MONDAY! I want to start my day off with this: Thank You Lord, for this day, the first day of the rest of my life, and I pray that You will give me the strength to live it for you ,,, 100 %. Now, will you stop and think,, that this statement should be yours also,,, now I said "should be",, it is up to you to do two things.. give your self to God ,, and to pray... yes your choices .. for you to make!
Prayer Report:
Millie asked me to let you know that Her daughter, Melody, is home, still has some pain, but will probably be OK now. They did another MRI before they released her yesterday, and the kink in her colon is gone, so they think the pain now is just from irritation from the tubing. Hopefully she will be better in a day or so. Louise(Millie's' sister) (From me, thanks for all the prayers!)
There was this man heading for work, on a Sunday afternoon, about 2 p.m. It was in February,,, a cold, freezing rain, the first of the day...but now at 2 p.m. ,looked like the roads had thawed ruts.. so this guy, had to drive back to his work place.. 120 miles.. so he thought,, I will go ahead and leave now.. I can make it by going on the interstate ... lots of traffic,, better road conditions! WELL,, wrong...When , he got to the interstate,,,there was actually only one lane opened.. that is with partial thawing,, the other lane,, ruts , but one in them,, that is if they had good sense.. so he got on the road,, smiled and said to himself.. I will be at my apartment soon, and not have this to do later..when it re-freezes... Then on up the road, north from where he started ,, it got worse,, traffic had slowed to maybe 20 mph.. ice had started to built up in his lane also.. worry was about to set in... his mind went to ... where do I turn around.. then to oh well I will make it.. all these others are.. when all of a sudden he came back to consciences,,, for he had been day-dreaming of turning back.. the cars in front of him HAD STOPPED!
He was on ice ruts.. anti-lock would be not help,,, for he was too close,, crash was all he could see, or jump into the other land,, which had about an eight inch built up,, and that would cause a slide right on into the other car anyway.. and in his rear view mirror,,here came a little blue pick up,, doing about 40 mph in the left lane anyway,,so that was out of the question.. all this time? to think of all these things.. this was like slow motion.. so now ,,, get ready for here comes the crash,, hands turned loose from the wheel,,,arms crossed in front of the face,, did not want all the broken glass in his face, and just as he was bout to hit the rear end of that car,, he closed his eyes tight,, tighter than most any time, gritted his teeth, and THEN,, IT HAPPENED! Nothing.. no crash,, so he slowly opened his eyes,, and there he was , in the left lane, going just about 10 mph,, with his arms still across his face.. and as he looked to the side, people were starring at him like he was an idiot, riding down the road with his arms across his face.. so he lowered them looked ahead, and there about an 1/8th of a mile was that little pick up!
He put his hands on the wheel slowly,, and eased on up the road,, until he could ease back into the other lane .. for all of a sudden it got dryer for the time he needed to get back into that lane,, then the iced ruts continued.... what had happened,,, he felt a feeling of someone had been holding him,, like a mother when you were hurt, and needed that comfort... just what was it,, that had move a large pick up sliding on ice , only inches of the back of a car stopped,, moved it to the other lane, moved another pick-up ahead , and out of the way of this one,, and slowly drove it, until he noticed the people looking at him so very awkwardly? He knew,, who, but did not know why... until he thought about it,, for just a few minutes.. he ,knew.. God had done, it, and why,, it could only be that great love of this God....for what ever He had for this guy latter! What is your opinion on what happened, and why,, for this story is a true one....
God, thank You for being there,, and thank You for being with us each day , for we just get busy with ourselves, and don't realized ,,, that You are right there beside us also... again, thank You for all the credit of that day goes to You. amen
John HIcks
Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that God actually reaches down, and does these things,,, well you should, it is truly happening all the time.. we just don't see it all,, nor feel it all, but it is there, and the above story is certainly a true one,, I can vouch for it... For I was that guy, in that pick up on that cold wintry day,,, way back in the time of my life.........
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