Thursday, January 31, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all, and here in Georgia, we are glad that the storms have gone, and that it was not worse than it was,,, Here in Yatesville, we got the warning sirens, three times, and no matter who you are, it will make you stand tall, and nervous... for you then place your self in Gods' hands, for He controls all.... I hope as you wake up this morning, you will ask Him to not only be with you as you awake ,but the invitation is for Him to accompany you through-out your day, your week, and your life,,,, May God Bless You in all the ways, you deserve and beyond that! Prayer Request: For all those that were in the line of fire of all those tornadoes and destruction yesterday, and for the family of the one lost in Adarisville, Georgia. May God help those to rebuild, and may they continue to have faith, He IS there, no matter the situation... and console the family of the one lost... For that little boy , held hostage in that bunker by a killer, in Midland , Al. , pray that God will hold this small boy in His hands ,,and deliver Him safe and sound! BELIEVING! Jim Reid , in Garden dale Alabama had this comment on Facebook,,Gen. 1;1 God created the heavens and the Earth!! If we all will keep in Mind God did this in ONE VERSE! Then everything we ask God for IS A PIECE OF CAKE!! You have always recognized prayer as the most powerful force Christians have. NOW LETS SEE IF WE CAN GET EVERYONE TO SEE IT THIS WAY! Now, Jim, I felt it deep down in my heart, and one of the best testimony's I have heard in a long time, so simply said, and so true,,, and it is a question and an answer in the same quote,,, JUST WHERE IS OUR FAITH?! You believe in the Bible, then after this one verse,, you know God is in charge, He made it ,it did not evolve, and with this belief, that all else ,, as He said, is a piece of cake! Well, want a slice of this? I do, and I have it,, make a choice.. and Jim, thanks for that piece , it was small, yet so very, very big!....... I ASK ALL, DO YOU BELIEVE,,, IN HIM?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


WEDNESDAY! "Hump Day"! Waking up, God beside me, coffee cup smoking hot in my hand, and trying to type and drink at the same time,,,that is a sign of a crazy "coffee nut",, Ha!!! but it is good to have , both! When you inhale God,, you exhale the devil,, and inhaling is better than exhaling, except the notion of relief... feel it, by asking Jesus in!!! Now that you are on the teeter totter of the top of "the hump day of the week",,, balance not, just ask for Jesus, and then slid ,not fall off, for the rest of the day, and the rest of your like! Choices, choices,, and all yours, ,so why not make one,,,, and that is Jesus? Prayer Request: Frank, who is still going downhill,,, he has had a really tough go of it,,, and I ask all to pray for Him, and for God to give him relief, and bless Lori who is now able to stand beside him but she is still burned with radiation,, and Barbara, the mother-in-law, but more like a mother! Pray for this family. Jamey, for un-spoken prayer, and I ask we all give this prayer, for God knows all. The Storms: All the victims already, and all those in the path of this winter storm of winds, tornadoes, and heavy rains, that God will watch over all,,, as this "monster" goes through! THE CAMERA IS ROLLING! It seems that everyone has a camera of sorts everywhere you go, from the ole disposal ,, the digital, the cell phones,, even cam recorders on those cell phones,,, no privacy, no escaping,, at all, anywhere,,, for where the citizen can't take your picture , the government can... so yes ,, we are on display to the public! More people have come to realize this, so they are more careful of where they go, what they do, whose house they go in, what "motels", they enter... and then,, there are those who smile and go about their busy day of what-ever, as they just seem not to care who pops a picture,, ,from you or the govs.... who are these people? Ah, they must be true Christians!!! Some are atheists, and will not care for what..but for the Christians they understand, that there is but One,, our Living God,, who holds the ultimate camera,, with sound, 3D, and has a recorder also,, and can , like Superman, see through mountains, steel, and even better, through lead, nothing can obstruct "this camera",,, it is called THE BOOK OF LIFE,,, and it is making pictures of your life at all times, so no matter what door you enter, or where you try to hide,,, it will penetrate,, make your life picture track,, and store, for later, when you appear before God on the Throne,, If you have accepted Jesus, then as you appear,, He will step forward, stand beside you, and say to His Father, that whatever sin is in that book, all the film, or words recorded, I have paid for, and are of no concern here now.. or if you have not accepted Him,, then folks stand tall, for THE CAMERA WILL ROLL NOW, AND THEN , AND WILL TELL ALL!! WANT TO ACCEPT,, WANT TO CHANGE, as the camera rolls? Lord, I ask that all accept you as their personal Savior,, and put You not only in their "Book of Life, but let You be the Head-liner in all they do..amen John HIcks Yes, I know of the camera's, and I thank God, for His Jesus, for without Him to stand here and now, and later at my appearance before my God at His throne,, I would be standing on the trap door to hell, with a raveled rope...who do you walk with today, who have you put your trust in for your appearance???? Make the choice, for no one can make it

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


TUESDAY! Great day,, and I am thankful to my Lord for it! He has given me His love, what more can one ask for,,, for with that ,,, all things are possible, with enough faith.. and we all have it,, don't we? I hope all have a great start and a rest of a great day, as I have... may God walk with all of you! ANOTHER ERA GONE!!! Brief this day. no,, for I am sad,,, our Boy Scouts have gone under the guillotine! Given in to pier pressure! And to find out just who IS in it.. is surprising, and really not, for infiltration is in all organizations.... and I still say,, if you believe in God, you will believe in Man made first, Woman made second, and formed from one of the mans rib, joined together by God, as one, and are the only way to reproduce, even with the new technology,, of artificial in-simulation... you still need this Man, and this Woman to impregnate and re-produce another human,,, for only one time in the history of this world did this not happen,,, and that was when God impregnated Mary with Jesus,,by the Holy Spirit,, and her a virgin...! I say, what is this, who is in the fight? Is this Christians really believing that this is the "real deal" of life? Is this Christan's breaking down, giving in to beliefs that two men together, two women together , having sex together, and marrying each other,, is Christian?,,, No, not REAL CHRISTIANS, and if this is true, then folks , I would be in the wrong world... for in my world, and I ask for all to join me , if they are REAL CHRISTIANS,,say this,,,, in my world, I, and we believe in God, and His word, and His plan! and this is not His plan, not even close, it is pure sin! I pray for this organization,,, and all the Scout organizations,to be careful on the ground that they walk on,, for it could get very hot , in the end, and that the locals will choose the right way,,, boys, who play, and not with each other,, girls the same... am I too forward? I don't think so, I just have the guts to say it... and I am very sad, that this ERA OF THE BOY SCOUTS HAVE GONE BY,,, AND I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THE NEW! Lord, I ask that you forgive this world, as it gest closer to S & G, and that you will lead us all back to the straight and narrow road, and give all the real knowledge back to us all.. of your plan, and your word, and that we all heed to it, and continue to ask for Your forgiveness. amen John HIcks I may hear from this one,, but truth is truth, I may lose some names, but again truth is truth, if one will just stop, go to a place of solace.. and meditate to the Lord, and ask for this truth, and if yu never reveal what He has told you, you will know within,, so believe what is in your heart or turn a deaf ear,,,, , but I can say, only God will prevail, and He is a tolerate God , but for just how long!

