think about who, and when, you want this judgment,, , in the end!!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


SUNDAY! The Lords Day! Do not forget, He made it in 6, rested on the 7th! You are no better than just keep that in mind, as you bow your head this great morning, and reach to your side, grab His hand, for He is there reaching for you also, and hold on to it through the day... and you will be surprised as to the day you will have! Keep the faith, for whatever will be , will be, HIS!!!! BE CURIOUS, BUT DON'T BE JUDGEMENTAL!!!! Prayer Report: Continue to keep "Babe" in your prayers and me... for I am having a great deal of pain in my right hip, and it goes all the way to the bottom of my arch... why? I don't know, but it is bad enough that I have had to drop out of the Mission of "The Cross" Ministry's' trip to Moultrey to give out crosses and testify of His greatness,, I just leave the why in His hands, and only ask that you to pray for His will to be done, and relief of the pain , if He desires for it. Thank you all! THINGS TO WONDER ABOUT! How many times do we plan, and plan, hoping, praying, and then all we have planned, hoped for , prayed for , just does not happened the way we want it to happen? Lots of time, if we will just stop and remember, we get more than we actually see and realized,,, that WE DO GET!!!! I , just like you, wonder, now why didn't God answer me? I have been good, and yet no reward,,, then I sit down in a nice warm, or cool house, dry from the weather, good clothes on my back, plenty of food, and drink, lots of love ones around me, or just a call away,, a light switch right beside me, for light or dark, entertainment at my pressure of a remote,(don't even have to get up).. but can get up and walk to the door, outside in a great environment, or even get in an auto and drive some-where,,,,, but now why has my Lord forsaken me, and a I turn on the T.V. and see the news of how hard others are having, I just lower my head , and say with a great and sorry mouth, LORD, LORD, FORGIVE ME FOR BEING SO BLIND, AND THANK YOU FOR BEING RIGHT BESIDE ME, AND I COULD NOT EVEN SEE YOU, BECAUSE OF MY SELF GREED, BUT I STOP, ,AND I THANK YOU FOR WHAT I HAVE,FOR I AM SO BLESSED BY YOU... I LOVE YOU LORD, AND AGAIN, FORGIVE ME! AND RIGHT THEN AND THERE, he does!!!! FORGIVE ME!!! Now , how about that prayer, I was asking for? Well I will just have to sit back and leave it up to Him... have faith of Him,,, how about you... and all THOSE THINGS YOU AND I HAVE TO WONDER ABOUT! He has already taken care of 99.9 % of them and that one little .09% ,,,is not to worry about......he has that in hand,, , as I just wonder,, why you and I don't thank Him more!!! Lord, thank You for my all, and I know all else will be taken care of.... amen John HIcks His and proud of it! Come join me, as I hold His hand through this life...and let's all walk together , will you? Please, for that hand can hold billions,,, it is a large hand!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Thoughts For Today-Saturday-10/13/12 Show Details SATURDAY! Today! God's gift of another one of His days! I am sure glad we have Him in charge, for if we had people like me, and some of the leaders of this big ole world, we would be in a heck of a shape, right? Let's all just stop for a few seconds, not long, and will not delay you in anything you have planned, and say a few words of thanks and praise to God, for what we have, that He has so graciously given, a few seconds of our time is a small sacrifice, and it should be called a pleasure, and not a sacrifice ....Lord thank You for this day, and all I have, for I appreciated the loan, and interest free!!! Prayer Request: Please pray for Granny Babe, Phyllis's mother, that God will help her in all the things that she needs, and give Phyllis the energy, and the strength to keep up with all her duties,, she has a lot on her also,,, doing for others first, herself last. so pray for both please! Shelia Morrison's, brother Donnie who is sick in Tuscaloosa Al. that he will get well, and God will bless them both...and keep her safe on her trip to and from , to see him. WHAT A FRIEND I HAVE! Have you heard that old song, "what a friend I have in Jesus"? It is a stirring song, and I often thank of it as I think of my friends. I think of how they treat me, and how I treat them,,, and then ,,, I think