TUESDAY- Welcome to this start of the work-week for lots of people,, and amiss , a day of out looking for work for another large percentage.. may all get what they desired this great day...have faith, it may not show up right this instant, but it will show up,, just remember ,, Life is a lot like a pencil.. you start out with a good sharp point, and it writes so good..but as you write more,,(live more), it gets dull,, and the writing is wider, not as sharp, a little harder to see.. as the lead wears closer to the body of wood.. BUT,, remember this above all... pencils can be re-sharpen, well so can a body, if they want to.. so just ask the power that built the body ,, then ask for a re-sharpen,,, and get going... I mean it.. get up and get going! Even if your eraser is worn a little ,, just write slower, and better,, then you don't need that ole eraser! Right? Remember,, a smile can be started by you OR some one else, so start smiling also, and keep looking at others for theirs, bet you get some back!
PRAYER REQUEST: My neighbor, James Streeman, who is have an out-patient surgery this morning, please pray for a successful operation and the quick healing for James..
Not for the stomach nor the body,, but the soul? How many of us have been hungry just to hear and be with a great country revival feast of fellowship, but we all still turn into the fast "feed" places, that offer a quick fix for the the Sunday that is to last a week , then back again for another plate of the same ole stuff? Well, it is time we all get back down on our knees and save this country or let it just go right on to hell.. for folks , if it don't change,, and that includes me,you, and all who reads this , get on our knees in sincerity, and pray for God to help us out of this ditch of self destrucgtion,,and GET UP AND TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT GOD AND COUNTRY, AND THEN ASK THEM ALL TO BOW THEIR HEADS AND SAY A SHORT PRAYER TO GOD FOR RE-IN-STATEMENT OF HIS FORGIVENESS AND HELP! Can you do this,, publicly? Now did you get it... are you ready to feed on the real word of God, or are you still feeding on that bad habit of greed ,, right along with all those making decisions, with you standing beside them cheering or are you standing in front of new people making the decisions.... newly elected officials.. who are handing out plates of real work, and Godly food , without an apology? Be there for God, and He will be back here for us.. but keep on being a gluten for the good life without Him,,,, and you will find the hole in the road ,, and you will fin it has no other side..only depth! So watch what and where you go, to feast on the posterity of this country... and go on a diet from greed, and start with more of a
Lord, may all pray to You for You to come back into our sinful nation, and make us whole again... restore our old country, take the new and send it overseas with the jobs that our leaders have sent,,, and send them also. amen..
John HIcks
Pardon the pun,, but I am fed up! with the way our country is running, and then I look at what is written on FB and other pages... and then I can see,, some are trying,, some are ????? Yes ?????? We need more trying.. instead of ignoring!
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