Monday, January 28, 2013


MONDAY- Got up late,, but enjoyed the late sleep this morning,, Java in hand,,, and God at my side, wife is doing better,,a little,, warm, and dry,, and it don't get any better than that! I pray to God that all wake with a new day , and ask Him along in all you plan to do! I think you and Him ,would make a wonderful couple, so smile, ask, and have a great day!!!! MAKING MUCH,, ABOUT NOTHING? I look at the people I run into , in person, on the Internet,, and I see how they re-act to all things,,,for believe it or not,,,if you will look at what they put on the Internet, and what they hit "like" on,,,and the "unlikes" ,,, you would see the majority of how people feel..and what they read, and what they agree with you on, and what they don't.... and it will make you think about all those you know,,, maybe make you change your outlook of just how they think, and what they feel, for , folks ,,,some express exactly what is on their minds... and some of it is hard to believe,, and some just can't be digested,, as right! Then , there is the things put on there of the belief in God, the good things,,, but the lies go to the opponent,, you count them,, then think about what you put on this vast instrument of a news bulletin,,, of your thoughts!!!! Yes, be careful,,, I say, we all need a real filter on what we write, and what we read, and what we hit "like " on.... if you don't get on the facebook page, and that is the one I "did" get on,, ask someone.. see how it runs... on the 'likes",, and lets get on with our choices of our own religion,, our "should be beliefs", not that of another,,, of what ever you have chosen to have, and who you have decided to follow, for their is only one great instructional network, that is true to the "bone",,, and that is the instructional book(the Bible), the acceptance of Jesus(the network), and God (the great and only Server), so you choose as to what you will be MAKING MUCH ABOUT ,, A LOT OF JESUS!!!! Lord, I pray that what one says , one will consult with you first, what one likes, one will consult with you,,,, and before the time to meet You, one will accept , not just consult,,, You,, amen John HIcks This morning, well you read it, and see just what you get out of it... Pray, for all,, that we all may put more into His plan...and may most people realize that their arm, and hand can be placed in areas that is not at the ear, with a cell phone in it,, just look around,, see how many "don't" have phones to the ear,, you can count these much quicker than that have! Have a great Gods' day, given by His love and His choice! Accepting Him fully,,is your choice, right!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


SUNDAY! Awake, and ready for the day! We, the man species, are blessed, for we are given great things, we are over all other living,,,, we have a God that loves us unconditionally,, gives us more than one chance to change, willing to stand with us, carry us, and most of all , we are the ones, He gave to enter His kingdom..and the greatest thing of all , He gave us the key to the gates of Heaven... His Son,,, Jesus Christ!!! Do you know Him? Have you accepted Him, publicly,as your Savior? Why take all of the others things, of this world, and let the one FREE pass to Heaven, go unclaimed! I just don't understand it....but, that is something else He gave us all, and that is FREE CHOICE!!!! Prayer Request this morning, that Susan Roberts little one will kick that fever and that God will drive it away ,, for good...pray for this little one! I believe the above morning paragraph is enough to read with an open mind, and to hopefully open those hearts , that are closed....for a little,, is sometimes bigger than all else,, May all have a great and wonderful day, with God with you... ! John HIcks, on a great Gods' Day, this Sunday , of His!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


SATURDAY! Wake up! Have a great day with the Lord, and follow His lead,,,not yours! Read the following below,,, it was written January 26, 2008! His word is given then, and applies today, for even a day goes by, His law is His law,,and our choices is still ours,,,daily!! Here it is , Saturday, January 1, 26, 2008,,,enjoy , enjoy!!! "GIVE ME A RIDE, DROP ME OFF!!" Have you ever asked or been asked that question, "give me a ride , drop me off?" It can be a ride to town, a store, a movie, church,. or to a friends house. You usually are asking a friend for this favor, well, how about asking Jesus for that favor,, of a ride? It'll be the best question you have ever asked, and when you do get to your destination and Jesus says here is where you wanted to be dropped off,, you will marvel at the sight, and all the people that are there waiting for you,, so think real hard about asking that great question to Jesus, HEY, HOW ABOUT A RIDE? JUST DROP ME OFF,, DOWN THE ROAD,, AT HEAVENS GATE!!!!! Almighty God, I pray to you that we all hitch a ride with your Son and ride the ride of our lives and get off at heavens gate. Thank you for all we have. amen John HIcks Fired Up, and Looking up and to the East!!

Friday, January 25, 2013


FRIDAY-TGIF-TGED!!! Good morning from a deep freeze in Mid Georgia! Glad to have the wake up hot, hot coffee this morning and from a very sick wife.... she has this sinus , coughing thing, a lot of people around here are having at this time....... and yet she got up,, and made coffee,, for me! Wow , what a way to wake up, God and Jesus at your side, and a wife with a hot pot of "Java",, so I pray right now,,, thanks to my God,and ask healing to this special person! May all of you have a great God's day, for I just know you all are inviting Him along on this days trek of yours..... right? GUN BANS! This is just going to be very short this morning,,, really!! In the Old Testament, God gave weapons to the Christians,,,, for defense against those who were war-mongers, and against those who were out to do bodily harm...and even to a young boy,, a sling shot,,, and that boy killed a giant,,but He knew when and how to use it...I had a sling shot as a boy, but I did not kill,, we had a rifle in our house, but I did not kill anyone,,, I had a hunting knife with a leather sheath to hold it. but I did not stab anyone,,,and I carried a pocket knife in my pocket from a very young age, maybe 5 years old,,, and I did not stab anyone while playing nor at school.....WHY? I was taught the use of all of these,, and if , if someone had entered our home to do harm to any one of my family, yes, I was taught how to use one of these, and with a great accuracy..but taught right and wrong..... Now , I think this country has more "taught well" people, that can handle their guns, .. even if the ignorant ones who want to ban their own citizens from owning a gun, will send arms, that of automatic rifles, grenade's, land mines, and yes even airplanes with mass destruction aboard.. to other countries,, some who have a "mass disliking of our country".... so why give to them, and why not let us keep our own? Now do you really think that the BAN OF GUNS,,, IS RIGHT, and the correct fix? Lord, I ask that You rest a hand of each of our representatives of government, big and small, from bottom to the top of government offices ,,, a hand of knowledge of You, and the real wants of You, and plan accordingly of your demands , not their own selfish ways. amen John HIcks Short, I lied, longer that I expected,,just can't help it ,, most times... but from the heart, and the words, I believe,, from another....Please have a great day, and pray often, of thanks, and not wants....right?

