Wednesday, October 22, 2014


WEDNESDAY! First and foremost,, "Good Morning God",, and "Thanks for this another of Your days"! Now, after you do this,,, then watch the "Camel" run, and you make your plans, not with that camel, but with the same one you thanked this morning, if you were thanking God , for that is the only one that opinion! Not always liked but being truthful, it is mine, from me and I do believe God first, world second,, another of my opinions! Lord, I ask that you continue to bless this Nation of all our freedoms... and from satan and all his workers, who come to us in many, many disguises,,, I ask you help us to keep our eyes open to all of satans workers as they infiltrate this country, and all the world, amen John HIcks Got "The Cross" Ministry Factory up and running, with the help of my SIL, Todd, who came over and helped me.. and also , I would like to hear from you to see if this email went through,, I was hacked by someone on my Yahoo page, and as I have changed my password, it does not seem to be working.. so please send me a message on Yahoo. Have a bless day from our God, this another of His days, given as a gift to us all! Agree?

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