Thursday- National Day of Prayer,, please , everyone stop , and at noon today, say a prayer, meet with love ones, friends, court houses, anywhere,, and exercise this right to assemble in the name of God.. use it or lose it.. I choose to use it,, today, and any day,, will you exercise your right , today?
Well it makes it official, our president was born on American soil. I just hope that all those Senators, and Representatives,, national, state, local, all remember where they were born, and the God that got us all here,,, and then act like it. I see so much talk on T.V. of what they want for their fellow man.. and I say, wow!, then their enemies are in deep, deep trouble.
Our "reps" stuff their "pork barrel" to overflowing, more for them, more for the lobbyists.. and more for the over the border, across the pond.. and still , here we are listening, and applauding ourselves right out of a home and freedom.. We need to guide these elected ones back to God,, for what I see going on, and I do judge on this one,, they need His help , more than anything else .. and if they will just stop long enough , instead of trying to out do the ones next to them, & trying to put themselves in the "lime-light", and pass some laws that will help, instead of take away.. and ask God to enter their mind, clear it out, and start over, with their fellow man first, and themselves last.. then we would see a recovery of this nation,, and until then, we can pray,, stand behind her(USA), and fight for her ,,, and maintain our freedom, while we have it, and never pass up the chance to testify of our belief and faith in God, and sing out now,,, loud and clear,,
Lord, thank You for this good ole USA, and all the milk and honey that has come with it.. and I ask that you enter the heads of our "heads of state", and YOU, make the decisions for the USA, and that we all , with them , turn back to You and say aloud, Yes the good ole USA, one nation, under You, God. amen
John HIcks
Today, a little wild, but someone needs to say it,, our nation is sick from greed and that our leaders need to quite talking of their religion, and practice it! What do you think, or are you also stuck , right up under them? Let's bring our nation back,, and put God at the helm! Will you pray for this nation,,, starting now,, today, National Day of Prayer,, and every day, thereafter?
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