WEDNESDAY! THE DAY OF THE SLIDE! Yes, today is the day you have climbed to the top of the hump,, and now is the time to start that slide towards the week-end, yes again! Have you ever thought about everyone being retired, not worrying about the week-end, just living for the day, and only looking forward, toward Heaven, and that is all.. just living and loving it! You know what,, that is the way this world was designed, what happened,, well,,,, woman listened to the serpent, man listened to the woman, now we all have to work for a living, , before all this , there it was,,, utopia!
Have a great day, and remember , take Jesus with you today,,, as you go off to work,, or play,,, or let Him just set next to you, if you are staying at home...
Prayer Thanks! For the Rain! God sure looks after us! Better than we can! Right!
About Frank, he went to the doctor, he has had pneumonia, so the doctor decided against chemo again, and re-x-rayed his pancreas, found the tumor had shrunk a lot, it was a lot smaller,,, so no chemo until maybe June or July,, GLORY BE TO GOD!
Today, we have the freedom to travel (with out papers) from one county, state to another.. We are very fortunate, for lots of countries still have the borders blocked from even city to city...freedom, it is to be thankful for ,not just accepted,, and it must be worked for, it will not just lay around and be those who don't care, it will not care, and it will go away ,, if we don't protect it.. How do you protect it? One by keeping this country under God, that is number one! also it is backing our armed forces who put their lives in harms way, each day, for this freedom, and give them what they deserve when they come home, not just throw them out with the garbage ,until we need them back , for another day! And know who to put in our leaders places, liars , greedy,, want to be kings,,, unbelievers.. ? Well that is what we have, no matter what their lying tongues say, for you can interpet by what it looks like around you, not what words tell you.. open your eyes, and pray, ,for we are close to losing this ,
Why not real change?
Lord, I ask that everyone will watch and help in putting this nation back on the right track, by taking YOU WITH THEM TO WORK,, AND THAT MEANS OUR CONGRESS, OUR PRESIDENT, AND HIS APPOINTED ONES... AMEN
John HIcks
For I am not appointed, but a follower ,, by choice to follow Him,, as you are,, if you choose, to follow our God, the only God, and I serve Him, and only Him. and thank Him for my freedom from satan,, and may,, God Bless These United States of America! Will you stand with me, beside her, and protect her ,,with your life? I have, and I will!
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