Friday, August 26, 2011


FRIDAY--TGIF-TGFTD- No matter the initials you use ,, it still carries God, and the thanks for this day! How many really say "thank God , it's Friday" , and mean it,, not just saying it? I would bet.. 90%,, just! 10%, yes! What do you think? and what do you think He thinks? Just a couple of questions on this Friday to ponder as you enter into the w/e!

PRAYER REQUEST: Lord , watch over those that are and will be effected by the new hurricane. Protect them and guide them to safety.
Lord, protect and guide those who are defending our country, and put yourself between them and our enemies... bring them home safe,,, and alive.
Lord, heal, those who need you that are sick,, and have other problems of the body, and mind.


Do you remember when your Mom or Dad, would tell you, don't look directly into the sun,,, it will blind you? I do. And we would slip around, take a quick look, and sure enough for, just a few seconds,, we couldn't see,, not even our parents looking on and smiling at the attempt ,, they knew ,, we were going to try. Why did we try what ever our parents told us not to do. we did? Not the big stuff,,, but the little stuff, that was big,, but not life threatening... we did try,, maybe just once,,, now the big bad things, like drinking, dope,, etc.. we just didn't do it.. well most of us didn't ... some still thought it was cool,, until they found out it wasn't cool, but addictive.. then it was too late... now back to the "today" of looking and becoming blind....

Now, there is one Son,. you can look into all day long, and it will open your eyes,,, not blind you, IF, you look at that Son, with an open heart, and an open mind... for you have that choice .... that when you look, it's for real,,, for acceptance,, for repentance, for love,,, for the path to God, and Heaven, for Victory over death,,, and not for just curiosity.... You do remember the other old saying,, "that curiosity killed the cat"? Well , if you do look into the Son,,, and accept Him,,, you receive life in the end,, and not death....

I looked ,,, I believed,, I had Him with me,, even when I did not know He was there,, He was... How do I know He was there,,, for I am here... and if you knew the inside of me,, then that would be proof enough...Now when you look ,, then make the decision... for that decision is yours, and yours alone,, now did you really look for life, or was you just shopping when


God, I ask this day,, that all who looked into Jesus' eyes, were saved, and not just out browsing.. amen

John HIcks

I have looked,, I can still see.. and now, I can see what is over the mountain, and that is life,,, not like before,, and that was only what was just in front of me.. with no knowledge of what to come.. but now I know,, after looking, and accepting the SON,,, God is with, and ahead of me,,, for eternity! Make your choice as you look into His eyes today..... it is your choice.. have a great week-end!

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