FRIDAY! TGIF! Only for the worker, and guess what,, you , the worker are becoming the lower number! Not by you , but by our elected officials.. our work is overseas.. This is the shame of a nation that wants too much, for nothing.. They must know ...our only hope is to bring it back, work and God!
You must work in the field, or you don't have a harvest.. only the dream of one.. work is Godly,, laziness is satan at his best.. so , if nothing but mowing, raking,, cleaning, walking,, you stay busy, and take the idle playhouse from satan,, this will keep you focused while looking for what ever you are looking for... agree,,, or disagree?
Prayer Request: This request is for the next three days,, and I will urge that you do this every time you think of it.. ask God to forgive those that have sinned against you, then you forgive them,, and then pray that work comes to all who need it and that our nation comes back,, to you God.. with all we do ,, this phrase: "IN GOD WE TRUST" will again be our motto.
Will you do this? Or will you sit by and watch HER go down the drain.. for the funnel of the black hole has formed , and only we can stop this rotation,, with prayer... for with prayer, God will supply!
I think the above prayer request is enough for today.. if we all will just focus on God, with reality,not just words,, but words of faith, words of worship, and actions of these things,, forgive and receive.. it will happen.
We have been through too many wars.. lost too many men, and women in them.. to now, back down from a greedy bunch of porkers... Will you, and I mean in earnest .. join me in prayer of action.. now, and then some...
God, spare this nation. Forgive first , those who sinned against us, then forgive us, and forgive this nation, and repair Her today... amen
John HIcks
A believer in God,,, what does our leaders believe in? I can answer that, and so can you, so vote them out, and pray them out, and pray in the ones we need... up and atta em AMERICA!
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