Tuesday, October 7, 2014


TUESDAY! Good morning to all.. and may all give the credit for this day,,,, to God,, for it sure is a gift from Him to all of us by His grace and love! Just wait, and you will see! YOUR WANT OF TODAY,,, OR TOMORROW! I know all of you have heard of putting something back for a rainy day,,, and nothing is wrong with this ,,, for we never know what the "next " day will bring! There are no guarantees,, and I mention this often!!! As the boy Scout code says, "Be Prepared"! and with this ,, Jesus had said it first... and ask yourself this,,, had you rather accept Jesus as your Savior NOW,,, or wait,,, well NOW is the only way, for nothing is guaranteed of a tomorrow... except by His wish of what is His ,,, for you! So, today,,, I ask all to stop,, think of just where you are in your life this day... are you saved? Have you really committed to Jesus your life, and soul,, gave all together,, the all in decision, and not just the day,, week, or just not at the times of only when it suits us,, and have you given your all to God also, for the two are the same, you can't have one without the other!,,, do you practice this, or just talk about it, making people think you are a Christan or even making yourself listen to some of satans. garbage, and convincing yourself that you are a Christian,, but don't be short changed, don't be fooled, stay away from fortune tellers, and liars... for the only one you need to turn to today for your future,,,, AND PUT YOUR ALL "WANT" IN,, TODAY, FOR TOMORROW OF ETERNITY, IS JESUS CHRIST! Now, do you understand, the want of today, the want of a tomorrow? For with Jesus, there is assurance of a tomorrow!!!!!! even if not here, it will be Heaven! Think about your life, your decision of this very day, for it could be the last chance to make that decision, for there are no guarantees here in this world,, but that of Jesus.. and by the grace of God Almighty! God, I pray for all the lost,, and I ask forgiveness of my sins, as I also forgive those who have sinned against me... amen John HIcks Servant to my God,,, and only to my God!!!! and you?

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