Tuesday-Good morning, welcome to a great one of Gods' days! As you breath, you are doing one of Gods' works in process.. this one built in. Oxygen, is made for you by plants, and your exhaust breath, is made for plants... What a wonderful thing God has given us, breath air to live by, breathing out air to plants, so we may eat from them , and live.. Now , give God something back, love, faith, and follow His rules and plans. Now that is not much, for what He just gave you ,, right,, o.k.,,o.k. relax now,,, and "breath deep"
"Help me , I've fallen, and I can't get up!" This is no laughing matter for an older person who lives alone... they do fall, or get in a predicament of not being able to move , or that they indeed have fallen, broken something, and need help.. so that is why the commercial, of the "fast alert" system for old people. It would not hurt for any live alone people to wear one also.. Who knows when you might also fall, and not have your cell phone close,, (but that is not likely for this age..), but it could happen, and you would need to punch in a button to tell someone , "come quick,, help me , I 've fallen and I can't get up"!
Now, for my interpretation of what we all need, and I am sure all of you knew this was coming! We all have fallen in our life time, and seems like we just can't get up,, and I mean not physically fallen, but spiritually fallen , and fell flat on our face... we are , when we have fallen, so deep in sin, that we begin actually liking it, and not realizing we were going deeper and deeper into the pits of hell.. building ourselves into eternal firewood for satan, as we live , day , by day! Yes , you can get to that point, where you live deep in sin, and live it 24/7. You don't know what to do with out the drink, the dope, the cursing, the falsehood, the back biting, the gossiping, the turning on brother against brother, sister, & parents and other love ones.. Yes , it turns into a way of life, and that is what satan wants you to do.. live to go straight to hell, and do not pass by God... yes , now the stop sign of sin has appeared,, God! Now , how do you get back from life of sin? You accept your saving button that is there with you,, How do you punch this button? You use your voice, just call out , Jesus, help me , I have fallen into sin, and I can not get out.. please help me! Now, you have just pressed the saving , the picking you up button , the strength to stand , and be counted, now a Christian... yes you have the one thing that you can wear for the rest of your life,, and never wear out.. and will keep you from being firewood, so if you have fallen into that pit of sin, and can not get up... call out,, listen for Jesus is there whispering to you already,, so call, and He will come.. call out,, Jesus come save me, I want and I accept you as my Savior,,, He will come, then go talk to your preacher, your deacons, or any Christian, and find the rest of the way....Jesus will be by your side, and never let you fall to
God , I pray that all who are living in sin today, will call out to You and to Your Son, Jesus, and ask for deliverance from satan and all he stands for, and that You will grab their hands, and never let go, as You have me pulled me up, and held my hand. amen
John HIcks
Past, present, if you call out to Jesus to save you , He will come to your rescue, and He will be your button of life from then on, on duty 24/7 to stop satan in his tracks, keep you lifted up through this life and eternity,, why would you not call to the Savior who can deliver you from fire and agony throughout now and eternity,, call,, make the choice of life and not the choice of death by fire.. your choice,, make it now...
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