Thursday, January 24, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning! Up and atta em! Be grateful for the day,that He has allowed us all to have, another one of! So, get up with a smile, no matter how hard it hurts, and say, "Good morning Lord, I am fine, How are You?" and mean it!!!! Have a great day!!! STANDBY--TRUST!!! When everything looks like it is bad, and there is not a lot of hope, don"t hang your head and look down, go on "standby, and trust". What does this mean? Put your fears on standby, go to total trust, in God, and fears will go away. Accept, or re-dedicate your life if you have "back-slided", to Jesus. Step back and let Him take you on the ride through life. It will be a ride you will love, maybe not understand all that happens, but if you look deep, you will see the reason, and if you don't see it, pray, He will reveal Himself, in all things He will be doing,, and that is everything. God will take you down the lane of serenity,,, and really the ride of rides. Just ask Him, then step back and go to total TRUST AND ACCEPTANCE OF JESUS CHRIST! Lord, I pray that all of this world, will not hang their heads in woe, but lower there heads in respect and in prayer to you, and give thanks to You for all of our blessings,, amen John HIcks Trusting,,, with all my heart, and praying each day,, my thanks. How about you, are you talking to God, or just telling ,, that you are? Your choice as to who you trust, and who you talk to!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


WEDNESDAY! and a good morning to all! It is a good day, as my Lord gave it, not to destroy nor deplore it, but to enjoy His gift to the utmost! He loves to see you , and I , smile, give, not just take, see others, not our self, but to look also into the mirror of our deeds, so that we like what He sees, and what we do....for not only are all around you looking, but so is careful what you say and do, for it is written,,, also in His book...Have a great day , and carry Him to all places you go! Need to change plans, maybe? Prayers for all those sick, in the hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, and pray that God will give the ones who care for those,, the strength, and the continued "want" to do this work, for they are special! I LOOKED ACROSS THE STREET! As I, and this friend of mine, started to enter this establishment ,,, I looked across the street, and I saw Jesus standing, waving at me,,,, Now, this morning,, it is short, but so important... for I ask you two questions as you see Him across the street from you,,, will you or could you ask Him to come on in with you, or do you duck your head, or change your mind about entering,,,, and are you o.k. with that person you are with,, know what I mean? and that pertains to both sexes!!!! Well, how did you make out as in your day on the other side of the street,,, AS YOU SAW HIM WAVING AT YOU, AS YOU LOOKED ACROSS THE STREET? Lord, I pray that all plan more in advance, to meet You, than just by chance, amen John HIcks I can remember,,,, and now I make sure as to who goes with me, anywhere, anytime, for I ask Him ,,,, FIRST THING IN THE MORNING,, TO BE WITH ME , BY MY SIDE, NOT ACROSS THE STREET, AND TO GUIDE ME IN ALL I DO! Do you talk to Him,,,morning, noon, evening, or anytime? Your Choice, and only yours! Have a great God's day!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


TUESDAY-TGED- As you and I wake up, and we open our sleepy eyes, and grab the hand that will lead us through the day, let us all stop, say a prayer for our world, our country, our friends, our love ones, that everyone will start their day off with a grabbing of this leading hand of God Almighty... and say right off in this prayer,,, for all to have a great day, and a big, "Thank You god for It!!! Now , off to and through this day, by His grace ,and love! Oh, it is o.k. to be seen holding His hand!!! Prayer Request: For our country, and for the leaders of the same.. and for all of our schools, for we need all the prayer we can get. so will all of you pray, and from your heart, with faith! SEPARATION! No prayers in school, no Bibles in classrooms. no Ten Commandments in school, nor on government land... BUT , during the inauguration, we had all... prayer, songs, more prayer,, and all of those officials, kept a straight face... this was how it should be folks, but it was for only the day, the event..This is of what should be more in our schools, but should come forth from the home, with sincerity, of that home, and let the government, concentrate on legislation, and leading the nation under God, and take the "guns " away from the crooks, if you can,,, and let our teachers, teach,,,have the discipline,, and parents, when summonsed to school from a teacher, or principle, go with the attitude, your son, or daughter just might be wrong.. and that teacher needs you.. to help discipline your child... this just could head off some of this crazy stuff,,, just maybe,,, for our schools need good teachers for our children, not legislation that ties their hands, from the not old fashion "Three R's", for we all made it , just fine, with all this in place.. Let our teachers back in school to teach, AND discipline. Put God back in this Nation, at home, the start of play of all sports, and back in school... lets do have SEPARATION, and let our schools teach, play, and move on with God at the helm of here also! Lord, I pray for all the Young, the foundation of this Nation, this World, the Future, be taught about You, and Your plan of salvation, and Your Word.. amen John HIcks Never know what will be said, and sometimes have to re-read to understand also..but I do believe in our teachers, and the job they do is like the Military, only a select few are up for it! Pray for both...

Monday, January 21, 2013


MONDAY! "Blue Monday"! Just an old saying, for all of those with a job this great Gods' day, it is not blue , but one of joy, for you have a job, and for those who don't, it is a great new day, to go out and hunt one... for the retired, well it is just a good day to do whatever! May all have great day, and have it with the company of the Lord Jesus! By the way, blue is not a bad color,,,, all colors are a glory from God, for remember ,, He made "Technicolor", before Hollywood! Just look at all of your environment around you, and look at the rainbow,,, and think of who put it there,, and His covenant to us, and it is "in color". MORE ,, OR LESS? I think we need more of Jesus in this world, and less of us! Just what do you think? I hear more of us, how important we are,, and how we need this and that, and most have more than they will use ,,, and most of this I hear,,, is out of "that persons" own mouth! We are as important as the Lord leads us,,, We use to say, you can lead a mule to water ,but you can't make him drink? Well the Lord leads you to salvation,,, from hell,, and you also like that ole mule that won't drink,, you can ignore Him,, and continue on with all those earthly "things",, and not drink of His is your choice, just like the mule,,, but folks , if ignored,,, you will die , not from thirst, but from the rejection of Him..but you will ask ,eventually , for just a drop of that precious water! You must realize that you have the world and all that is within, when you have Jesus as your Savior... If we all will put Jesus first, and within all our hearts, then this world would be of His liking, and believe it or not, so would we like it more than we ever have,,, Now , I ask again,, DO WE NEED MORE, OR LESS?,,,,,,, LESS OF US, AND MORE OF JESUS! Lord, I ask you to forgive us of who are in this, your world,, of our many, many sins, and help us to guide more back to You as we travel down this path of life,, and to where WE all belong...amen John HIcks I have enough, and I give the thanks to God for what I have, and at the top of my list is Him....who is at the top of your list?,,,, really ,, at the top... Re-think your answer,,, you can change , if you really want to...for all choices ,,, well they are yours.. He leaves that one thing , entirely of make it wisely!!!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


