Thursday, August 22, 2013
THURSDAY! Good morning to all....woke up this morning, thanked the Lord for this day, and yes, then the good times rolled, as I sipped that good ole cup of coffee, and then run my mouth to Libby,,, of yester-year.. this happens more often than not, as you get older! Ha! Yes, as I have said in the past,,, start your day off with God, and a little humor,,,, and enjoy the life He gives us!! So , now get up, say thank You Lord for this day,,, smile real big,,, and I guarantee,, your day will be better for it, than without it!
Prayer Request: For Gavin Kidd, who was in a car accident 2 wks, ago.. and with all the cuts bruises, and brain injury,, His family stands fast, by his side, and with the belief in their God,, and prayers are asked by friends of this young man, and his family, and by me.
Yes, a "gathering" of the Christian People of this Nation is needed to put us back on the right track! We have slipped to the satan side of life here in this Nation... with all the greed, sex, (of many different mates), lies from our elected officials, and our elected officials going out of session with so much on the table,,, watching support given to the very nations who have sworn to kill all non-Muslims,,, and especially Israel,, and we are sending in the very equipment to kill them and us... yes , we still live in the best Nation on this earth,, for now.. but folks,, we need a Gathering of the Christan Families, and let God back in the running of this Nation.. and pray those satan lovers in Washington, our States, our local governments,,, out.. yes, pray them out!!!! We have some good, but what I see and what I hear,, we are overloaded on the satan side... of course this is my opinion.. but when I see our leaders support against the teaching of Jesus, and God.. what else is left? Not doubt,,, but truth... if you don't like to hear it, then delete it...
Lord, I ask for You to forgive this Nation for back-sliding ,, and I ask for your strength, and your guidance , of us back to Your word, and Your works, Your plan, and not ours,, amen
John HIcks
Some days, it just boils over,,, when you have a full pot of water on the stove,, and you go off to other things and don't watch that pot.. yes "boil over".. and that happens ... can you make a difference? , you sure can, if you will,,, pray, and BECOME AN EXAMPLE, instead of politically correct... Enough said!
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