Saturday, May 7, 2011


Saturday- Finally the week-end! Now for some TLC of oneself! You worked hard and should kick back, make plans to do what you feel like doing,, for you have only two days to relax and have fun,,, and as you do your planning, just plan to take the one who got you this far,,, with you!

A remembrance what should be: Some politicians should have their mouths taped instead of their speeches.


When a person is on the run from the law, or just running away from anything,, the one who is chasing them gets close to them, then that chaser is "hot on their trail" , almost to the reaching out and grabbing them. They have a choice, keep running and use an inner fuel to go faster, if they have any reserve left.. stop and fight back, if they have the right tools to fight, or just stop, be conquered and destroyed.. a lot of choices, if you are the runner,, and choices that are choices of your life,, to sub stain it, or just let go and die!
I have one , who is "hot on my trail" ,,each and every day, and is just a grab away from my arm, wanting to grab hold , stop me in my tracks, and destroy me... How do I cope with this situation each and every day? I , first have made the decision,, stop running, even though I have an endless fuel supply, stop and fight, for I have the right tools, not to be conquered, nor destroyed! Yes, I stop the run for life, no more running,, now I walk the life, for I have at my back, my sides, and my path forward guarded with a guard that no one can conquer nor destroy,, yes,, I am as safe as one can be, and I have the faith of the times to follow , that I will always be safe and secure , yes safe and secure in the hands of my JESUS CHRIST, AND SAVIOR!
Have you stopped running, have you turned your life over to Jesus, if not, just call out, He is their running right beside satan,, and God the Father gave us the freedom of choice,, so it is up to you ,, call out and have Jesus trip the devil , stop him from grabbing you and destroying you by tossing you into that pit of fire,,, call Jesus, and then run with Him through this life and your eternal life,,
Yes call Jesus and put the "thing " with horns and forked tail to the ground and

RUN YOUR LIFE WITH A COOL TRIAL,, BEHIND,, SIDEWAYS,, FRONTAL,, forever and ever, with Jesus! amen

God , thank You for Jesus, amen

John HIcks,
Yes , as I run, I am confident, and have the faith, that I run , not alone , but with my Savior beside me, keeping all harm away,, come join my in this run of life, and lets leave the "hot on my trail" to that one who is rolling in the dirt from our protectors just and swift sword of protection,, o,k.? Come , let's run for the fun of it! Your Choice!

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