SUNDAY! Good morning to the Lords' day! I pray that you and He have a great day, together! We all seem to get up,, get started, off to the races of life, and leave the most important item behind,, when we should have this right in front leading the way,, this is our God,, and I ask but one thing this minute, do you have Him in front, or behind, very important as to position? OUR CHILDREN HAVE NEVER BEEN REAL GOOD ABOUT LISTENING TO US,, BUT THEY NEVER FAIL TO IMITATE US! Think about this while they are young, not after they are grown! Pass this one on! WE ARE REAL! BUT ARE WE REALLY REAL? Crazy title,,but it is the truth. We can imitate anyone, but we still are who we are.. our-self! Just like our children imitating us,,, do we really want this? When you look at yourself, are you satisfied with yourself? What you are doing , do you really want to pass this on? We all need to look in the mirror of our hearts to answer this, for I,, nor anyone else, can answer this for you. It is something you. and only you, can do... so find your place of solace,, dig deep,,, and when you are finished,, just make sure you come out with Jesus at the helm, and your decision to follow Him completely, even though you were already,, re-dedication is good also,,, you will be YOUR REAL SELF, AND WILL BE READY FOR HERE,,, AND THERE! Lord, thank You for the chance of this time to make a decision to become real, by accepting Jesus, as ours, and putting Him, and You ,,, first in our lives...amen John HIcks So many say they are, but fall short! Go to your place of solitude,,pray, one on one, and then ask for strength and have faith, and go forth to serve Him, first and foremost!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


SATURDAY! Today, I got to get up early, made the coffee, let the wife sleep, and be surprised when she wakes,, for she likes coffee as good as I do...and I will get to wake her with these words,, Hey, It is time to get up , you sleepy head, coffee is ready, and me and the Lord are waiting on you! And who do you wake up with? Remembrances: Yesterday we laid to rest a veteran, Golden Hay, and today another veteran will be laid to rest ... Frank Herron, Jr. , both served ,, then , & during their life here, and now have crossed that void to serve with the Master! We know both are well, and we send our good wishes with them both... but we will miss both of you,,,We say, " Thank you, Veterans, Golden, and Frank ,,,,for your all"! WE MUST KEEP OUR FAITH! I am one of the ones,, who did not vote for our President, and I must confess, I do not like Him, nor His "control buddies",, but he is president, and I do respect the office. I read in the Bible, of many, many bad, & kings of the devil, who did some of the worst things of this world.... the slaughter of babies, complete families, as Hitler, with the killing of the Jews, (and also his gun control!), so be aware but remember just how did the Christians get through this? By faith, and with this faith, they found favor in God! With this thing called "faith", we can move mountains, so why can we not make it through this guy, and work to vote in a Christian next time? WE CAN!!!! Yes, I talk about him, & our "Pork Belly" Congress, and YES, they need help,,, so let's all do what CAN help NOW,, as we continue to make our plans for the next elections, and we vote all these "PORKIES" out of office! Yes,, for then , we have the elections, for the now, God is here , with us, and has been, & our Nation is in His hands, and it will succeed, if only, and yes, if only WE KEEP THE FAITH, IN OUR GOD, IN OUR HEARTS, AND ON OUR LIPS, and find favor with Him! Lord, , thank You for our all, and may You give us mercy, and let us keep it.. amen John HIcks Standing on the Promises, His, and with the faith that He is here, and He is working 24/7 on preserving our country, and I will worship Him within, and outward to all I encounter, and may all do the same, and let us keep favor with our God, He has given so very , very much, it is time to give back, will you bow your head in reverence to our Lord, with me this day, and all the days to come? Make a choice, for God, first and foremost in our lives....!

Friday, January 18, 2013


FRIDAY! TGED! Brrr! Cold here in Middle Georgia, no snow that I know of, but I could see some in McComb, MS, and Gardendale, AL. and wish we had had just a little,, the snow, a little build up, then melt... Ha, can't have everything, but I did wake up with the Lord at my side, and in my heart,, ,and that is better than any ole snow, and yes, the coffee cup in hand! Have a great day in God, this day of His! Prayer Requests: The father of Pam Burnett, her Boopa is having an un-explained surgery,, in Union , S.C. and on Pam's" birthday,,, so pray and wish ,, together.. Ruben Esquivel, in CA. who is having heart problems, pray for his healing and recovery. Steve McGuire, who is our former pastor, and recovering from knee surgery, and having nausea, and hurting ,,,,please pray for our beloved Steve. The Family of Golden Hays, who passed away, and will be buried today. The family of Frank Herron, Jr. who passed away yesterday morning, pray for Karen and all of the family. Please continue to pray for Amanda Newby, who is still very weak and has some blood lost. Bobby Sanders, who is still doing experiment testing, of his heart and low blood, and His wife Joanne, who is have real breathing problems,, pray for both,(Bobby is Libby's brother, and Joann, is her Sister-in-law) YOUR REPAIR CENTER? Need soul repairing??? Have you got a soul that needs some repair,,,it's not hitting on all cylinders,,,kinda got a skip in it? You know , just a little sin, or is that a true statement, a little sin?,,No folks , sin is sin! But don't call on those so called soul savers,,,they can't save your soul, for they do not own your soul, your soul, your choice to give it to Jesus or only Jesus can save you, and it is up to you, and only you ,, to call the One that is the One and the only mechanic of souls....He can repair and save the worst ones,,, and make them run as good as new,,,,and costs nothing,,,why? for He has already paid for it in full,,,,just call 1-800-JESUS-CHRIST THE HEAD MECHANIC! God, thank You for giving us Jesus, and saving us from our sins, and turning us from Hell to Heaven. amen John HIcks Repaired , how about you? If not, stop today, this Friday, and ask Jesus to take your soul, give your all, and He will be by your side for life, but you must take the first step, so go ahead , take the step!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all of you this great day of God's,, given in love with no cost, ALL has been paid for in full,, all you have to do is accept! What and who? Jesus Christ! Prayer Request: Brenda Jarriel's father who has pneumonia, and is in ER,, pray for his recovery! Pray for all our guardians in uniform, of all categories, here and abroad. THE PLEDGE OF LIFE! You have heard of "The Three Musketeers",, one for all, and all for one,, well that is us,, if you choose,, and it is a pledge for life,, your choice as I hold up my "Cross",, my support , my love , my all to Him, Jesus Christ , the Savior of the World!! Yes,, will you join me, and all other Christians in this pledge,,, ONE FOR ALL, AND ALL FOR ONE!!!! THAT ONE, BEING JESUS CHRIST? Lord, I ask for a statement of "all are in favor" of the above pledge,, to You, amen John HIcks Short, but to the point, and if you don't get it,, then you will in the end! Make your pledge now, for later, your sword of champions will be like,, "melted"... understand?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Popular on Yahoo! Yahoo! Mail Search Mail Search Web Hi, John Help Yahoo! Press the Enter key to select a tab SENT CONTACTS Thoughts For Today-Wednesday-01/16/13 ComposeCompose New... Delete Reply Reply All Forward MoveActions Next Previous Press the Enter key to select an item Inbox (93) Conversations Drafts Sent Spam (138) Trash Folders Billy Graham cindy Dana G.T. ,,Sue hickssan Housecalls JOHN (9) john jr Jokes KAT SMITH LIBBY Medical Notes My sent Re-ference thoughts RICK Terri the2hicks untitled (1) Woodworking tips (2) Applications Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 6:03 AM 6:03 AM Message starred FROM john hicks TO You Thoughts For Today-Wednesday-01/16/13 Show Details From john hicks To john hicks WEDNESDAY!!! Wake up, it is raining here, and it is still a great day, for the Sunshine in my heart, is warming, dry, and gracious,,, for He is in charge,,, and with Him at my side, I just close my eyes, and say, "Thank You , my Lord, for being with me today!f". As you climb to the top of this "hump day" of the week, and as you wake up, and look up , not as you climb to the top, but to plan your "rest of the weeks" slide down,, with Him in all you do.... and then you are able to look up also,, as you slide down ,, right? So, as you open them,, this great Gods' day, ask Him to come on along with you this day,, of His!!! o.k.? THE BLESSINGS OF THIS ERA! I talk a lot of the good old days , of when I was a young boy, the things I look back on, of how good it was, and that good , I will still say, was safer in my community , which span a 5 mile radius,, quite a size, huh? We could walk from one end to the next, alone at 6+ years old, and our Moms or Dads did not have to worry about perverts, or kidnapping, why,, well all the neighbors knew each other, and all the crooks knew that they all had a gun or ten, in their homes, and that they looked after each other... so they did not dare try any of these crazy things... and it came down to parent care, and help and watch after your neighbor! I do not want to go back to the no t.v. no telephone, no washing machine, the ole dryer we had, was a clothes line... no central heat, nor any A.C. and we had only one small fan, for the one plug,, of running water...(except the spring, down in the pasture),, no car, no tractor, but we had chickens, cow, and a mule, a wagon, and we were better off than some others.. and I do not look down on this life, I loved it,, for there was much love in our Home, and our neighborhood, and the Love of God was taught ,,, not only on Sunday, but at our home it was taught at each meal, every day,,, and anywhere we was at, our Lord was Thanked for what we ate, and what we had,,,prayer in our home was a done deal,, it was just done in thanks and faith! Now, I don't want the things of old, but the environment only, and the teachings of our parents , and teachers, and the people that surrounded us,, our officials, our President, our Congress, well these were the people of greatness ,, way back then, gun control,,, was in control of the people ,just as our forefathers designed it... but, I will take most, and I said "Most" of the modern accommodations.. how about you who was born before the "chip", and the move of the "apple" revolution,, I stay with THE KISS METHOD,,"KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID",,AS I DO ACCEPT SOME OF THE MODERNISTICS'! Lord, thank You for all we have, just give us the common, and the good sense to use Your great gifts, as You want us to us them, not what we want , ,for our own gain,, amen John HIcks A proud American, of his heritage, and thankful to my God, for a set of the greatest parents of all times, but I am prejudice, probably so are you, and for the old timers , such as I, you are fortunate of a great era,,,, that will never be repeated ,, and for the young,, it is your world, to help form, with the Lord, or destroy it with greed and corruption... think about it! Your choice , your stand!! For who you choose, or whom you stand for or with, will determine your kids destiny, so think before you act,,, or re-act! Have a great God's day! ");

