Thursday, May 26, 2011


Thursday- Who did you wake up with? Is it someone you don't mind sharing their name with all? I hope the main name is Jesus! He can open your eyes at any time, day or night. right?

Prayer Request: For Jacob Moore,, our little neighbor , son of Shane, and Katy Moore,,who had a check up for tonsillitis, and they discovered a heart murmur.. He is scheduled to see a cardiologist for complete diagnosis.. pray for good results.. He and twin brother Jackson are precious, for we see them running and playing and having the best of times across from our house! Pray for him and the compleete family!


Deeds Left: these will be the ones that all left here on earth that people will judge you by, and will remember you by. We all want these deeds to be things of good to be remembered of , things we don't mind people discussing out in the open... of course there will be some things that will be mentioned ,, things that we don't really want people to remember,, but it will do no harm nor good.. for you have done your thing , the thing called "life" here to be judged as the jury of ones left will judge,, no use to worry about these deeds , for they are for the living.. you can do no more.. to change them!

Deeds Forwarded: Now these are the deeds you want to be the front runner of deeds... the ones that will be real,, and judged for the big haul ,, the haul through eternity,, and brother and sister,, this is forever, and ever,, there is no end! You will have not multiple judges, but only one.. and God will stand you,,, before Him , in front of the Throne,, and will give you your final judgment,, that of staying, or dropping into the pits of hell.. These are the deeds you must account for ,, for life eternal.. and the one who will stand there with you.. and getting you past this judgment,, for no one goes by the judgment without Jesus by your side.. so ,,, first, let the first deed you do , is accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, and go forward with no worry of deeds, for He is your best deed ever..



Lord,,, May we all jump to the task of asking Jesus to be by our side through this life, and be by our side at the judgment with You.. amen

John HIcks

I make Jesus my side-kick each second of each day... how about you , have you set your clock of life with the deed to take with you? Your choice and what a choice , right, well , go ahead and make it!

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