Friday, January 18, 2013
FRIDAY! TGED! Brrr! Cold here in Middle Georgia, no snow that I know of, but I could see some in McComb, MS, and Gardendale, AL. and wish we had had just a little,, the snow, a little build up, then melt... Ha, can't have everything, but I did wake up with the Lord at my side, and in my heart,, ,and that is better than any ole snow, and yes, the coffee cup in hand! Have a great day in God, this day of His!
Prayer Requests: The father of Pam Burnett, her Boopa is having an un-explained surgery,, in Union , S.C. and on Pam's" birthday,,, so pray and wish ,, together..
Ruben Esquivel, in CA. who is having heart problems, pray for his healing and recovery.
Steve McGuire, who is our former pastor, and recovering from knee surgery, and having nausea, and hurting ,,,,please pray for our beloved Steve.
The Family of Golden Hays, who passed away, and will be buried today.
The family of Frank Herron, Jr. who passed away yesterday morning, pray for Karen and all of the family.
Please continue to pray for Amanda Newby, who is still very weak and has some blood lost.
Bobby Sanders, who is still doing experiment testing, of his heart and low blood, and His wife Joanne, who is have real breathing problems,, pray for both,(Bobby is Libby's brother, and Joann, is her Sister-in-law)
Need soul repairing??? Have you got a soul that needs some repair,,,it's not hitting on all cylinders,,,kinda got a skip in it? You know , just a little sin, or is that a true statement, a little sin?,,No folks , sin is sin! But don't call on those so called soul savers,,,they can't save your soul, for they do not own your soul, your soul, your choice to give it to Jesus or only Jesus can save you, and it is up to you, and only you ,, to call the One that is the One and the only mechanic of souls....He can repair and save the worst ones,,, and make them run as good as new,,,,and costs nothing,,,why? for He has already paid for it in full,,,,just call
God, thank You for giving us Jesus, and saving us from our sins, and turning us from Hell to Heaven. amen
John HIcks
Repaired , how about you? If not, stop today, this Friday, and ask Jesus to take your soul, give your all, and He will be by your side for life, but you must take the first step, so go ahead , take the step!
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