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


TUESDAY! GOOD MORNING!!!! I hope all are up(this early?) and ready to go forward with a big gusto of the day! Well you can, if in mind only, for He dwelt there forever(if you have invited Him in). Prayer Request: Shelagh Harris Morrinson, who is sick, and needs to be with her brothers at this time, and cannot. Please pray for her to get well, so she can make the trip.. SET YOUR INNER ALARM! Most all of America owns an alarm clock. We all have at one time used it five days a week,, and quite only if we won the lottery, or retire...all those still working, still are using! You hate to hear that dog-gone thing go off, and you want just to pick it up, and throw it against the wall, as you see in movies or on T.V. ,,, but being the , either "thrifty", or "the too lazy", to go out and buy another,, we usually turn it off, get up,, wash our face,, and "face a new day"...with maybe a little vigor,, well I said maybe.. NOW,, the retired,, don't have to set an alarm clock,,, they are just trained to get up after so many years, that after they do retire, they just continue to get on up, Ha!!! Point of all this, still working or retired,,, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Have you put all your faith in Him, that you will rise and go to Heaven, and be with all of those whom you love? I call this ,,,"Setting Your Inner Alarm Clock",, so that when this time comes, you won't wake up in hysteria,, of where you are, FOR as your eyes open, you see Jesus, with arms out-stretched to you,,, then folks ,,you will know that indeed,,,,, YOU DID PICK THE CORRECT,,, ALARM!!!!,,,for if you had not, it would be altogether different! Father, I pray, all will set Your Son, Jesus as their sounding alarm to wake up to when that time comes. amen John HIcks Think about how many go, and that we could have, should have, but did not,, talk to about the saving power of Jesus Christ!!! Can we retro-fit this short-coming? Yes we can, but it is a choice of ,,,,"WE MUST MAKE , INDIVIDUALLY".. AND IT IS YOURS , AND MINE TO MAKE,, SO????

Monday, January 14, 2013


Monday- Good morning, and may all have a great day,, and that you start yours off with the Lord! PLEASE STAND, IF YOU BELIEVE! Imagine this,,, you have left your church, or just exited a revival,,, you have just stood up, walked to the front of the church, shook the preachers hand, and turned, and told a house of 500 people, "I believe in my Jesus Christ, I stand for Him above all else, I give my life to Him, and would die for Him, just as He died for me.. I stand here publicly, and ask ,,who will stand with me? and all in that building stood, and cried "AMEN, AMEN, HALLELUJAH"! Now as the service was over, there was a big play to be played at the local theater,, from the kids of almost all in town.. and at 2:00 p.m. that day , this theater, which held 1000 people,, was filled to the brim... all was buzzing of the play, and their kids, grand-kids, nephews, and nieces were in, and the feeling of great love for them... THEN,,,,the curtain opened,, lights still on in the auditorium,, and there stood ten men in a different uniform on each of them, none of the USA..... an automatic rifle in each of their hands,,,a real hush over the crowd,,, and then a booming voice over the speakers,,,,,, as the one man in the middle spoke and pointed his finger in a sweep of the crowd...... "I want each of you that believes in Jesus Christ, and that He is the Savior of this World, and the only way to Heaven is through Him and the Cross,, and you profess to be a Christian,, to ... STAND UP,,, NOW!!!! you are there,, look around and see WHO IS STANDING, AND WHO IS NOT,, WHO WILL GO ALL THE WAY FROM THAT STANCE THIS MORNING , TO NOW....AND AS YOU LOOK AROUND, ARE YOU STANDING ALSO? IS YOUR CONVICTION THAT REAL,,OR NOT? just a thought of what if, and it could happen, dig deep before you speak, and be ready to stand... Lord, I ask that you give us all the strength of our faith, that we will stand up for You at any time we have the opportunity, no matter what is directing us, nor the cost. We thank You for all we have and ask that we use what we have in Your name at all times. I ask for You to help the sick and ones in need, for You know of them, and by name, . amen John HIcks Standing, and really will stand!! Join me in the "STANCE" for the LORD!!! Make a real commitment, and live it!!! Your Choice!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