of how my best friend of all times,, treats me. He even gave His life for me... without any regrets, a horrible death,,one of the worst treated people in this world , one of not a single sin, never a lie, only truth and love for all...and yet people despised Him, jeered Him in public, cheered Him for being picked over a sinner for death! How could the people of this world treat this man like this over2000 years ago, my best friend,, just how did I let them get away with it? Oh, you may say well you were not there, but I am here today. and He lives today, and is still being persecuted!!!! So why am I not up 24/7 telling of His greatness, His trust, His ability to be the best of the best of friends? Why, because I am weak, and even thought He has died once, on a cross, with nails driven through his hands and feet,,,He is still stronger and working to receive people by the millions, so that they can overcome the grave, and rise to be with Him , beside the Father, our God,, in Gods' Heaven.. WHY, do you persecute my Jesus, my best friend?? Why, why????? Now I ask you this question, just who is your best friend? Have you picked the same as I, and if not, will you, and if you have, will you join me in a stronger protest to those who are still poking Him with their spears of mockery and sin... will you join me and and my best friend, and join us on that mountain top of sound, and sing with me,,, WHAT A FRIEND I HAVE IN JESUS!!!! will you today, don't delay, for time is of essence! God, thank You for Jesus, and He being my best friend, and all those other who request Him...and God thank you for this world, and this Nation.. I ask for Your blessings on us all...amen John HIcks Jesus is my best friend, and so are you, sinner or not, you are still a friend, and I make a statement now, I am here for you, and I am here in Jesus' name, and His word, and I ask you to join me in His service, of forgiveness and love of one another.....will you make the choice and come over to Jesus? It will be the best choice you will ever make,,trust me,,,,,,,,,please!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012


FRIDAY- Ah! Two of my favorite things this morning, my God's presence, and my "large" cup of coffee! Now for the first sip of coffee, and I am ready for almost anything! Notice the almost? Ha!.. I cannot think of not waking up without my Lord at my bedside, with my "given " love to Him and His "given " love back,, from Him ....Of course , at one time ,I did not acknowlwdge Him as being there...for I had not invited Him, but that has changed, and if this is your case, then you, yes you,, can change that so easy! How? Just YOU ,,,invite Him, and there He will be! So simple, yet so many don't... soooo sad, agree? OUR NATION, UNDER GOD? Yes it is definitely,, for God is in control of all... now, whether we stay the way our fore-fathers wanted us to be, and the way we should be,,, is up to us, and those nuts that are in the higher places of "our so called leadership" to ask God back in to their hearts, and use Him in all they do.. ... No , I am not being political, I am being practical... the leaders of our Nation, must get down on their knees, and ask God for His leadership, and THEN actual listening to God, and reading His word,, for God will not allow the sins of any country to continue to exist and enjoy His blessing,, WITHOUT HIM! If you doubt me, stop, and listen to the news, look at the famines already started,,the storms, the global warming, the changing of the seasons.. and tell me, IS OUR GOD NOT TELLING US, WE ARE NOT ACTING LIKE A NATION UNDER HIM? Can we not see His warnings? I am not blind, but I think our people in Washington, not only wear binders, but are actually blind and letting a certain horned demon lead them around, & it is called "indulging in ones' own selfishness", that is love on ones self, and the love of no one else,,, Only we can change this with real change, and that is to share God more and more, and pray for His intervention , and pray to Him for forgiveness, and to return as HEAD OUR OUR NATION! Do you agree ,or disagree?,,, In this Free Nation, you have a choice , (for now,,) and I pray that you mark the one listed on the ballots of life,, that are listed as "UNDER GOD",,,,, God, I ask You to forgive this Nation of its many, many sins, and give us the leaders to turn it around to being a Nation, Under You, strong in You, and with You as our real leader... Lord I pray, be with us and beside her,,, this Unitied States of America, and Lord this world of YOURS! amen John HIcks Just saying what I feel, and remember that is what we have now, a free nation, and the right to do long as we don't hurt someone else exercising this freedom.. of speech! Remember , in your expressions ,you are using the most un-controllable muscle in your body, the tongue!!!!!! so on this, exercise,,,be very,,,, very,,,, careful!! Have a great Gods' day, for all are His,,, given to you as a gift, so open with delight, and give thanks for it!