Wednesday, September 14, 2011


WEDNESDAY! Hump Day to the W/E! Have you worked your way to the middle of the week with God beside you, and YOU beside Him? and are you going to slide on down to Friday with Him,, and then keep Him through the week-end? and then keep Him forever, and ever? I like the ending,, forever, and ever, for He will be by your side,,, and you can be beside Him for Life,, if you want to.. for God is Here, in the now,, waiting to hear from you, don't wait to talk to Him!

Prayer Request : For Little Joseph,, who is still going under treatment, and needs all of you to pray hard , that God will be merciful on this child... and that God's will be done first and foremost.


Are you a wheel with all the spokes? This is a question , that needs another question,answered first... do you know what a spoke is?
A spoke is one of some number of rods radiating from the center of a wheel (the hub where the axle connects), connecting the hub with the round traction surface .
Now if one of those spokes, breaks,, then the wheel becomes weaker... puts pressure on the rest of the spokes holding the wheel together at the hub, and the outer surface.. so the more spokes that break, the weaker the wheel, until it just falls apart. lays to it side, going nowhere else, and just rots..
Your Soul, your being, YOU, are just like that wheel, when it comes to God.. Your spokes are your belief, your faith, God is your hub,., Jesus is your surface.. and without this surface,, or hub,, there is nothing to hold our spokes! you can not go... With one spoke missing(dis-belief/faith) you get weaker and you start to wobble just a little,, this means you have given in to satan, and given away one of your spokes.. now you get deeper into satan, and there goes another spoke,, you wobble more, until you give in, lose all of your spokes of faith,,, and then you fall to the way side, lay, useless, and rot..BUT,, by keeping the faith with the Hub(God), and outer surface(Jesus),, your spokes stay intact,,, never rot, never get lose, never break out.. but stays tight, rolls on through life with grace and dignity,,, right on from this life into Heaven,, but intact, and whole... God, Jesus, and You!
Now, as you live this life,, do you ask Jesus , and God into your life ,, or satan? This is a choice that only YOU can make,, for God made you, but He gave YOU the choice ,,,, Him or satan.. now YOU make this choice, and you make it now.. today, not tomorrow, but now... do you want to be a

a wheel laying on the side of a road, going nowhere, and dying of rot?

Lord, my God, I choose You as my wheel of life to come into my heart and soul, and let me roll with You forever and ever.. and I pray that all who reads this will do so also, and that they will go out and spread this word, and not stay tongue tied when the time to speak of you comes. amen

John HIcks
I am , or trying to be a fully spoked wheel for my God, and I ask for YOU, if you have not accepted Jesus , to call out to Him and He will come,, then come roll with me, all God's children, need to be rolling together... right? Will you come roll with me,, down the road of life?

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