SUNDAY! Wake up this day,, and may we all wake with the Lord not only beside of us, but within us...and be better Christians than we were yesterday, and the day before,,, and better each day ahead, , let us give back to, from whom we have received! Prayer Request: For Deb Treadgill, with her vision, that it may be corrected, and she will receive the relief she so deserves.. We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves! Can You See In Your Window,, Or Out? Is the light to your window to God closed? Is your heart harden as a rock? Can you not feel the warmth of His light? If the blinds to your window is so thick and so closed, you can't feel any of these, then you need a change in your life! . So how can you change, how do you open those blinds to the window, burst open that rock of defiance, feel the warmth of Him? Just reach for the cord of Salvation,, and that cord is Jesus!. Once you lay your hand on that cord, you will feel the control of His hand, as He opens the blinds of that window to His Father , and then you can see clearly, and feel the Holy Power,,, and with no barriers. You will feel the warmth of His light as it enters into your heart and soul. You will be completely changed and your eyelids will open to a new and complete world. Go ahead and REACH FOR THAT CORD!!! LET THAT GODLY LIGHT SHINE DEEP, DEEP INTO YOUR HEART AND SOUL!! Lord, I ask for Your control of all blinds in front of us all, and open them to repentance, and a sure step down the correct, and righteous path to You, amen John HIcks My window is open, blinds opened wide, panes, re-cleaned daily with much prayer, for we are human, and repentance should be on a daily basis! May all have a great day ,with the Lord at their side!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Clean Feet!

SATURDAY! First day of the week-end, and just what will you do today? Well, I am going to start off with a thank you to my Master, a cup of good ole coffee, that Libby awoke before me up and had made this great brew,,,and had it waiting for me,,, so what ever follows, just can't get any better than that start of a day, right,,, Wow! Is God God or not! May all have a great day of the Lords and share your belief of Him to all you shall meet! Prayer Request: For the Family of James Montgomery, who passed on to the Lord. may God give them relief, and to touch them all with a hand of mercy. HOW CLEAN ARE YOUR FEET? In the Bible, there is many references of cleaning of feet,, some faiths have this in their worship even today... and remember God told Moses, "take off your sandals, you are on Holy Land!",, so I refer from your feet to your soul, and I ask of that,, this question,,, IS YOUR FEET CLEAN ENOUGH TO WALK THE STREETS OF HEAVEN? Lord, I ask all to fall to their knees, pray for forgiveness of all sins, and have a soul cleansed of thee, for here and into eternity..amen John HIcks Praying daily, and also praying daily that our Nation will pray daily, and OUR LEADERS! Will you pray for this also? Have a great day!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013


FRIDAY-TGIF, TGED, Thank God I'm Forgiven, Thank God Every Day! We, wake up and here it is another Friday, bumping the week-end, and I ask just how did you get here,, by the above,,, not just alone, or with a bunch of your friends,, but by God,, for He gives it out, one day at a time, and when we get that day,,, let's say "Thanks God" right then and there, let's don't wait on special days, each and every day, open those eyes , stretch , grin, and say "Good morning Lord!",, then get on up and do your thing,, and you can if you choose , just kinda turn and look in any direction, and ask Him to come on along, for He will anyway, for He loves you, but with an invitation, He smiles as He walks, and so will you! Try it, you'll like it! Prayer Request: For that Christian School in Maryland, to continue to existence, and to continue to teach not only the three "R's", but God also... and for their Preacher, that he may not just preach but Pastor, and lead, with himself just a step behind His Lord... Pray for these children, that they might have this opportunity to continue to be educated at this school... under Gods' direction. PHONE OR TEXT, OR KNEES! In this day of our lives, we have the most exquisite way of communication than ever dreamed of back when I was a boy! Progress has abounded, beyond our own imaginations,, yet , here it is! Wow, I can not think of what is next.... what will my grandchildren see by the time they are in their 50's? I-phones are obsolete, in only months,,, and when you watch old movies(back in the early 80's), that is old?).... you still see rotary dialing in some booths,, 90's? "Touch Dial", and phone booths, no more,(on my,. my, what will Superman do?),,, only phones attached to sides of buildings, now!!! See if you find me a phone booth, or a public pay phone,, and you will be slim and trim, for you will have to travel quite a distance, and then you might have to rent a movie for me to see it... but in all seriousness,, you can communicate with each other, and see each other and interact as you talk to one-another right in your,,, what a modern communication, "Star Trek" era we are in.... You can spot a person running across the sand in Iraq,, while setting in an military computer complex,, now folks ,, this is getting quite elite... and I watched Polaroid become the "icon" of picture taking,, and now , well just dial it up..and snap it... with your phone,, yes communication has come a mega mile in a short mega minute, but one thing has not changed , yet I see fewer doing it..and that is the trend of communication, that will never get old, never get behind in our scientific age, only left out, but should be used as much as your i-phones, if you have them.. and IF ,this were to happen, we would not be at a fiscal cliff, we would not see hunger across the world, we would not see erratic weather changes,, we would see and have a beautiful bliss of tranquility... if , yes if we would lay down our i-phones, quit texting for a few minutes, each and every day...and FALL TO OUR KNEES, AND TALK ONE ON ONE TO OUR GOD ALMIGHTY. AND FEEL GOOD, AGAIN, FOR FOLKS , HE IS THE INVENTOR OF THE "CHIP",,, NOT APPLE OR ANYNONE ELSE! Lord, I ask that you come into the hearts and souls of all,, and that we all not only realize where our technology really lies,, but who and where it actually comes from , amen John HIcks Just watching people walk around talking to themselves, or you look around , thinking they are looking at you and tlaking to you,,, and then as you look to answer them ,you see the ear piece, hear them talking to someone else , somewhere,, and nothing is more irritable than to be talking and someone says,,"excuse me, I must take this",,, and turns their back to you,, What did they do when it was on a cord,, and they were outside or in a store?? Oh , well you can't stop progress, but you can be polite! Please ask for help, to the real inventor and maker of all things( it's called prayer)! Have a great day, with the Lord!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Thursday, be awake and be made that satan still lurks among us all, as he waits as a lion to pounce upon a Christian, and any given time, and I say to all, you must have the protection of the "Great Protector",, the Lord Jesus Christ within you, so if you have not accepted Him, then do so, for yo are messing with fire, a eternal fire, why? Why be so ignorant? Yes, ignorant...for anyone who can not see the glory of God, and of His son, is and ignorant person... cry out for Him, for He is your, and my only hope,,, of this world ,and the one to come!!! Short this morning for it is that important for all to see the way,, and I feel like just simplicity is sometimes the only way... Lord, I pray for this world, and that you show us mercy, forgive us of our sins, and of all those who do not know you, that there eyes and their heart will be opened, for you to enter, amen John HIcks Still, asking , anyone out there with a friend who might like to hear to hear something of the Lord, like "The Thoughts For Today"?,, ,, No names received yet.. but thanks for the ones that are reading this...may God continue to bless you, in all you do....