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Thoughts For Today-Thursday-10/11/12 Show Details Thursday- Good morning! Are you as happy as I am? Why am I so happy? For I stopped, and looked around,, and really saw! Not just looked, but saw! Then I spoke very lightly to my Master, and said, "thanks for what I see?,,, Your world to walk in, and to live in, this another of your days, to do as I want to do, your gift to me, and a choice to do as I want, and that is to satisfy You, Lord , with all I do! Now,, I ask this to you, "how do you want to satisfy Him? To wake up!! and serve Him? I pray your answer is yes! Prayer Report: Sue Sanders surgery went well, she has been dismissed by the doctor, and will be coming home today.. praise God for answering our prayers,, glory, and credit goes to Him! AWOL Absent With Out Leave: this is a military saying,,and if done, Can be punished by very strict rules, from a slap on the wrist, article 15, Court-marital, all leading to imprisonment, and even death in extreme circumstances... and when you go AWOL, you are hunted by the Military Police, until found.... Now, I ask you to transform your thoughts from Military to Christian,,, and I ask you all this one question, a very, very important question, are you AWOL FROM GOD? If the answer from above is yes, then, STOP RUNNING, bow your head, and ask Jesus to come into your heart, and give Him your soul, and join God's army, against all sin, and corruption, and when you do , you get your new stripes, not private, but the stripes of eternal life.. quite a deal ,,huh? Can't find this kind of deal at any ole five and dime,, and it is free! All you need to do is make a choice, and that choice is yours.... may God bless you this great day of His!! God,. thank You for being here for us, and forgiving us, and holding up Your hand to catch us, even when we back-slide,,, and I ask that You not only to forgive us of our many sins, but those who have sinned against me also, for I forgive them, amen. John HIcks Just a servant,,, trying! Will you join me in this great journey with my Lord God Almighty? Your choice,and again , it yours, and yours alone, so make it ,,,and if you have already made this commitment, share,,, and let others know, and spread His word, and His salvation,, ,,,please!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Fw: Thoughts For Today-Wednesday-10/10/12 Show Details WEDNESDAY! Good morning, and welcome to the middle day of God's week! Yes, waking up is hard to do, UNLESS, you wake up with Him by your side, by invitation, and ready to escort you through your day. Now, do you know of a better escort, or bodyguard , than God Almighty? I don't, and I just say,, thank You, God for being there at my beside through the night, and ready to escort me through this day! Prayer Report: Sue Sanders, operation, went real good... doctors to check her out today, and hopefully, she will be out and on her way home Thursday, or Friday! God, is given all the credit, and the glory of this operation! ELEVATOR Have you ever been on an elevator? Most of us, in this day and age have. It is still a ride , that is more intense than one at the fair, or any amusement park.. As you enter, this little small cubicle,,sometimes alone, or a few, or maybe even full , almost packed... the door closes tight,,and someone pushes the up button, and there goes your stomach , almost left on the floor, especially with these new "speed" elevators! Now the same goes with hitting the down button, only change is ,your stomach is at the top of the elevator! NOW, for the stop as you reach your destination... that slow down, then the actual stop! Ha! Your stomach does not know whether to stay on the floor or the top, then it just settles right back into