Wednesday, August 28, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Yes, it is the day of the camel..."hump day"! Now you are here by His choice, and now yu make one to thank Him for it,,, and make the kind of plans for the week-end, and the rest of the week, as if He will be right there with you,, and why you are making those plans, go ahead and send Him an invitation... will you? He loves to attend all trips, parties, and just lazing around... so go ahead and ask! Have a great day to all!
Prayer Requests: For Betty Mae,, she will be having her surgery today on her legs,, post-ponied yesterday for more tests.
For David, who was at the hospital for chest pains...
For all those whom we know that need prayers of love, and family reunions... and those who are in pain, but never complain.. or need help, but have none,, We all need to pray more each day for others, and put out faith in Him,,, He will take care of us, and our prayers..try it, and see!!!
Where were you, and how did you re-act, when: someone called out using Gods' name in vain? Someone denied there is a God? Jesus is a myth? There is no satan? When you die, you die? There is no heaven? Someone stomped on your church? Someone took away your freedom? of religion? devalued your preacher?
This is a question we and I mean we,,need to answer each day,, each minute, to stay in touch with ourselves as to where do we stand... and the question "where were you?", is not a physical location, but a vocal one? Did you stand up? did you sit down? did you turn your head? did you close your eyes? did you choose not hear it? or just choose to make like you didn't???
Now, that is the real question to answer,, did you speak up for God when you heard all of this? Did you say ,hey that offends me, or I will pray for you, and tell them ,,Jesus still loves you? Or did you just keep on keeping on,, doing nothing, but praying later talking to God,, and asking Him for something,,, and yet you did not even
Lord, I pray for the strength to stand, speak with You as my spoke-person, and say what You want me to say, and I am an example of and for You, amen
John HIcks
I always remember the night that my brother -in-law , G.T. Sanders stood taller than any man I have known, and stopped this kind of talk, at a meeting of men, and children,,,right in front of his friends, his neighbors, and did not flinch one bit in doing it... the quiet,, was that kind of quiet,, of good,,,and all did just as he asked, they refrained from that kind of talk, and to my knowledge, never went back it, in his presence , nor mine! What a hero to his God, and to many,many their that night,, NOW ,,, WILL YOU BE A "G.T.",,, AND STOP THE FILTH AROUND YOU? I CHALLENGE ALL TO DO THIS ,,, EACH TIME YOU HEAR IT.. Let's make it a better world... Thanks to one of my greatest hero's for his example, I will!
Have a great day ,, given by Him, to do as you want, so do it right!!!!!
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