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


WEDNESDAY- HUMP DAY! Now that you have made it to the middle of the week, and rest upon the "hump" ,,of the weekdays,, you will have to ask the question, did I arrive to this day with, or without my Lord God? You might say "Oh!! I arrived without,, safe and sound,,but the answer to the question, "we all arrived with Him,,some safe, some not! In this statement of some safe , some not...another question,, did we arrive with Him in our heart, or on the outside, waiting for an invitation to come in.. by you? You see , He will travel with you for His love abounds, and He extends the invitation for you to accept Him as your Savior at all times , and He makes Himself available 24/7,,,until.. He knocks that "hump" out from under you, and you never know when and down you will go and without His cushion of the fall.... So I ask this question,,, why would anyone pass up the chance to be saved ,,, ahead of time? Well,, what is your answer,, do you now want to go on down to the rest of this week and the rest of your life, without that knowing, that if and when, it happens, you are going back up...and not continuing down, to that hotter place, called hell? Thank about it this morning!!! Prayer Request: For JoAnn Samples' mother, who fell again, and broke her right arm, the one with the port in it,and she is also right handed. She has had balancing troubles, so please pray for God to help her steady herself, and also pray for JoAnn who is right at her side, and needs Gods strength to keep going, and going, so please pray for both... Lord, thank You for this middle day, and all that I have, for I give you the glory, and the credit for it all..and may all who reads this,,, come to You, and may You bless them with all Your riches. amen John HIcks Looking up, not down, will you make that decision? Today, don't wait, your choice,, and only yours!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


TUESDAY! With the Lord beside me, I awake this morning to serve Him again this day also, and so profess to do for as many days as He allows me to do so...and, now, I ask you,,,who do you serve this day? Prayer Request: For Sandy Townsend, of Salisbury, MD. , who had triple bypass heart surgery yesterday,,,pray for her recovery. AS I GAZE AT A SUNSET! As I ride down the road to the West, and I look up at the sky, I see gray clouds, from an over-cast day, and these clouds are floating across the sky, and then at the horizon,, they start to break even more, and you can see a hint of red along that horizon!,,, then as you go a little farther,, the red rises,, and it is like the edge of the sky in on fire.....the fiery red glow,, and then, bamn, it breaks even farther,,, and the red rises to even a greater image across the sky ,, filling in between those dark gray clouds that float all so slow, but just cannot outrun this "red",, all so fast,,, then the red,, so great against a vast sky, as if it seems it is going to burn the whole world ahead of you,, all of a sudden,,,, slowly starts to go drifting backwards, and just as it began against those dark clouds, the fiery days sun ,, suddenly, grows smaller, and the red fire grows smaller and gives way to the night...and you can see it disappear under the horizon... just waiting till morning to rise up and give us warmth and light....why this story? For with this story, if you can close your eyes and see what I wrote,, or have seen it in person before,,and then say, there is no God, then you are "mind blind" of the spirit,, for no one on this earth make this sight, nor can a sunset evolve from a small little piece of red light into this gigantic magnificent red fiery sunset I saw! For those who can see it , believe, and pray that God allows this world, this Nation, you, and I more of the same, and that it happens to you in a free country... then smile, and give thanks to Him,, and as I close my eyes, and relive that image, my heart leaps at the sight, OF GODS WONDERFUL SUNSET, MADE BY HIM, FROM THE BEGINNING!!! Lord, , thank You for these wonderful sights You give to us.. and may You continue to walk with us and forgive us of our many, many sins of this world. amen John HIcks We have art galleries full of great works of art,, and we live in one of the greatest galleries created,, the one created by our Master,,, IF , we will just slow down, or stop, and look around us... you can't miss it! Have a great day in the "Gallery of God Almighty"!

Monday, January 7, 2013


MONDAY! Up early, eager to start the day! Thanks to my God for another day, and yes, another cup of coffee, and our health, and all our family, and friends... now to the business of the Lord! Testifying, and living as to put a smile on His face... How about it today, or any day, want to join me?.. Then lets start with a great big ole "Thank You God for Everything", and then a big smile , whether you feel like it or not, for after these two things, you will feel better, maybe not able to jump the fence , but able to look at it and say ,, "it is jump-able"! Have a great day!!!! With the Lord and the world! Prayer Requests: For my brother-in-law, Bobby Sanders ,, who is suffering with anemia, and heart problems of not beating correctly, needing blood.. please pray that as his tests go forward , they will continue to get better.. and pray for his full recovery ,and alos his wife, JoAnne. From Dana Stephens, pray for Maryln Bollinger , who is in ICU, pray for her healing. For William Burkett, to be brought back to reality of life, and for God to hold on to Him and His mind, and keep him from harms way. WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT OF US? I ask, and this is a prayer we all need to be making, and making with our God in mind,and then our Nation... for our leaders in Washington, have left both out of all decisions... Without getting political, and also finding a way to say it, is not possible,,, for on all next elections,, WE the American people, no matter the nationality, the color of ones skin, the belief of Republican, or Democrat,,, need to vote for those who profess and prove to be a Christian,, into office, and also require a brain test,,,, and you will do this, if you really look at what these "so called" cliff savers have passed ... Now, off politics, long enough to say,, pray for this Nation, and all laws passed, be that after all involved have gone to the Lord on their knees, and pray for divine leading,, and quite following the Pied Piper... You the people have paid for them to live better than most of us, given them big cars, life long retirement, and insurance(better than all of us).. and a great places to go, except the Congress, if you will look at the attendance, and the vote... enough, enough, for if we want our Nation to continue, a free Nation Under God, then we must pray, and at election time , before we vote, ask this question, JUST WHAT MORE DO YOU,,, WANT FROM US,,,, then vote! Lord, deliver this Nation from satans hand, and put Your People back in charge...amen John HIcks This morning, enough is enough!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


SUNDAY! Good Morning to all! I hope all are well, and in good spirit this fine day of our Lords! Give Him thanks for it, and every day,, for with out Him,, it is just another day,,,,better with, than without! The more attached we are to a vision of the future, the less present we are,, to what is actually trying to emerge here and now! REACH OUT DAY! Today is reach-out day,, for reaching out saying to your buddy,,, best friend,, friend,, or just someone you know,,, or someone you don't even know,,, "Hey, do you know Jesus Christ? Are you saved? Have you been born again, by faith? If not,, would you like to know how to do this?" Now will you do it? Will you walk up to someone,, or into the middle of a crowd, and when your time comes to speak,, ask the question, is there anyone here, who is not saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ,, anyone who does not know Him, anyone who would like to know Jesus Christ ,, and Gods' plan for salvation? Would you? Will you? Or will you wish you had, after that person is gone,, or the crowd is broken up? Think,, if Jesus said the same thing,, "I wish I had asked..........."? Don't miss out on being a spoke-person for God ,, He will never forsake you! TODAY,,,,REACH OUT TO SOMEONE,,, EVEN IF THAT SOMEONE IS YOU!!! Lord, give me the tongue to speak of You, to all I meet, and especially Lord, I invite you into my heart, and I give You my soul...and I pray for all those lost in this world,,,, amen John HIcks sometimes, we may look at our arms, and think, we can only reach the second shelf,, but if we will just close our eyes, and use our brain, we can make these arms reach all the way around someone we care about,, and reach those lost, and guide them to Jesus, and safety of their soul. How far can you reach, and just how far do you really want to reach?

