TUESDAY! Today is the first day of the rest of your life! When have you heard this lately? Not like you use to, but it is true, so now is the time, for reconciliation of your life, do you follow Jesus, or satan? You must make a choice, and there are only two choices, and one soul.. Jesus is there loving patiently wanting for you, satan is hard at work lying, doing everything in his power to get you, anyway he can, Jesus, just wants your love, then ,He will take you on the most unforgettable trip you will ever imagine! So I pick Jesus,, How about you, on this first day,,,, of the rest of your life?
Prayer Request: For Casey Albrittion , son of Pete and Angie, who was in a bad car accident , Saturday night, and is in the Medical Center in Macon. Pray for his recovery, and for Pete who is recovering from a stroke.
For all of our church congregations, that they take God, and Jesus with them as they leave the church and to all they meet, testify of their message of God , and of Jesus, and the importance to show their belief, and testimony.. we need it, for we have multiple churches, with-in our surrounding... and we should be hearing more , like we do on all other things,, than we do!
Do you praise God each day? Well , you should , and you should start as soon a you awake, for with-out Him, you may open your eyes , until He decides you shouldn't, but you will not be actually awake. You will be working for another, if you do not take God with you from waking until sleeping, and you put your life in His hands as you go to sleep.. As you are awake , you should give Him praises on your receiving of the things of the day.. How many of you set down in a McDonald's, Burger King, or any eating establishment, with friends, or alone, and stop to bless your food before you eat, yes right there in front of all? Very few, but I do see some doing it, and you know what? I see others looking, looking like , I wish I had done that! So, go ahead , no one will jump over and hit you for doing it,,, and stop and think of all else, you could say a small prayer of thanks to God, during your day,, Just think about it and ask yourself this question,
God, I praise You for all I have, and all who reads this, and puts up with me each day, and all I have , for without You , I would have nothing... for what I do, I do in Your name, and for You, amen
John HIcks
Yes, I do write it for Him, for from Him comes all things , but He gave us the mind to separate the GOOD from EVIL,,, Yes,,, it is , YOUR CHOICE to do so! So do it!
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