place, and you smile and step off.. what a ride,,, and in a small closed in cubicle... and for me, that is somewhat of a problem, but I make it through the ride,,,and have you ever rode the none stop from first floor to the 24 th in Atlanta? Now that is a ride of rides... It starts off with your stomach on the floor, and it stays there for the trip, then it flies to the top at the stop... then after a few rides, the thrill is over!!!.. and when you get on all elevators this is what happens, sub-consciously,,, IS THIS THING GOING TO DROP, OR IS IT GOING TO MAKE IT? but we all live with it, for we don't want to walk up 24 floors, or even just one floor, yes we are getting that lazy!!!! So, we all ride that ride, the "elevator".. for a quick trip up or down,,, and folks,,,,how about that elevator of life at the end? I am not trying to be morbid, but prepared, and I want you to be you must make the decision,,, that when this life ends,,, and you step on your elevator...will your button(for there will only be one button on this one, no choice of one or the other, it will be pre-lite),,, with one olf two choices..... UP ,,,,OR,,,, DOWN? your choice to make now,, for then, if no choice , it is too late to make one, for the button is already on , and pushed... so , STOP NOW,and make your choice of Jesus, now, and forever, and have a nice ride when God chooses that time! Lord, thank You for giving us the CHOICE,, and I pray , that all will pick YOU TODAY,,THIS SECOND! and thank You for answering all of our prayers... amen John HIcks I thought I had retired, but now, as much as I loved the work I use to do in Textiles, and it was hard, the one I have now is so great, and so satisfying.... my job now,, working for the Lord God Almighty, and my Foreman, is Jesus Christ, and wow, is He good to work for, and just to be with. So, come join me ,,, in this "work-place of wonderful" ... make a choice for Jesus! Yours and yours alone, UP or DOWN?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


TUESDAY! Waking to cooler mornings, and enjoying them just as much, for God is still at my side as I awake, for He is all season, He is not seasonal as some things! Now , off to my "cup of java", & a little time with my Lord, and off to whatever, and where-ever He has for me, and sends me this day!! Oh, you should invite Him also, HE is a great traveling companion! Prayer Request: For Sue Sanders, who will be having espousal surgery today at approx . 10:00 a.m., Sue is my and Libbys' sister-in-law, who after time, and by God, has become our Sister, and I ask for all of your prayers as she goes through this operation! THE MIRACLES OF THE DAYS,,, THEN AND NOW! Yes, in times of old, of this world, God preformed great miracles, floods, brimstone, plagues, blindness to those who attacked His people, gave the people of Israel strength beyond their dreams, parted the waters of the Red Sea,, gigantic miracles of the day, back then. Along comes Jesus, and more miracles,,, heal the sick, cured the blind, made ones who could not walk, get up and not only walk , but run,, pull demons out of people,, all kinds of miracles, walking on water,, yes, miracles of old,, and we are still excited, heart pounding,, as we read of these,,, and God's greatest miracle, was in my eyes, was the birth of Jesus, the life of Jesus, the Crucifixion of Jesus, the burial of Jesus, and then the Resurrection of Jesus,, and then gave all of this to us, to forgive us of our sins, and let us, even thought we sin, live with Him, in Heaven.. eternally.... Now, in this age, miracles, yes, flip a switch to see in the dark, warm your house, cool your house, ride 1000 miles in the air from here to there,, in an hour,,, breath and exhale, watch people overcome obstacles that are un-explain-able, all miracles from God,,,, Folks we are just as close to God now, as those of yester-year,, for God was then, as He is today, for He never changes , and He is forever, so ARE HIS MIRACLES, AND HIS LOVE,, AND BY THE WAY,,,, YES, YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE MIRACLES........ God, thank You, for You, and I pray to You, with all the love of my heart, and to You I give credit for all.. and also pray that all will do this also. amen John HIcks Servant, and that is enough! Or don't you agree, for might we say it just a little different,, and amend it to say SERVANT AND WORKER?

