Sunday-Happy Mothers Day! God has given us these , and fall down on your knees and thank Him for giving you something as great as a Mother! Remember ,, a Mother is the one who sees four pieces of apple pie on the table and has five in the family , promptly makes the announcement,, she does not like apple pie! Have you ever had this happen? That is a Mother, God bless them all.
Today , a tribute to all the MOTHERS ,, past, and present!
Today, stop, and think of your life, from the time of remembrance, to now. Who was always there to wipe the scrape, free of dirt, clean and bandage it. Who was there to wash your clothes, cook your meals.. help you with your homework, correct you when you did wrong, or treated someone bad,, or was to your rescue when someone messed with her little darling? Yes , she was there , when as above , only one piece of pie or cake was left,, and I have seen my Moms' mouth watering, and say, you can have it,, I am not hungry,,yes I have seen it. and now I love her all the more for it.. yes she was there,, when I lost something special, didn't win the race, nor the prize, she wiped those tears of hurt away, and then shed her own for me.. yes My Mother was the PRIZE,,, and now I realize it the more...
If your Mother is still here,,give her a big hug, a big kiss, and tell her, you love her, and then shed a tear to show her , you love her.. A mother is a one of a kind, I know, for my children's mother, raised them like her mother and my mother. What more could I have ever done to deserve that, and my children also.. for those two mothers before , were two of the stoutest Christians I knew, and so is the mother of my Children! My wifes name is Libby Sanders Hicks, my mothers name is Lilla Traylor Hicks, and my wife's mothers name is Cleo Carreaker Sanders,( two saints in Heaven,,) and I close with these words on this very special day......
John HIcks
So grateful for mine, and so thankful for a giving God,, who gave her to me.
First sent o n 5/11, worth repeating!
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