Thursday, August 29, 2013
THURSDAY! I hope all have a great of another of Gods days,,, and you give out just as much love to all you see, as He gives to you! Folks ,,, that is a lot of love!
Prayer Report: Betty Mae had emergency surgery yesterday, as her tests showed a very, very large blood clot, and surgery was desinated as a "at once " and she is now in ICU, doing as good as one can after that type of surgery,,, so please keep praying for her..... God is Great!
A picture and a saying with humor is worth a lot... and yes, God loves humor ,, for good humor is better than any sin,,, and folks ,, I just wish that all our blood was this thick,,, how do you feel, and I hope all gets this saying and the picture....have a great day, and may God bless with His love, and forgiveness,,,
The pictue is of a Mosquito,,, and the saying is "I want to be so full of Christ that when a mosquito bites me,,, she flies away singing "there is power in the blood"!
John Hicks
Hopefully that mosquito that bite me,,, is singing away!!!!
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