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Thoughts For Today-Sunday-10/07/12 Show Details T.G.E.D. SUNDAY! Good morning, remember as the streams flow down from the mountains, and hills, over the ridges, through the valleys, all over this land,, right into the oceans, filling the lakes,and the wells, as they flow to these oceans... quenching our thirst as it goes,,, and does anyone doubt God is real.. now stop, and think of the blood flow from the heart (our mountain), and its' path through this body, also quenching our thirst and giving us life, yes , to each of us, just as the water that flows from that other mountain. I realize who the REAL mountain is, and WHO supplies our all, and NO, there is NO DOUBT,as to WHO my Master is, and WHO IS THE LIFE GIVING WATER OF LIFE,,, TO US ALL! Who is your master ,this day? Prayer Today: I thank God for all this Nation has , and I ask , greedily, for Him to continue to give it to us, even though we abuse it so badly, and turn our heads too often. Please forgive us, and please continue to carry us, and give us the strength to stand for You, and Your word. Again, thank You, God, for this Nation, and this Earth, and Your Heaven, our final Home, amen John HIcks Servant to God, no others! Your choice as to who you serve, is yours, to make, and yours alone!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Thoughts For Today-Saturday-10/06/12 Show Details T.G.E.D. SATURDAY! Well, as usual , I started my morning off with that cup of wonder nectar, "coffee",, and as I looked into the morning night,, I could see the light mist, and I thought of the world without rain, and God, watering the plants with this mist, each night,,,, it must have been magnificent , for it still is to this day,,some may call it science, I call it God, for science would not be, if not for God,, right? So , as always, God wakes with us in good ways, some bad ways, but the one thing we can be sure of is that He is there with us as we wake,,, and what ever the situation we wake up in, it is His situation, and He has a reason for accept it , then talk, to Him about it,,for He is watching, and He is listening,, His replies may not be what you want, but believe me , He has a purpose, and it is His, and it will work ,,, in the end!!!! Prayer Request: Rhonda, not doing good, even though her brain quit bleeding, it is now taking on a fluid, and that fluid is also around her heart, about to cause heart failure,,, she was really in bad pain last night, and with all that is wrong with her, only God can intervene, if it is in His wishes, and we need to pray for her sufferings, and that HIS WILL be done, and pray that!!! , for He is in charge!!!! THAT LITTLE OLE MICRO CHIP! I read about one of the "energy " companies placing this little micro chip on the electric meters, so they can read your and my meters.. saves time, gas, and a person coming by,, right? Sure it does! Well Georgia Power has already done this.. so,,, no more meter man! Now , let me give you a 'FOR INSTANCE" on this little "micro chip".... All houses has electric wiring, a flowing current,,, even cables carry from this land to across the oceans, and we relish in having this "electricity", or at least I do love having it. You do too, when you are without it... NOW, STOP, and think ,, about the fiber optic lines added now.. and what you get through these lines now, electricity, you can get phone service, Internet, t.v. radio.. etc..... and I have also added to my A.C. a device that , at peak intervals, it will turn off my air for about three minutes, at intervalsl that I will not notice, and that is to save energy, help bring down the load on the grid,, and that is good,,, or is it? If this works, can this chip not just turn off, and then on your electricity, even and individually your a.c.? Now on to other things, by the heat in the building radiated back to the thermostat, can it not detected the temperature, and then how many people are in the hoouse , the breathing of those , to tell who is resting, sleeping, working,, etc..... is your t.v. on, or working, or not,, phone in use, or not, cell or other wise , listen to your conversations, not only on our phone, but within your house.... even to the point of inter-facing, like with your phones, see you as well, just sitting their in your chair, cooking, etc.... WELL, ,it could be, couldn't it? How will the 'anti-christ' see with the one big eye, and see all? Has it started? Could be, but only God knows... but maybe He gave us enough of a brain, to be able to see with this brain, something as simple and put a contol on it, yes it,, that LITTLE OLE MICRO CHIP!!!! Lord, give us the insight, that what we call "science fiction" is , as history shows us, usually turns into reality, the brain enough to put a control on this,,and I pray that with Your love, You will continue to be with us, and care for us through these times coming, for I, and lots, realize , they are on the way, may You, bless this Nation, and this world,, amen John HIcks Now, I will be called a "science fiction freak", but this morning ,, as usual,, my mind is working for my God, and He is in charge of what I say, for I have given my all to Him, and He is is control....LISTEN PLEASE! , and do the same, give Him your all, and put Him in charge of your life!!! Choices, choices! and yours, and yours alone!!!! Make one today, find out what life is really all about!!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012


