Saturday, August 27, 2011


SATURDAY- Here it is,,, the first day of the week-end, plans have been laid,,, for this day and the next,, and then it will be back to the ole grind stone! Enjoy these two days, then be thankful that you have a grind stone to return to,,, and when you do.. let it sharpen your,,, "thankful side of your life"... I hope you and the Lord have a great time together this weekend, as you continue on your journey of well laid plans for fun and excitement!


If a friend should call you today,,, ask for a favor,, a favor of small, or large.. would you respond with, a sure,, when and where,, and not even mention that you had plans that must be canceled... but just "sure,, when,, and what is the I need to do?" Yes , that is a friend! or would you have to digest it,,, think it over,, see if it "outweighs" your "already" plans,, and if you really and truly want to do it.. but still,,, if asked you will still claim ,, yes this person is my best friend..and ,,,I would just die for!" If you have to think about it in that manner,, you are not,,, a friend! Now under certain circumstances,, of sickness of another or yourself,, you may have to decline to help or help find an alternative,, friends will under stand this type of answer... for when called upon ,, you did react.. you did not have to think about it, wait and return the call after a bitter fight within to say, "No, I just can't this time,, maybe next time, you will call me earlier!" So call me later and in time,,, yes, you did react with an answer,, but not forward,, but sideways, it is call a "side-step" of an answer.
Now, to the next question of the day,,, if called upon from God, to do a special favor,, would you re-act like the first one did, or the second one? FORWAD STEP, OR SIDESTEP? ,,,and I give you time to think about it , for right now I call upon YOU to serve the Lord with all your heart and all your soul... give YOURSELF to Him,, and say , Lord do with me as YOU wish,, Your command is mine,,,, I will obey!
Now , I ask this question,, it is a question only you can answer .... for God gave us choices in life,, the right lane, or the left lane,, both contain life for now... both contain, eternal life... one is the "ice cream cone,, with the ice creme".. the other is an "ice creme cone,, with a hole in the bottom,, and no ice creme,, just fire coming out of it.. now as you look at those two lanes.... yes,, there it is,,,,, choice... and again I give you the hint of direction... right,, ummn good cool ice creme... left,,, well you figure...

Now you have had the time to read the top part of this note.. now is the time for you to stop,, make a choice for


God, I pray that all will jump in the right lane,,, accept the question to be called upon with gladness, and not rejection. amen

John HIcks
I have answered , and it is not always just one way,, it can be ,, and remember this... it can be in multiple ways, and through multiple people ,, so listen to all who speak,, but just use a filter,, it is called the "filter of Jesus",, and then you will know if you are still in the right lane.... make a choice,,, I have made the one of whom I serve.. and that is Jesus,, come join me.....

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