Thursday, August 4, 2011


Thoughts For Today- Thursday-08/04/11

THURSDAY- As I wake this early morning, I think of yesterday,, the brightness of the sun,, shinning down upon us,, and the heat,,, sooooo hot here... 100+ in places, and the index was even higher.. A/C's was humming,, electrical companies was saying they were going to cut people off for a 1/4 hour or so.. to save electricity,, all the time the CEO'S of both electricity and A/C's was smiling so big , while out on the golf coarse,, you could drive a semi through their mouth... Oh, well, at least God spared us of the "heat " that is to come,,, if you are on His side and have Him as your coolant, when that time comes... for you haven't seen anything,, like it, if you haven't! I hope you get the drift of this one,,,, today!

Prayer Request: For Millie's daughter,, Melody Lowe,, who is very sick ,, had to go to the ER last night.. pray for her ,, and will update you on Melody.. pray it is not too bad!

For Gladys Hicks , who has been diagnosed with breast cancer... pray for her, she is a dear friend of mine and our family.. no kin , but like kin. She is going into surgery this morning,, pray that the doctors are guided by HIM.


Yes, so many have treated God and His Son , just like your bed... you automatically turn Him down at night like the covers,,,,,, and then as you wake,, you leave Him there,,,,,

You get up in the morning,, feeling good, and cheerful for you have the day(in which He gave you) make up the bed, that was so cozy, comfortable, and safe through the night... the world to go our into, to work, play, or just sit back and enjoy, and YES HE GAVE THEM ALL TO YOU,,, the auto,, all those fancy cloths,, the food, the water.. and then the day is over ,, and home you come,,yes,, He gave you this home also... You open the fridge,, wow at the food,,, prepare for wife, or hubby,, children,, friends who are coming over.. watching T.V. ,, on the phone,,, talking ,, text-ing... all come, eat, have fellowship with the friends,,, then the go home, then a yawn,,, all ready for bed,, "turn down the bed" , bed the kids down, then into bed you hop,,,, pull up the covers,, and give out a big ole sigh,,, close your eyes and drift off into never, never land.. just to wake up and do it all over again... wow.. who makes all this happen, you'd think???

That question needs for you to stop,, right after that yawn,,, think about the day,, from start to finish... you included all,, family,, friends, work, play,, yourself(treated yourself to a few things of your own),, now just what else is there? When you woke up,, did you thank the one who made it all? When you went through the day,, did you think the one who made you thanked the one who waited on you at the restaurant,,, the bus driver, the attendant at the gas station.. your co-workers,, the ones who came over and fellowship with you... your family for being there,,, BUT DID YOU as the day passed ,, thank the one who made it all... and right after the yawn,, DID YOU FORGET HIM,,,DID YOU THANK HIM FOR IT ALL? or did you just turn Him down,,, like the bed? or did you thank Him,,


God , may we all wake up with You,,, walk with You through our day,,, come home to You at the end of our day,, spend our home time with You ,,, and go to bed, and pull You up around us for the night.. amen

John HIcks

I sit and think as I see people pass the house, or hurry around in town,, and I think,, how many have so many things on their minds today,, did any of them forget to talk to the Lord.. at least once?.. or did this world have you so tied up,, you forgot where it is that WE are all going.. EVENTUALLY..JUDGMENT!

Yes,, I just sit back and watch,, and think.................................and pray for me and them ,,

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