FRIDAY! I awoke with a faster skip in my heart beat of life this great morning! Why? For as I lazyly raise my head, open my eyes sooo slow,, turned and let my feet hit the floor, I realized, I was not alone,, and the fast heart beat was not from scared, but of JOY, for my mind awoke,,,,, and I realized,,,,, there I was, and there was my God, side by side, only He was already up, I know watching over the world as I had slept so "peace-able" all night.. that is when "the beat got faster, and better"!!!! How did you wake up? Is it not a good feeling to know that when you go to bed, if HE desires, He will be standing by you as you re-wake to His world... I thank we need to say, first thing each morning, "Good Morning Lord,,Thanks for the rest, Let's go out and spread Your good Name, and Your Great Plan of Salvation"! What so you think, can you do it..I can, and I will!! come join me on this great FRIDAY, The first day,,, of the rest of my life!!!!! PRAYER WORKS, SO PRAY!!!! O.K.? TGIF, TGED!!!! I like both of these little exclamations of the "letter combination", for a meaning, BUT I tend to follow that one of Perry's, and especialy the meaning of that last one... "THANK GOD EVERY DAY"! I believe that we need this,, not concentrate on the "one day" that jump starts us into a two day ordeal,, that leaves most of us dreading that old "Blue Monday" syndrome, after we have all stressed so much on these two days, to fill them with a weeks worth of pleasure, just to get us through the next week, then another week-end... BUT , God did not make and give us this world for this! He gave us each day, to live and enjoy with Him,, that day, and for us not to worry about tomorrow,,, He will provide,, and we believe this , so why do we not do it? A good question,, today, so lets' all STOP!! CELEBRATE THE DAY HE GAVE US,,,TODAY! WORRY NOT ABOUT TOMORROW! LEAVE THAT TO HIM!!! God, thank You for this day, and as I give my all to You, this great gift of this day, I leave later, and tomorrow,,, to You, amen John HIcks Servant of Him, with "Cross" in heart and hand, I will serve Him, and no one else! Will you join me , if so,, call out to Jesus

Thursday, October 4, 2012


THURSDAY! What a great and wonderful day, for as I awoke, got that great cup of coffee, went to the carport, took one drink, raised my arms to my Lord,and God, and gave a hearty, hearty , "Thank You God, for my all!" My breath intake,, was that of a rush right on from the mouth down through my body, and that rush was His response in saying"Good Morning !",, right back! Now, just how did you start your day, this day of His... with or without Him, choices, choices,,, yes , they are there, and you must filter , and make the correct ones, and the only way today,,, is with Him, not without!!!! Prayer Report: I received a call yesterday, Rhonda's brain, has stopped bleeding, some swelling decreased, not in great shape yet,, but a definite improvement, please continue to pray and pray for the Lords will, not ours... for I know prayer works,,,,, As for me,,, wow, I have not asked why, but have answered,, thanks to Him, and to all of you who prayed for me,,IT WORKED!, worked when I thought I was on the last "throb" of that tooth,, HE entered, and led me to Monday, holding my hand,,, and relief,,, so ,, I am almost 100%,, maybe 65%,, infection does that to people and being almost 71,,, has nothing to do with it, Ha! Thanks you all, and thank You , my God! PRE-OCCUPATION,,, WITH ONES" SELF! I , and we , concentrate on ourselves, most of our lives! Why? Well we can call it "self-preservation" and I guess that is it. Oh yes, we are always out to help, donate our work, our money, to where-ever it is needed,,but most of the time it is hard to separate, the "am I doing this for theM or and I doing it for (leaving the "th", out) me? I know, all will say, right off, for them, but, just think when yu do give, ones self, give your all, never look back to see how it "affects" you, just give,, in trust of the Lord, and what ever "effects" you will "affect" you!!! So, what you do today, who it is with , the intent it is going out as, to do good, and getting a return on what you do, is not wrong, as long as what you send out,, is honest, and what you think is right with God, and puts a smile on His face, and I will say, God help me, in putting more smiles on your face ,,than frowns... as I go out today, and do my thing, of PRE-OCCUPATION WITH YOU, MY GOD FIRST,,,, BEFORE MY-SELF,,,AND YOU,,, DO TOO!!! O.K.? God, thank You for all the answered prayers, and just looking at all those You receive, and may we filter ours,, first,,, before we utter them to You,, amen

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


