Thursday, May 31, 2012


THURSDAY! Waking up is hard to do! Remember that song? Only if you are close to my age! Waking is hard to do, if you go to bed late, or you just love to lay there , awake but not jumping right up, or, just open your eyes , then take another little "cat nap",, then re-open , smile, take a deep breath, raise half-way, ,stretch real big, now go ahead and get on up...saying , "thank you God , for this great morning, and this good nights sleep",,, now that is starting the morning off , & "better than a good cup of hot coffee", and that is "hard to do"! Have a great Thursday , you all!


CWO: Cardio-Vascular-Workout! I have a new exercise machine, and this is what I call this one! It really gets the ole heart pumping, stretches all the ligaments in the legs, and really all over!... I do 100 of these , 30 minutes on the treadmill, 10 mins. on the "bike", and then , I am ready for the day! The ole heart is really pumping,, on high flow!

Now , back to that "HEART" ! The heart is the one thing that keeps the life flowing through our bodies, and that is why we refer to "love you with all my heart", for in this saying , we are literally giving you , the one we are telling this to, our life! This is a great act ,of, and for anyone to do! If you do it and you really mean it.... yes really mean it, then you have given true love! So, don't toy with this saying , this love, unless you really mean it!

I know someone who gave His heart,, this total love, yes He gave His all, to you, to me, to the world,, died giving it, but then rose , victory over the grave,, rose to show us just how real it is, how great he is and how great His love is, and He was then & still is showing it this very day... giving His heart, His love....and has asked for nothing in return, but your love! Yes your love back, no gimmicks, no tricks, just pure love! He gave His heart, His life flowing blood, for you , and for me! Could you give that much?


Lord, I give my heart, my all to You, and I pray that all who reads this, will fall on their knees, and give their all, their heart and soul , to You,,, amen

ohn HIcks
Given my all to Him, proud to shout it, will you join me in the chorus of testimony of Him, and His "forever true love to us all"? Choice is yours!

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