Thursday, January 3, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all... Waking up is so hard to do! Unless you are having a coffee attack,,,, Ha! Today is the day for all of us to get out and hunt all the positives we see,, and here is the challenge,,,, "find four(4) positives, and one negative, then find a reason to make that negative into a positive",,, now ,this may sound like it is hard, but at a plant I worked at ,, we done this for a year, and we all became much more positive... Take a little card with you, and write on it each time you find the positive, and the negative, and what you did to turn it around... try it , for it can turn into a really good practice, and a good game... and what is my first one positive, (1)I know and believe in my God! Prayer Request: Please pray for Cathy Watson, who is house bound, and was a very active person , outside the home, pray for God to meet her needs. BEST OF THE BEST Be the BEST you can for the Lord! What you do and what you say, is the best testimony for Him that you can do. Your actions are forever, so be a good example. Let everyone know how to make the "forever" the place they want to share. Show them that your faith and confession to Jesus, is the way to Heaven. Spread the word with your actions, and be the BEST OF THE BEST! Just remember, what you say and what you do, goes a long way. Lord grant us a good day, give us the ability to spread Your word to ALL we meet, and may You give us the strength, and we have the faith, to live as an example , and that example be of You, and pleasing to others , so they will follow the path to you. amen John Hicks All comments are welcome , good or bad. Add a friend to our list! The list goes up and down, but is going down quicker than if you know someone you might think would like this each morning , please send me their address,,you could be the deciding factor in someoness life,,,and your name will never be mentioned,, unless you want me too... I would bet there are many names ,, if you will just stop, think, and do... please!!!..God's word is the best word,, and yes,,, it is FOREVER!

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