WEDNESDAY! Wake up on this "hump" day of this week , with God with you on the top of the "hump" of the day... the climb there is because of Him, not you, but your decisions are your own.. His help in the flight forward, is yours,, for with Him you will soar! high and free,,, without Him, well you will just hit the ground ,POW! Then raise your head and see nothing really exciting in front of you, but dirt and dust! but now with Him , you will see all,,, for He will show you wonders you have never, ever experienced before, and you must take it as it comes...and keep the faith, for He is there! I know!!!! So, today, decide to soar the rest of this week to the W.E. and the rest of your life, with Him, our God almighty! Will you,today, with me? Choice,, yours!!!! Prayer Request: For Rhonda of Highland Pa. who hit a deer Monday night,, she has multiple bones fractures, brain is swollen, and bleeding, she is in critical care at the hospital... on Saturday night , she lost her son, in an car accident. close to where she had hers.. Others are putting him to rest, and then back to the hospital to be beside her...her mother has Alzheimer's and she has been caring for her, so this family needs your prayers abundantly, and now...we think we are the one in pain, but we are nothing compared to what God hands out to some others, and don't ever forget this, ,we are in good shape, so as you pray , don't forget a thank you,, or two! A FRIENDS REPLY! You know when you are sick, hurting, the best pain medicine you have are the ones who ask God to comfort you! When they call, they tell you , they hope you get better, and that they will pray for you! Well, even if this pain, this hurt, this sadness this what-ever, does not go away instantly,, don't worry, for as they pray, and you pray, God is listening, and as you ask the "why", He is working on just that, for we don't understand, but He does. and think about it.. If you had to run this world , with all the sin, less of good,, than sin,, and you had built it to be sin free, but you gave "you", a choice, and this is what "you" the ones on this earth decided to do with this freedom,, what would you do? What would you give out as "prayers answered" and " prayers not answered",, give pain and destruction,, relief, and comfort, just who, and how would you pass it out,, I already know how you would do it, and it would be the same as me, admit it,, we would completely screw it up, completely,,, strip the treads out, and then the world would fall apart.. SO don't rely on ones self, but the prayers sent to God, and His decision,,,and the wait , well He will answerer,, but in His time frame,, just have faith in Him,,and in those FRIENDS' REQUESTS, AND HIS REPLIES TO YOUR SITUATION! O.K.? God, thank You for being with me, and God, I ask You to be with those in this days request, and all the others we take for granted, but we know that You are there also, thank You God, for Your all, Your forgiveness, Your healing,,, just You,,we, I appreciate You,..amen John HIcks Servant , and making choices, how about you, are you making them, and to who are you making them to, you or to Him?,,HEY!!! That is a big question, so better thank about your answer!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Prayer Report!

TUESDAY! Good Morning! It is a better morning here in "the Hicks" household than yesterday,although I still can say, praise the Lord,, for yesterday I needed Him , and today I still need Him, just to be by my side,! How about you, do you feel that need, or let's say , instead of need him, it is I "WANT", Him! Prayer Report: On me,, I am better, so much better. I went to the dentist , after e-rays, and his exclamation, that I had a bigger infection than he had seen in quite awhile,,He also said no shot nor pain pill could knock out the pain,, so he knew what I had been through... then he apologized for not being there, and as Gary said, in five seconds, of drilling a hold straight down through the tooth and into the gum, relief, as it let the pressure off,... then they used suction, clean up, going back Monday for a re-visit, and root canal... My mouth is still so sore, it is hard for me to move my lips, without hurting...but no throbbing,,and that is a God Send...I was asked, why did God allow this, My answer is ,"I don't know,, but it happened, and He also can to the rescue", "So His actions are not mine to say why, but to continue to have the faith, that He is always there ,,, with me, not matter the charge He puts on, or in front of me... I will and I pray for the strength to always put Him right in front, beside, and with-in me, that Faith of He is real, and He is the ultimate physician!!! I report today on many, many prayers answered , for I am the results this morning, of these prayers! Thank you God, and thank you my friends! In days ahead , I will turn to this as another one of Gods works, smile and until He instills into me, the why, I will continue to smile, and say, I love You Lord! The above is a report, and a testimony of my condition, and the Love I have for my Lord, and today, I ask for you to just re-examine your life, and look as to where His has rescued you, in a big, or in a small way, by just being there FOR you, and that this above is enough to read for this day,, Have a great God' day, for they all still belong to Him, and always will.... John HIcks Servant to Him!