Saturday, October 4, 2014


SATURDAY! Great day! Stated with the sound of "Good Morning Lord", from my wife, before I could even utter the words! Now, again, beaten by the "weaker sex"! Whoever made this comment was never married! lol... I am kidding,,, a marriage takes three to succeed! God, Husband, and Wife,,, all joined as one! Agree or disagree,,, and just who did you wake up with,,, and how did you wake up,,, great with the morning, and satisfied with,,,, and not ashamed of yesterday.....Well, if you need "fixing",, then ask God in,, and Jesus Christ, and give Him your soul and your heart.. the re-start your day,, and all say it , and say it now!!!! Thank You God For My Day, Given By You To Me As A Gift Of Your Love To Me! Prayer Request: For that little 3 year old, that was in that wreck on the prayer list yesterday,,,for the mother passed on to Heaven yesterday at some time.. please pray for those remaining, and all those in that wreck! JESUS AND MARGARINE! Did you know that margarine is just one ingredient from being plastic? Well, it is,,, and after it was invented , color added, with a little taste,, there it was,, perfect for the American substitute! and as usual, we all jumped at the chance to be with rest of the crowd,,, put it on the table.. while it was killing us... and to, this morning,,what is on your table , beside you,,, your today's' "great ingredient of life" of this day? YOUR PHONE, AND I BET IF YOU ARE SITTING AT A TABLE EATING OR HAVING COFFEE, IT IS THERE ,,,, BESIDE YOU, OR YOU ARE LOOKING AT IT AS YOU EAT AND DRINK,,, BUT CAN IT KEEP YOU SAFE FOR AN ETERNITY? IS THIS YOUR JESUS? YOUR MARGARINE? You and I should by now realize that we as Americans are always looking for that "perfect" product that will make us healthier, prettier, younger , and give us eternal life,,, for we all live in a dream world , thinking, we are here for ever..but we are very, very wrong, and I am not being morbid,, I am being a realistic,,,, We were born, by the Grace of God, we live every day , by the Grace of God, and we have the way to Heaven , by the Grace of God,, in His Son Jesus Christ, and yes , one day, of His choosing , we will die, and we must be ready! Yet we are still looking for that one extra ingredient to make us "margarine",, good to look at,, with good color, great taste, a good looking package, and appealing to all,, one of the crowd ,, of any crowd that we choose to be in,, and put us out in the sun( as margarine,, and watch,, for it lasts and lasts, better than the "energizer bunny",,, even the pests won't eat it).. So are we safe?,, NO!!!!!, That ingredient we need to LIVE,, that one ingredient we must have, and if you have not asked for it and received it, and you can still feel the missing of it,,, WELL THAT IS THE ACCEPTING OF JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR MARGARINE, THE ONE INGREDIENT THAT WILL TRULY LAST FOREVER, AND EVER, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU THIS ALSO, BY YOU,,, JUST ASKING,, HE WILL RESPOND, IMMEDIATELY! God, I ask for all to come to You, on bending knees, heads bowed in reverence, and accept Your son, as their Savior this time, this day, and that no one delays , and loses their life. amen John HIcks Servant, and as I see and hear more , and more "thoughts of God, and of Jesus",, and more testimony of those concerned with America, and bringing God back into our churches, our business,, our schools, and most of all and important, the HOME, where it all starts from birth to accountability.. I am beginning to see hope at the end of the tunnel,, IF WE ALL JOIN TOGETHER IN ONE OF THE BIGGEST GOD MOVEMENTS OF THIS CENTURY! Be heard now! Make a choice ,, of Jesus!!!!!! Please!!!!

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