Wednesday, January 9, 2013


WEDNESDAY- HUMP DAY! Now that you have made it to the middle of the week, and rest upon the "hump" ,,of the weekdays,, you will have to ask the question, did I arrive to this day with, or without my Lord God? You might say "Oh!! I arrived without,, safe and sound,,but the answer to the question, "we all arrived with Him,,some safe, some not! In this statement of some safe , some not...another question,, did we arrive with Him in our heart, or on the outside, waiting for an invitation to come in.. by you? You see , He will travel with you for His love abounds, and He extends the invitation for you to accept Him as your Savior at all times , and He makes Himself available 24/7,,,until.. He knocks that "hump" out from under you, and you never know when and down you will go and without His cushion of the fall.... So I ask this question,,, why would anyone pass up the chance to be saved ,,, ahead of time? Well,, what is your answer,, do you now want to go on down to the rest of this week and the rest of your life, without that knowing, that if and when, it happens, you are going back up...and not continuing down, to that hotter place, called hell? Thank about it this morning!!! Prayer Request: For JoAnn Samples' mother, who fell again, and broke her right arm, the one with the port in it,and she is also right handed. She has had balancing troubles, so please pray for God to help her steady herself, and also pray for JoAnn who is right at her side, and needs Gods strength to keep going, and going, so please pray for both... Lord, thank You for this middle day, and all that I have, for I give you the glory, and the credit for it all..and may all who reads this,,, come to You, and may You bless them with all Your riches. amen John HIcks Looking up, not down, will you make that decision? Today, don't wait, your choice,, and only yours!!!!

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