Saturday, January 5, 2013


SATURDAY! Good morning, and may God bless you with all your dreams today!!! Thank Him in advance , for He is the one to give, and to love beyond all you know! Have a great , another day,, on Him, again!!! Prayer Request: For Amanda Newby,, who is feeling real weak again,,,please pray for her complete recovery, from what ever this is, and won't turn loose. Pray to the greatest physican, who can cure anything, anytime. Prayer will work!!! UP OR DOWN? Very short this morning,,, look back up at the question,, and if you know God, received Jesus, then you are looking correctly,,if not,,, well, then you must look down,, and you know what down is! Live or burn! Just simple, no beating around the ole bush,, you either do, or you don't! Your choice,,,, think about it,,, now make the decision UP OR DOWN? God, I pray for those who do not know You.. and I ask for all the instruments of knowledge that who I meet, I will have that knowledge of explaining You, and help to bring them to Your son, Jesus, amen John HIcks Have a great God's day, and enjoy the bounty He has set forth!

Friday, January 4, 2013


FRIDAY!!!! TGIF! Good morning to all, and I hope all wake up with the Lord in your heart, and His word upon your lips...and when you do get these two things in order and done, then go out and have a wonderful day,,,, on Him!!! Prayer Request : For our Nation,,, and for the leadership of those who guides Her today, may they seek God first, before any decisions, and let Him run this Nation, as intended! SUPER SALESMAN! Be the "Super Salesmen of the Week", be a Paul, an apostle of many trials , but success in passing on the word of God. You can be this same wittiness of Christ if you really want to. How? By opening your mouth and brain to God and His Word, then He will take over and deliver the message and testimonials that He deems necessary at the time. Testify(sell) the word of God!!!!!!!!!! NOW ,,, YOU BE THE SALESMAN OF THE WEEK! GOD WILL SMILE! Almighty God, Be my mouth and my brain, talk through me and help me to spread your word, and to be a wittiness for your plan of salvation, in your name I pray. amen John HIcks Trying to be the way my Lord wants me to be,,,, and as long as any of us keep trying and have faith, He will deliver us to do His work..... join me, by just asking,, yes that easy, ask and believe, really!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all... Waking up is so hard to do! Unless you are having a coffee attack,,,, Ha! Today is the day for all of us to get out and hunt all the positives we see,, and here is the challenge,,,, "find four(4) positives, and one negative, then find a reason to make that negative into a positive",,, now ,this may sound like it is hard, but at a plant I worked at ,, we done this for a year, and we all became much more positive... Take a little card with you, and write on it each time you find the positive, and the negative, and what you did to turn it around... try it , for it can turn into a really good practice, and a good game... and what is my first one positive, (1)I know and believe in my God! Prayer Request: Please pray for Cathy Watson, who is house bound, and was a very active person , outside the home, pray for God to meet her needs. BEST OF THE BEST Be the BEST you can for the Lord! What you do and what you say, is the best testimony for Him that you can do. Your actions are forever, so be a good example. Let everyone know how to make the "forever" the place they want to share. Show them that your faith and confession to Jesus, is the way to Heaven. Spread the word with your actions, and be the BEST OF THE BEST! Just remember, what you say and what you do, goes a long way. Lord grant us a good day, give us the ability to spread Your word to ALL we meet, and may You give us the strength, and we have the faith, to live as an example , and that example be of You, and pleasing to others , so they will follow the path to you. amen John Hicks All comments are welcome , good or bad. Add a friend to our list! The list goes up and down, but is going down quicker than if you know someone you might think would like this each morning , please send me their address,,you could be the deciding factor in someoness life,,,and your name will never be mentioned,, unless you want me too... I would bet there are many names ,, if you will just stop, think, and do... please!!!..God's word is the best word,, and yes,,, it is FOREVER!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Getting this year off to a real good start! I woke up late, got up, and thank the Lord for the day, and yes!!! Off to the kitchen and a wonderful cup of that great Java! Ha! Libby had already got up and made it!!! But ,I am addicted, I must is my one morning delight, for I say, when the Lord gives you a day, then start it off with the enjoyment of Him at your side, and whatever makes you the happiest next! Bless each of you on this second day of this New Year! Prayer Requests: For the family of Carolyn Grace Moulton, who passed on to Heaven December 31st. She is the sister of Elaine Chanbers, and brother-in-law of Alan Cambers...good friends of ours. Mandy Weeks Munsford, 35 yrs. old has recurring ovarian cancer, and it is in her lymph nodes. Please pray for Gods hand to reach down and touch Mandy . Jessica, Cullman, Al. has ulcerative colitis, is four months pregnant, and is in the hospital with a horrible flare up of her UC. Nothing is getting it to respond, so please pray for her colon to start to respond to treatment, and that the baby is fine, and that all will go well with her UC, and the baby... This is the same UC, that Christy Hicks had,, if you remember and Christy is in deep , deep prayer over Jessica.. so let's all join in also, thank you all for all the above prayers of all.... FREE FALL! Remember the picture of Wiley Cyotote? Well, you, and I are now in "free fall",, from our government... Did you ever believe our Congress, our President, would let this happen, when they new it was to be done even from the first of the year 2012? I am very un-happy with my reps. in Washington, and I will pray for them to reach into their hearts for God to re-enter them, take the greed out of them. and that they will start looking at putting America back up straight, and not tipsy in front of the rest of the world, ... Just what do they think that all those who died to make Her free, died for, and who do they think is paying their tremulously and too high social life? Please join me in a prayer chain of help from our Heavenly Father,, that He grant a new and useful brain to each and every one of those overfed "porkies",,, I know , calm down, and relax...o.k.,,,but please pray for A PARACHUTE , FROM THE LORD GOD , TO SAVE THIS NATION, AND LAND ON OUR FEET, AGAIN! Lord, I ask for the Congress of the US, to get together as a group, have a real prayer to You, and put our fate, in Your hands, and also I pray for all those in the prayer requests today, and for this whole world, to return to YOU,,, amen John HIcks We , still at this time have a great Nation to live in,, but for how long? and once it is gone, folks , it will be gone,,pray, and I really mean it, pray for Her...daily, minute by minute!!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE,,, may God bless you all, and may He give you all your prayer wishes that you ask that are within His realm of goodness! God Thank You, for 2012, and all we received, the good , the bad, for we know it was all yours for a good and great reason, even if we don't understand,, we know You, and still have the faith of our convictions of You, as our one and only , God! Prayer Request: For the Family of Maria Pierce, who passed on to the Lords arms, last night. John HIcks Again, to all,,, from Libby and I,, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL ALSO!