SATURDAY! Well, what will you do the first thing out of the chute(bed) today? I know what I did,, I smiled,,as I looked at the clock, saw 5:00 a.m., knew that within 20 minutes, I would be drinking a great cup of coffee,, if I got out of that bed, and went and made it.. and I did... I also, smiling,, thanked my God for giving me the strength to get up, and for the life He gave me, 69 years ago, and for the one He gave me this morning, for folks,, as the old saying goes... "Today is the first day of the rest of your life", spend it with Him and have a great time ,, this today! Given by Him so freely, and with much love!
Prayer of Thanks: For God sending us His Son, to SAVE us all who will reach out to Him, and ask Him in!
I think of the perfect world that God made... the things He gave this earth,, the atmosphere,, the beauty,,all that was created.. and then He gave it away.... to man. If you had made something this big, would you have given it away? Or would you have just set back, and said ,,,"Look how great I are!"... that is what I envision most would do.
After looking at HER(Earth) now. I am sadden, that man can take such a big item,, as the world, so beautiful, and so self sustaining,,and then destroy it ,,, and say to the God of perfection, and love to us all,, the One who gave it to us,, "I love you God, and I will do all things for you!"...
Is tearing His Earth down,, for Him? We thank so, but, no,,, it is for our gain, we think,, for as it may be the few who try each day to serve and repair the damage,, the majority,, still are tearing away at the seams of our own precious "Mother Earth"... and thank our Great God, He is still listening to the few.... for now!
Then , God so loved us,, He sent us His Son.. and we killed Him, just as we are killing our Earth... God put Him , His Son on a cross,, let man nail Him to it, and let Him die,,, but God raised Him from the dead in three days, said, now man, this is your Savior, My Son,, Jesus Christ, has died, and has risen ,,,,, just for you,, paid the debt of your sins.. if you accept Him as Your true and only Savior and come to me through Him.. I give you back life , through Him... and yes ,, we are trying our best to screw that up , by taking God, & the Son, out of everything we do publicly... why,, I ask,,, is it just greed? Are we so weak that we let satan rule us? God made satan,, and yet we let him(satan), tempt us, over the maker of all things.... I just don't understand man at all....
How can we expect to continue down this path? I want all to just stop and think,, look deep into your mind,, for you can do it.. close your eyes,, and go back,, and see Adam,, as God made him.. the garden of eve.. all that Adam had,, then he ate of a forbidden fruit,,,, and it seems to me that too many today are still eating of that same tree,,, trying to be better than God... this will never happen... but keep looking,, and see the history of man, up to here and the now.... with all you have, and all you keep under wraps ,, for a rainy day,, for that final ride,, so people can say,, look what he left,,, it that all we are doing here ,,,, is to leave what we can...destruction and trash,,,folks ,, that is not what it is,, it is WHO we take with us,,, that is the purpose of life itself... to live great and have a great time.. but do it with God, and with Jesus,,, not that one in the garden,,, the one that is at your heel,,, look now, and step away quickly,, for not to be bitten,,, for that step into Jesus' arms will protect you, as nothing else can.. now open your eyes, and weep ,, as to what we have done to Mother Earth,,, and to our God,,,,
Lord God, I pray for this earth,, that if it is Your wish, You will forgive man, and continue to let us live here,, and I ask that man fall to his knees to You , God The Creator of all,, of us. amen
John HIcks
es, from the time of each waking hour, minute,, I open my eyes to the Lord, and say ,, thank You! For what comes this day , will be from You and for a reason,, and I will face it with the Son beside me, and let that Son shine in front of me as I walk on this , this great and beautiful ,,,, Mother Earth,, come walk with us,, me and my God! Preserve this World, by worshipping Him...
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